Escape of the clone. (closed for slut in white and myself)

Abby woke with a jolt at the sound of someone pounding on the door and rolled out of bed, pulling a thick, fuzzy housecoat on over her pajamas to ward off the cold. She blinked the sleep out of her eyes, confused, and then her eyes went wide and she poked her head out into the living room, searching for Alex. He was nowhere to be seen, which was good, because even if the people at the door weren't looking for him, he was too recognizable to be seen in by a stranger.

The pounding on the door continued, and she heard an angry-sounding voice shouting something through the door. She pulled it open and blinked up at several men dressed in dark riot-looking uniforms, glowering down at her.

"We're looking for a missing man. A fugitive."

Abby's heart jumped into her throat. Oh god. The men from the Compound. They were looking for Alex. "Uh. I'm the only one here."

The man nodded and then, without another word, shoved her backwards, drawing an indignant cry from her.

"We will search this building," he informed her, a command rather than a question.

Abby straightened, flushing with anger. "Who the hell are you people? What gives you to right?"

The man grinned cruelly at her. "You are American. You should learn, you don't have rights here."

One of the other men called to the leader in Russian, and pointed at the stairs.

Abby's eyes went wide. "Hey! Wait! You can't go down there!"

Several of the men turned to look at her, and then immediately made for the basement - if she didn't want them down there, it was the most likely place to find him.

"HEY!" She followed them down the stairs to find a few of them standing inside the server room where the weather data was collected. Another group had gathered around the door to the culture lab, peering inside. The whole room was sealed with glass panes, and the door had sealed closed. Abby knew Alex was hidden in there, somewhere. There was a rotating red light in the center of the lab, and one of the men knocked on the door.

"You can't go in, there's live, dangerous cultures in there, exposed. It's too dangerous," she lied smoothly, surprised at how matter-of-fact she sounded. She wasn't a biologist, so the lab wasn't in use with her up here. Sometimes, NASA used the culture lab to build experiments concerning extreme natural cold, and when there was a dangerous experiment going on, the entire room is seal to prevent the whole Cottage from being exposed.

The men glowered at Abby. "We'll wait until it's finished."

Abby rolled her eyes. "It'll be at least another 24 hours. And if you'e fugitive is in there, he's probably already dead. That room is full of a particularly virulent culture"

Some of the men held another conversation in Russian, and the leader made a face. "Fine. Search the rest of the building."

The men headed back upstairs and Abby had to watch as they tore apart the living space - flipping the mattress, tossing all her clothes, emptying the cupboards in the kitchen. Half of the things they did couldn't possibly have been an attempt to actually find Alex. Have of the spaces they searched couldn't have held a child, much less a full-grown man. She got the sense they were doing this on purpose, as punishment for her preventing them from going into the lab.

An hour later, the entire living space was a disaster, but the men were leaving. Abby went to the window to watch the helicopter lift off, and then fly away until they disappeared over the horizon. Then, she hurried downstairs and knocked on the lab door. "Alex? Alex, it's me. It's safe to come out, now."
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There were windows in the room. Alex hid behind some machinery, but positioned himself so that he could peek through the machines at the window in the door. He heard Abby cry and he heard raised voices, one of them Abby's. He heaved a sigh of relief. She was alive, at least. Then the thunder of boots on stairs as the guards came down into the basement. He peeked. One of the guards was staring right at him!

Alex closed his eyes, waiting for the inevitable cry of discovery. It never came. Alex had hidden himself so well that he could look without being seen. There was pounding on the door however, and more raised voices, Abby's a clear counterpoint to the coarse guttural voices of the men.

Whatever she said, it was working. There was some more conversation and the sound of them going back upstairs. Alex settled back and slowly exhaled in relief. He counted 63 minutes and 17 seconds of noise from above. Kettles being thrown to the floor, plates breaking, and above it all he heard Abby giving them a hard time. She was brave. And finally, silence. Then came the soft footfalls and the tender knock on the door as she coaxed him out of his shelter.

Going back upstairs, Alex groaned when he saw the mess and damage from the guards. "This is all my fault," he said, his head hanging low. "I can't let you risk anything more for me. I'll leave tomorrow."

He went to the kitchen and started picking up and cleaning after the guards.
I can't let you risk anything more for me. I'll leave tomorrow.

Abby whirled around to stare, wide-eyed, at Alex, and seized his hand. "No!" she cried, quite before she could stop herself. She paused, blushing at her outburst, but she didn't let go of him. "I don't want you to leave," she admitted softly. "I... If you want to go, I won't stop you. It would be wrong of me to force you to stay here if you want to go out into the world and see it. But you have a recognizable face, and people will know who you are if you just go out without preparation. If you really want to go, I'll do my best to explain everything you'll need to know to survive, and to help you disguise yourself."

