Don't Vote...


Basic Limerent Object
Jul 30, 2001
if you don't know what you're doing.

Ok, it's election day, so time is up. If you didn't take the time to create an informed opinion, don't pull that lever. Don't walk into the booth and say to yourself, "Gee, whiz, Bob Craven or Elma Bratbuster for State Senator? I guess I always liked the name Bob."

Showing up to vote without making an informed choice does no service to democracy, and is nothing to be proud of. Better to skip that lever, and let somebody else decide. Maybe they took the time you didn't.

:) Happy, Happy Election Day!:)
This has been a pubic service announcement.
with this said and if it were adhered to, there would be a voter turn out of what, .09 percent or less?
The fewer people vote, the more your vote counts, bbw.
Harbinger said:
if you don't know what you're doing.

Showing up to vote without making an informed choice does no service to democracy, and is nothing to be proud of. Better to skip that lever, and let somebody else decide. Maybe they took the time you didn't.

Thanks for saying that Harbinger. I'm personally not voting this time because I've only lived in this state for three months and am not familiar enough with it or it's problems and needs, or it's politicians to make an informed decision.

I'll vote next time around, after I get to know the state and it's people a little better.
Even in the Revolution....

Only about 30% of the total population actually participated in the war, the rest watched from the sidelines. It looks that the average voter turnout percentages are close to that today, which makes the war harder for we that do battle in the polls, year after year. Still, it's good to see that a couple of centuries later, we haven't changed much! :D
Man, would the Democrats be pissed if they read what you guys are saying. Don't vote just because you're uninformed? Why, that's just un-American!
wait, drip drop is Harbinger's stalker?

kickass, I love having company when I'm trolling him.