She paused, and shook her head, feeling incredibly selfish. "But, um, I'd like it if you could stay. I enjoy showing you new things. I enjoy your company. I do really think that it would be better and safer for you if you gave me a chance to teach you more about the world before you left, too, but I can't honestly tell if that's because that's actually true or if I've just convinced myself it is so that I can have an excuse to spend more time with you."

Her face was bright red with a blush, and she couldn't meet his eyes. "I'm sorry to put this on you, Alex. You don't have to stay if you don't want to, of course. But I... I can't let you go without telling you the truth. I'd like for you to stay. Please."
He never got as far as the kitchen. She grabbed his hand and held him as she first argued against why he shouldn't go. The arguments were sound enough in themselves, but then she added words that made him confused and happy all at once.

She didn't want him to leave, even after all the trouble he'd put her through! The thought made him happy, very happy. The same thought made Abby red, apparently. He paused then, thinking so hard that his head hurt.

"I ... want to see the world. I want to ... live with others, to work, to make friends, to eat at a diner like they did in that movie, to watch sunsets ... and I think I want you to teach me as much as you can first, then we can go do these things together somewhere. Because I like you. You are clever and brave. And you are kind and you are pretty."

He meant every word, but a lack in social skills and residual medication left the delivery of those lines with something to be desired. It was flat and matter-of-fact. He heard himself that his voice lacked conviction, making him exclaim in exasperation.

"I mean every word of this ... but ... my voice is flat. It's like ..." He'd managed to convey his emotions earlier, why not now? And then it struck him, clear as day: it frightened him.

He laughed then, a short bark of a laugh. He sat down on the floor, pulling her with him. "I'm afraid," he said. And with that, it felt like a burden was lifted off his shoulders. "I am afraid because the world is such a big place and I'm afraid I won't be able to see and do all I want. I am afraid because the guards might be back and take me away or worse, hurt you. I am afraid because I watched you sleep earlier and I wanted to climb into the bed with you and fall asleep to the sound of you breathing. And I am afraid because your face turns red like you're angry when you say those nice things to me."

And he found that his voice could carry emotions as long as he was being completely honest. And the words "clever, brave, kind, pretty", although true, didn't even begin to tell what he felt for her. The closest he'd come was his line about seeing her sleep.

"All those things frighten me. But what I fear more than anything is never seeing you or talking with you again. It hurts here," he pointed at his chest, "when I think that you might not want to sit next to me on the couch. You are soft and warm and you make me feel funny-good when you touch me. And you have a nice voice and you explain everything to me and..."

He trailed off. This reminded him more than a little of the climactic scene in the film where the man confessed his love to the woman he'd argued with all through the movie. That had ended with them kissing.

But he couldn't. Kissing led to sexing, and he couldn't sex. She probably wanted a boyfriend that could help her make babies.

"... and we should clean up and get back to sleep," he finished.
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When Alex first started speaking, Abby nearly choked, because she believed he was trying to tell her that he still wanted to leave. But then, as he continued, it became clear that he wasn't saying that at all. And that his feelings for her were growing stronger.

She blushed brightly, listening to the way he called her clever, brave, kind and pretty. And then brighter as he pulled her down to the floor and tried to explain what he meant in better words.

I wanted to climb into the bed with you and fall asleep to the sound of you breathing.

"Oh!" She made a sound of surprise, her eyes going very wide, and she giggled nervously averting her eyes. It was, admittedly, a clumsy way to explain how he felt, but she couldn't ever remember anyone saying anything that was quite so sweet, or sent the butterflies in her stomach fluttering, the way that did.

And I am afraid because your face turns red like you're angry when you say those nice things to me.

She laughed again, this time squeezing his hands, happy to be back into the more familiar territory of explaining things to him. "No, that's not something to fear, Alex. When I turn red, it's called blushing. It's.. well, it's actually means I'm feeling strong emotion. It's usually associated with being embarrassed, but you turn red when you're angry, or very sad, too. But when I blushed because you're saying such sweet things to me..." She paused, her face reddening again. "It's probably a sign that I like it," she admitted.

Alex continued to explain himself, but something seemed to bother him, and abruptly, he got to his feet and said that they should clean up and get back to bed.

Abby pushed herself to her feet too, and frowned. "Alex... Is something wrong?" She wondered if maybe her admission that she enjoyed the things he said to her might have made him uncomfortable. She blushed again, but this time, looked unhappy.
"Alex... Is something wrong?"

He stopped. His back was turned to her, and his shoulders slumped. He didn't want to have this conversation. It was ... embarassing to him that he couldn't get a stiff penis to sex her with. It made him want to cry. And so he looked at her over his shoulder with a sad smile while he consciously lied to her for the first time. With a voice devoid of any emotion, he told her: "Nothing is wrong. I'm just tired."

For the next hour he busied himself cleaning up the mess the guards had made, avoiding any attempts at serious conversation. There was enough to be done. The guards had made a terrible mess. They had even broken a few plates. It was upsetting that all this had happened because of him, and when they were done cleaning up, he apologized again.

"If it wasn't for me, this wouldn't have happened. I'm sorry Abby."

But he also felt bad for lying to her. It had been gnawing at him all the time they had been cleaning up. He'd looked at her out of the corner of his eyes and seen a confused hurt look on her face. He didn't like that, not one bit. He liked it much better when she smiled and blushed. And so, when she was just about to retire to her room, he said: "Abby, wait."

"There's ... it's difficult to ... I wanted ... But I can't." He sighed, gathered his thoughts, tried again: "When we talked just now you said some nice things to me and I said what I felt for you. It reminded me of that scene in that movie, and it ended with them kissing. I wanted to kiss you. But I don't know how to kiss. And kissing leads to sexing. I can't sex because my penis doesn't get stiff. And so ... well..."

He shrugged as he trailed off. At least she knew now.
Abby spent the hour cleaning in silence, uncertainty and sadness warring in her mind the whole time. What had she done to upset Alex so much that he didn't want to talk to her? He was hiding something - she knew that. He didn't have enough experience with people to know how to lie smoothly, so she knew he hadn't been honest with her when he said that he was just tired. But she didn't want to push - if it was something he couldn't talk about, she shouldn't press him for more. He had a right to privacy, and she still felt like she held an uncomfortable amount of power over him. If she'd pushed most other people, she was sure they'd tell her to fuck off. Alex, though? He depended on her so completely that he had to be afraid of upsetting her, so she wasn't sure that he felt he could say no. It was much the same reason why, despite nursing a growing crush, she knew she could never act on it.

As they finished, Abby was about to retreat back into her room when Alex called for her to wait, and she turned to look at him, unable to suppress the hope that he might explain what she'd done wrong so she could fix it. Only, then he started explaining, and she blushed, realizing she'd badly misread the entire situation.

She took a few steps towards him and held out her hands, waiting for him to take them. She smiled softly, uncertainly, and her gaze dropped to their linked hands, her heart beating out of her chest. "I... Are you sure this is what you want? It's just, romance can be a very complicated thing, and I'd be afraid that, a while from now, once we leave here and you start to see the world at large, you'll think I tried to, um, take advantage of you." She looked up at him from under her lashes. "I just want to make absolutely sure this is what you want. If you're uncomfortable at all, if you're not absolutely certain, don't push yourself to do anything you don't want to do, okay? I'd hate myself if I found out you'd made yourself do something you didn't want to do." She squeezed his hands, taking a deep breath. "B-but, if you're sure... I don't care if you don't know how to kiss, Alex. No one does, when they first try. I can... I can teach you. If you want."
He grasped her hands in his and listened. She seemed to think that this might be too soon, but she was still willing to teach him. He was conflicted. He liked her a lot, and he liked it when she was blushy happy like now. She had stood up for him and put herself in danger for him. But she said that romance was complicated, that he might regret this later. He knew now that there were millions, billions of women out there. What if he later met a prettier one?

That gave him some pause. Was prettiness the only way one measured the quality of a woman? His Mother had been pretty. She had also been deceitful and cruel. Abby on the other hand? He'd listed up her good qualities enough times to know that he more than liked her.

Did he want this? Two days ago he hadn't known he wanted to see the world. Two days ago he hadn't known of Abby, hadn't known such kindness and tenderness. Yes, he was dependent of her for almost anything. But she gave him a choice. She always gave him choices. She never punished or got angry. And the way she looked up at him now made his heart ache in a sweet and painful way.

His thumbs started stroking the back of her hands. He loved the feel of her soft skin sliding under his fingers. And she was close and she was blushy, and she was breathing, and he wanted this more than anything.

"Why would I regret this?", he asked her. "You have been so very kind to me. You have saved my life two times now. And you have taught me so much. You say I might regret this, but you might regret this too. What if you meet someone better when we get home? Will you feel that you can't have this better person because we've kissed? Will I regret kissing you if my heart starts aching when I see another woman, do you think? I don't know. And the way you say these things makes me think you don't know either."

Thinking back to some of the conversations in the movie, he understood that romance was very difficult and full of uncertainties. It was part of the Outside experience, apparently. Abby was here and Abby was now. Every time he felt her, smelled her, looked at her, talked with her, he knew that his heart surged and that he became happy.

"I want to try, Abby. I want to kiss you. Teach me."
He seemed to understand the risk. He knew he was picking her over women he hadn't met yet. And he was okay with that. So she smiled and led him over to the couch, taking a seat next to him. She turned slightly so that she was facing him, and leaned close.

"Kissing is... Well, you saw the movie. You put your lips against another person's, and um, sort of... move them?" She laughed nervously. "I guess I'm bad at explaining? We'll just go slow and learn as we go, okay?"

She looked into his eyes to make sure he was ready, and then took a deep breath to calm her hammering heart, and closed the distance between them, easing her lips carefully over his. It lasted only a moment, just long enough for her to taste his lips, and then she pulled back. "Was that... okay?"
Her smile made him warm. She led him to the couch, and he followed her willingly. And when she talked she seemed to stumble a bit over her own words as he did. And suddenly everything was soft and warm and close, and he felt his blood rush and his lips tingle. And abruptly, it stopped.

"Was that... okay?"

"Oh," was all he could say. A short exclamation from someone pleasantly surprised. He rubbed his lips together, savouring the tingling sensation tickling them. He brought two fingers up to his lips next, gently rubbing them. And a slow smile spread across his face.

"It was too short," he answered, still smiling. He leaned in, stopped, tried again, stopped again. It felt wrong to just make the lips meet and nothing else. And so he clumsily cupped her chin and pulled her towards him as he leaned in.

Their lips met again. This time he held it for a few more seconds as he tried matching his lip movements to hers. He pressed too hard at first, making her yelp just a little. He eased up, and there was warm softness again.

He let up and released her gently. "It is better when it lasts longer. I am sorry I pressed too hard. I like that it tingles and I like the soft warmth. I can taste your breath. That's strange, but I like it. Can we do this some more, please?"
Abby couldn't stop smiling. Alex seemed as flushed and happy as she was, even though both of them were a little uncertain about what they were doing. He told her the first kiss was too short, and she laughed, pleased at that particular reaction. She nodded in agreement, and let him approach her this time, unable to keep the smile off her face at the adorable way he tried to dip towards her twice before finally catching her chin and drawing her towards him.

As their lips met the second time, she slipped her arms carefully around his neck and pulled herself closer to him, which probably didn't help when he started pressing a bit too hard, making her squeak slightly against his lips. He seemed to catch the issue, though, and soon, her body was pressing gently against his while she traced her tongue over his bottom lip.

Can we do this some more, please?

She giggled. "Of course."

Over the next little while, they simply explored each other. Abby began to add new sensations to their kisses - the parting of lips, the meeting of tongues - and Alex seemed eager to follow her lead. Soon, she was breathless and panting softly, her skin flushed and warm with desire. If they continued much longer, she was going to start wanting more, and she wasn't sure it was a good idea to go that far already, especially considering that Alex still wasn't capable of getting an erection after whatever they'd done to him at the Compound. She had no doubt whatsoever that he'd be able to get one eventually - she was certain no one would pay for a clone if they couldn't have sex in their new body - but it seemed like it was going to take some time.

"I, um, maybe we should get some sleep..." she whispered. Dawn was fast approaching, and they'd been up half the night at this point.
"I, um, maybe we should get some sleep..."

Alex agreed. This night had been more than exciting for the both of them. The kissing had evolved, and he loved the way it felt like when their tongues met. It was wet and warm in a very pleasant way. His body reacted favourably, but apart from a dull throbbing ache there was no reaction from his sex. It was frustrating, but for the time being there was little he could do about it.

The following week they still, by some tacit agreement, slept separately. The days were spent reading and discussing. Books were devoured and the internet was surfed extensively. He was also taught more cooking, and after a few very dangerous attempts he was allowed to chop firewood. He also went for walks and runs. He had quickly overcome his fear of most beasts, although he was warned to have a healthy respect for any large predators, should he stumble upon them. He encountered nothing more savage than squirrels, hares, and deer, although once, far off, he saw what he'd come to recognize as a helicopter. He'd gone to ground like a frightened animal then.

Life in the cabin settled in a routine of studying, doing chores, discussing, watching movies, and making out. They had started fondling each other's bodies with the understanding that they both were to be respected if they said 'no' or 'stop'. They were taking it slow, but Alex didn't fail to notice that Abby grew ever more aroused as the week progressed. As for himself, he'd started getting more and more aroused as the inhibitors they'd fed him wore off.

A week later, they'd gone to bed after a serious session of kissing and fondling that left them both flustered and short of breath. They still slept separated. Alex dreamt.

He was running through the warm snow. Far off was Abby, standing naked and with open arms, waiting to embrace him. They melted into each other's arms, and a warm tickly sensation spread from his groin as they kissed and moved ever more hectically against one another. And then...

...he yelled "Abby" as he woke up. But something was off. He was short of breath and flustered, yet he felt wonderful and- hello? There was a warm sticky substance in his groin area. He lifted the duvet and was met with the sight of soiled underwear. It had some sticky white substance smeared all over it. In his sleep-addled state, he panicked and called for Abby.

"Abby. I think there's something wrong with me!"
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The past week had been wonderful. Heavenly. She thought it might be good they couldn't sleep together yet - going slow seemed wise. But she couldn't deny her body's response to his touch, either, and they'd been growing more adventurous with each day. Where they'd started out with soft, innocent kisses, now, whenever they took a break from learning or working, Alex's hands eagerly roved over her body. She was amused to learn he seemed to have a particular appreciation for her chest, despite it being admittedly rather small. She had always felt somewhat self-conscious about her breasts - the natural result of simply being so petite - so his apparent appreciation for them felt good.

She'd been tempted, more than once, to invite Alex into bed with her, but she was still hung-up on the fear that she might push him into something he was uncomfortable with. It wasn't fair of her, she knew, because Alex had done nothing so far that would indicate he didn't feel comfortable telling her no. More than once, she'd pushed a little too far, and he'd stopped her, gently, and she'd apologized. Usually, it was more than he wanted an explanation of what she was doing, rather than any inherent discomfort, but it still should have suggested to her that she needed to trust him. She was working on it.

It was the middle of the night when she woke to the sound of Alex calling her name, sounding panicked, and she rolled out of bed, immediately terrified that the guards from the Compound had come back. Instead, she found Alex standing in front of the couch, the duvet hanging from his shoulders, his underwear visibly soiled with... wait, was that semen?

Abby swallowed a giggle, not wanting to embarrass him, and walked up to him. She pressed a kiss to his cheek. "It's alright, Alex. You're just fine. In fact, this is a good sign. It's a sign that the effects of the drugs from the Compound are starting to wear off properly." She took his hand and led him to the bathroom. "Clean yourself up. I'll explain when you're done."

When he came out again, she had made each of them a cup of tea, and had pulled her own blanket off her bed and wrapped herself up on it, sitting on the couch.

"What just happened to you is called ejaculation, or orgasm. Or sometimes people call it cumming. Or climax." She paused, giggling. "It never really occurred to me that there would be so many words for it. But anyway, the point is, it happens at the culmination of sex. Women have their own version of it. Having sex is very pleasurable, all throughout the act, but at the end, each partner experiences this... this explosion of pleasure that usually leaves them exhausted. And the man usually releases that white, sticky stuff, called semen, into the woman. Evolutionarily, it was so pleasurable because that's how the male releases his genetic material to produce a baby." She blushed, looking down into her lap. "I, um, suspect it probably means you'd be capable of an erection, since I don't think men can usually orgasm without being erect," she suggested, leaving him to put the rest of the implications of that together.
Washing off the semen was easy enough. Harder to appreciate was the fact that he'd had his first orgasm in his sleep. He felt good after the initial panic had subsided. Better than good, much tension had left him. Looking at his penis, he saw it throbbing half-heartedly between his legs. He grasped it and gave it a quick tug. A wave of pleasure rushed through him, more raw and urgent than when he kissed and fondled Abby.

Drinking the tea, he listened to Abby's explanation. She was right. It was a rather pleasant sensation. He watched her closely as she explained things to him. She was blushing. Did that mean that she was embarassed, aroused, or both? He thought of having sex with her right here, right now. The thought made his penis almost cramp up in his boxers.

Looking her square in the eyes, he told her: "I think maybe I am getting an erection again. Do you want to have sex now? It's almost painful, but it feels wonderful all the same. Look."

And without any ceremony he cast his duvet aside and pulled his manhood out of his boxers. Having little to no experience, Alex was unaware that he was fairly endowed. 7.5 inches fully erect, and as thick as almost three of Abby's slender fingers. (He didn't know that Brent Matthews had demanded enlarging of his member as sort of an incentive to switch bodies if it ever should be necessary.)

He placed his hands gently on top of her thighs, his manhood on proud display. "Would you like to have sex now? I'd love to try it," he said.
Abby was going to respond when Alex told her he was getting an erection, but before she could say much of anything, he threw aside the blanket and pulled his shaft out of his boxers, making her squeak in surprise and avert her eyes.

She realized, after a moment, that there were a dozen ways he could have taken offense at her discomfort, so she looked up into his eyes, wondering how to explain. "I... I'm sorry, Alex. It's nothing wrong with you, I was just startled. There's usually some... um, nerves, or build up to seeing someone nude like that. Not that there's anything wrong with feeling so comfortable..." She sighed, feeling like she wasn't explaining herself well. "I just wasn't expecting you to react that way, that's all."

Her gaze flickered down to the visible length again and she drew her bottom lip into her mouth. He was certainly well-endowed, and she certainly couldn't deny wanting him all week. There was some uncertainty and hesitation in her mind, but her lust was easily winning out.

She shifted carefully, moving slowly until she was sitting straddled over his thighs. She wasn't touching his erection - yet - but it was undeniably the most intimate position they'd taken yet. She licked her lips and leaned forward to kiss him softly. "I'd like to try," she whispered. Her hands came to meet his on her thighs, and she started guiding his touch up her legs, then dipped his fingers down below the waist of her pajama pants. "Ah! Um. Normally, we begin with something called foreplay. Kissing and touching to encourage further a-arousal before the actual act itself," she explained breathlessly, her voice catching in her throat, while his fingers started exploring further and further down below her waistband.
Abby apparently wasn't used to someone just dropping their boxers like that. Her surprised squeak, once Alex understood the significance, was actually more endearing than anything else. She was shy. He'd encountered the concept of shyness from the films they'd seen over the last week, but he had trouble grasping what it felt like. He'd been around naked women and men most of his life, as they'd had communal showers in the Compound. He started realizing how strong the meds they'd given him were. Not once had he felt any urges towards the clones of very attractive women he'd been around.

But the urges were here now, and in full blossom. And not only was the woman climbing on to him a kind and generous soul, she was easily the match of the female clones in physical beauty. And as she kissed him and spoke to him with a quavering voice as she guided his hands inside her pants, he realized that she was aroused as well.

He first brushed his fingers along a soft and warm stomach. He loved the smooth warmth and her ticklish response to his touch, and his fingers lingered for a while, stroking her skin. Then he delved further down and found a patch of soft hair. It was titillating to watch her face grow flushed as his hand explored her. He delved deeper still and found soft folds of skin. His touch there made her gasp and he spent the next few minutes exploring and fondling as she guided and corrected his touch. She leaned forward and kissed him fervently and he responded in kind.

He noticed that the folds of skin grew slick with a viscous fluid that made it easier for him to manipulate her without hurting her. Almost by itself, one of his fingers slipped inside a warm, slick and moist hole. Judging by her reaction, it was enjoyable to her. As she leaned forward, her body rubbed against his almost painfully erect penis. Almost by himself, he started thrusting against her as his penis got more and more stimulus and he grew more excited.
Abby gasped, her whole body trembling as Alex's fingers started exploring her body. She placed her hands over his shoulders and gripped hard. She started swallowing noises of powerful pleasure, her lips pressed eagerly against his skin as he started rolling her hips against his touch.

He explored her folds with tentative touches and he started rubbing gently while her body started responding by growing slick with wetness. He seemed surprised by the feeling, and she smiled, nodding to suggest that it was normal and good.

And then he started rubbing and thrusting against her stomach. She moaned softly, feeling how hard he was as he rubbed ineffectually against her. It had to be a teasingly unsatisfying sensation. She smiled and pressed a kiss to his neck, then reached down and wrapped small, cool fingers around the base of his cock. She started stroking slowly, watching his eyes as she moved, intimately aware that he'd never been touched like this before.

"How does this feel?"
His neck was one of his very tender points. He gasped and squirmed when she kissed him there and for a moment his increasingly inquisitive brain just shut up and felt. And it was glorious. Colors flashed before his eyes and all he could concentrate on was his breath.

The all too brief kiss stopped, and he felt a deliciously firm grip around his penis. As she started stroking he gasped anew. Nothing had prepared him for a sensation quite like this. It was basically indescribable, like a tickly and violently pleasant massage, sending jolts of raw lust throughout his body.

His hands forgot what they were doing. He grasped the sheet with one hand and the line of her pants with the other as she increased the massage of his member. There was a feeling inside of him that made him tense his whole body. It was like he was a kettle where pressure was steadily increasing. There was no coherent thought in his head, only a frantically blissful feeling that grew ever sharper and more focused.

His breath grew more rapid and his body jerked by its own volition as he felt like he might dissolve inside the lustful feelings racing through him. And then his hips bucked one-two-three times as he came. He let out a long and loud moan as a sweet blackness overtook him. Far off he registered a surprised gasp from Abby and the feeling of something warm spattering him.

Acting out of instinct now, he pulled Abby towards him and kissed her fiercely as he embraced her. He needed her close to ground him as an intense orgasm coursed through him like an express train. For the longest time he could only hold her tight as his breath slowed down.

Finally he managed to mutter a heartfelt "thank you". He realized two things: he had smeared his sperm between them, and he hadn't yet had intercourse. And he was winded from two very powerful orgasms. He just hoped Abby wouldn't be angry with him if he couldn't perform again.
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Abby realized, once her brain recovered from the violent passion of Alex's kisses as he came, that she should have known he would cum from such a simple touch. This was his first waking orgasm.

She was lying against his chest, his sticky seed pressed between their bodies, listening to the sound of his labored breathing as he recovered. Her own body was still aching with lust, and she'd be lying if she said she wasn't disappointed that she wouldn't be able to have sex with him - she doubted very much that he'd be able to get hard a third time tonight - but she understood. If she'd wanted to have sex with him, she should probably not have touched him with her hands like that. But the way he looked and felt... It hadn't even bothered her that he'd stopped playing with her. She'd become completely taken by the look of overwhelming lust playing across his features. She hadn't seen anything so sexy in her life. Too many men tried to hide their pleasure and stayed quiet out of some odd need to be 'manly' but Alex had let her see his pleasure, and she loved it. She wanted to see more.

But as he started to calm, as he whispered his thanks, Abby started to become aware of the lustful ache between her legs, and the feeling of his sperm against her skin started arousing her further. Her breath hitched, and she started grinding her hips against his stomach and leg, moaning needily into his ear.

"Alex," she gasped, clinging to him, "please touch me. Please, I want to show you how to make me feel the way you do."
"Alex, please touch me. Please, I want to show you how to make me feel the way you do."

Alex slowly recovered from his lustful haze. Abby was grinding against him and speaking in a thick voice. Her face was flushed and her eyes seemed heavy.

He rolled her off of him and kissed her again as she lay under him. He wanted to see what she looked like under her pants. He tugged and pulled, and she lifted her bottom to help him pull her pants and panties off and for the first time he had full access to a woman's privates. They looked ... pretty, in a wriggly sort of way.

There were folds within folds. He ran a finger along the edge of one of the folds. It was slick, warm, and soft. It seemed like Abby liked that. She squirmed. And then she started instructing him. She wanted him to focus on the little hooded bud, but he was fascinated by the creamy soft skin on the inside of her thighs, so he ran his fingers across that as his other hand went to work.

After a while she demanded he use both his hands on her, one on the hooded little bead and an increasing number of fingers in her vagina. Watching her enjoyment was an immense pleasure, and he wanted to see her squirm and moan under him like that one day. As for now, he felt a dull surge of lust for her that didn't extend to his penis ... this time.

But when she came it was glorious, more glorious than he'd imagined. He kept stimulating her until she begged him to stop. To see her so wholeheartedly enjoy his ministrations made him happy and proud and when she lay shaking in orgasmic throes, he lay down next to her and held her and kissed her.

"I'm really looking forward to making love to you one time," he whispered as he held and kissed her. They lay side by side, kissing and talking and growing ever more drowsy. And then they finally succumbed to sleep, spooning on the couch.
As Alex started exploring her body, Abby started off helping him, instructing him - she directed him to touch her clit and to slide his fingers inside her, dragging them pleasurably against her inner walls, working them in and out at a steady pace. His other hand seemed taken with the soft, smooth skin on the inside of her thighs.

Soon, though, her head was thrown back in bliss and she was giving soft cries with each time his fingers grazed over her most sensitive spots. She asked him, her voice shaking and gasping, to use both his hands on her. He did, and she fisted her hands in the blankets gathered on the couch beneath them, tossing her head as the pleasure mounted.

A moment later, her orgasm struck her, drawing a strangled cry from her throat. Alex seemed to realize what was happening, because his finger started working her harder and faster, and she responded by bucking her hips hard against his hands. And soon it became too much, she was too overstimulated, and she began to whimper, needing him to stop but uncertain of how to warn him when she couldn't form words. After a few attempts, she gave up and simply grasped blindly at his hands until she could pull them away from her body. "Oh, please, please stop," she gasped. Her eyes fluttered open after a few moments, and she began to giggle, pulling him down for a kiss. "That was..." She stopped. There were no words. "Thank you."

He told her he was looking forward to making love to her one time, and she smiled, happily cuddling against him while he pulled the duvet up over the both of them to ward off the cool air of the cottage. "Only once?" she teased softly. "I'd certainly like to make love more times than that."


The next morning, the sun came streaming through the windows, and Abby woke feeling unusually warm. She was often cold in the mornings, but this morning, her back was pressed against a source of heat and comfort, with a pair of strong arms around her waist, holding her close. She smiled, remembering the events of the previous night. Waking up next to Alex like this was a lazy, contented sort of pleasure, and she wanted more.

She rolled carefully in his arms, trying to avoid waking him, until she was facing him. Then she buried her face happily against his neck, taking in his scent, feeling his pulse against her cheek and listening to him breathe until he woke on his own.
During the night, Alex awoke briefly and covered them with his ample duvet. He wrapped his arms around Abby and just lay there, feeling her warmth and listening to her calm breath while she slept. It was all he'd hoped for. It felt so safe and intimate and RIGHT! He lazily ran his fingers through her hair. She muttered something intelligible and edged closer to him. She sounded happy. Alex smiled. He was happy too.

He smelled her, inhaling her scent. It was a rich and clean fragrance, and he loved it. He lay down and buried his nose in the nape of her neck, falling asleep with her smell infusing him.

Sleep was warm and dry and safe. He had no dreams, only brief but vivid images of their first round of sex together. He subconsciously sensed her move, sensed her nuzzling up to him. It was a sensual ticklish sensation and he slowly, ever so slowly started waking up. He could smell her breath and feel her skin against him. He slowly opened his eyes, a smile lighting across his face as he saw the beautiful young woman lying next to him.

"Good morning, beautiful," he whispered. He leaned in and kissed her forehead. And the tip of her nose. And her lips. And then they were entwined again, kissing and stroking. He became aware of his manhood again as it started swelling with a vengeance.

He playfully prodded her thigh with his erection. "I think I want to make love to you now, Abby. Do you want to?"
Abby felt it when Alex started to wake - his breathing hitched slightly as he came out of his sleep, and a moment later, his eyes opened. Then her own breathing hitched as a lovely, happy, sleepy smile lit up his face as soon as his gaze met hers. There were few things that felt more wonderful than causing that sort of reaction in someone else.

He called her beautiful and then started to kiss her, her forehead, her nose, her lips... and soon, she was gasping and cooing with sleepy, contented pleasure, her legs tangling with his as they kissed. And she could feel his length hardening against her hip and stomach, making her smile against his lips as they kissed.

I think I want to make love to you now, Abby. Do you want to?

Abby paused, smiling, and pressed a kiss to his neck - she had noticed the way he had reacted to that last night. "Yes, I do." She squirmed, flushing as she felt her body growing warm already for him, wetness gathering between her legs at the thought of having him inside her, finally. She pressed a kiss to his lips, her breath coming shorter with anticipation. She reached down with a teasing little smile and grasped at his length, tugging gently on it, eager to see that look of ecstatic pleasure playing across his face again.
She kissed his neck again, and he couldn't suppress a gasp and twitch of pleasure as she did so. She was squirmy herself, he noticed. Her squirming like that meant that she was aroused. To watch her aroused was arousing in itself. Her smile as she gently grasped his penis was sweet and playful, and he groaned with pleasure as she gently, teasingly stroked him.

But he wouldn't allow her to have all the fun, far from it. His hand slid down her body and found her vagina and clitoris. He started gently stroking and exploring again. They held a little back this time, wanting only to warm each other up for intercourse.

After a little while, they were both more than ready. Alex was about to ask how they should proceed when she gently pulled him on top of her, positioning him between her legs. His penis rubbed against her moist folds, a sensation that drove him a little wild. He started poking impatiently against her, and in the end she had to guide him inside of her.

There was fumbling and guiding before he suddenly sank into a soft moist warmth that took his breath away. His mouth shaped itself into a perfect 'O' as he closed his eyes out of sheer pleasure. He sensed folds of flesh massaging him inside her and he had to muster all his willpower to not erupt inside her immediately.

"I ... need ... a ... moment!" he gasped as he kept still inside of her. He didn't want the sensation to go away, ever. His penis throbbed and ached and demanded that he move against her. And finally, he couldn't fight it. He started thrusting, gasping and moaning in pleasure. He had never imagined that anything could feel better than the manual stimulation he'd received last night, but this ... this was something else altogether.

He increased his pace. "I don't think I can hold out very long," he moaned as he slid in and out of her slick warmth.
There was something sweetly affectionate in the way the pair of them fumbled their way through the initial joining. Abby had to guide him in, and Alex seemed both eager and nervous, and she had to smile and kiss him several times to get him to relax.

And then, finally, he was inside of her. She arched and gasped as his full length filled her up and she nearly exploded then and there - the anticipation of it seemed to mean more than she expected. She was surprised by how close she was already.

Alex gasped out that he needed a moment, and she struggled to stay still for him. Her body wanted to buck and thrust, to bring her that little bit higher so she could plummet over the edge. She had to close her eyes and control her breathing, her whole body tense with the effort of holding still. But once he finally started moving, the reward was worth it. His motions were slow and somewhat uncertain, but gaining confidence and speed quickly.

He told her he wasn't going to last and she gave a strangled laugh, kissing him thoroughly. "Th-that's fine, me neither," she answered, grinning between gasps of pleasure.

And, as promised, a few moments later she felt Alex thicken inside her and she heard his breathing catch. Her own body responded beautifully, the thought of his coming orgasm driving her arousal up until she peaked with a cry and they two of them came tumbling down together.