Do your readers write Alternate endings in the comments


Really Experienced
Dec 8, 2013
I write a lot of loving wife stories. I admit I like the category and even enjoy the BTB crowd that gets so irate. What I find the funniest is people who try to write alternate endings to my stories. Sometimes at least 5 paragraphs. I mean, they take a lot of effort.

Does this happen to others or just me.
I write a lot of loving wife stories. I admit I like the category and even enjoy the BTB crowd that gets so irate. What I find the funniest is people who try to write alternate endings to my stories. Sometimes at least 5 paragraphs. I mean, they take a lot of effort.

Does this happen to others or just me.
Never had that. Then I wouldn’t touch LW with a robotically controlled bargepole in an elephant’s condom (now I read that, it could be either me or the bargepole in the condom - maybe both?).

I get requests for continuations or sequels. Which is nice, but sometimes odd if a story is clearly stand-alone.

A few times people had suggested endings to a sex scene. E.g. “it would have been better if he licked his cum out of your ass at the end”, but that’s not really rewriting.

I got my first like this just recently on my latest entry. The commenter wrote basically a sequel, introducing additional brothers into the equation and adding a bi-sexual male subplot... I thought their enthusiasm was fun.
Oh, the things that they want,
Oh the places they'll go...

There are always guys who want the mother pregnant. It's not enough that she's kind of a slut, she has to be a slut too dumb to take care for herself.
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I write a lot of loving wife stories. I admit I like the category and even enjoy the BTB crowd that gets so irate. What I find the funniest is people who try to write alternate endings to my stories. Sometimes at least 5 paragraphs. I mean, they take a lot of effort.

Does this happen to others or just me.

I've written "hot-wifish" stories but usually in the Exhibitionist category. So I've avoided some of the quantity of ire that these stories get would have gotten if published in the Loving Wives category. But I still get comments from readers who insist that my characters are destined for an unhappy life of STDs, cheating, divorce, unhappiness, violence, death, yada, yada. So in that sense they are mentally rewriting my stories in their heads.

It's always interesting to me that people can't understand the idea that it's fantasy.
Don't think I've had the "alternate ending," but I've certainly had people strongly suggest how to continue. Even when I clearly state "THE END" LOL.
Yes, I've had sequel suggestions, and usually they are not like anything I would do. If I ever get to a sequel, it will be something very different.

I'm tempted to say, "As long as you give me a credit, you can write your sequel idea and we'll see how you do with it." I doubt that any of them would accept the offer. They likely haven't even read my reply.
Oh, the things that they want, the places they'll go...

There are always guys who want the mother pregnant. It's not enough that she's kind of a slut, she has to be a slut too dumb to take care for herself.
That's taking the Oedipus complex a little too far, I'd say.
I've written "hot-wifish" stories but usually in the Exhibitionist category. So I've avoided some of the quantity of ire that these stories get would have gotten if published in the Loving Wives category. But I still get comments from readers who insist that my characters are destined for an unhappy life of STDs, cheating, divorce, unhappiness, violence, death, yada, yada. So in that sense they are mentally rewriting my stories in their heads.

It's always interesting to me that people can't understand the idea that it's fantasy.
I got a comment the other day that I should have put my IR story in LW, and that he downvoted the story because I didn't tag it 'cuck'.

Uhm, no. I specifically didn't put it in LW to avoid that shit.
I write a lot of loving wife stories. I admit I like the category and even enjoy the BTB crowd that gets so irate. What I find the funniest is people who try to write alternate endings to my stories. Sometimes at least 5 paragraphs. I mean, they take a lot of effort.

Does this happen to others or just me.
In LW, I haven't just gotten alternate endings, I've gotten told that everything I've written is a lie. I did two stories, "At the End of the Tour," which was a BTB from the husband's point of view, followed by "Funeral Dirge for a Fairytale," which was the reconciliation from the wife's point of view. The latter was written as her being completely and utterly repentant, recognizing all the ways she'd failed as both a person and a wife, exploring and understanding why she did what she did, etc. and ended with them watching their daughter's wedding 20-odd years after the end of the first story. Some braintrust commented in the last couple of weeks that, even though I didn't write it and Ellie (the FMC) stated outright that she never even thought of straying again, that everything I'd written was a lie and she kept cheating on the MMC.

People are fucking nuts, man.
I've written "hot-wifish" stories but usually in the Exhibitionist category. So I've avoided some of the quantity of ire that these stories get would have gotten if published in the Loving Wives category. But I still get comments from readers who insist that my characters are destined for an unhappy life of STDs, cheating, divorce, unhappiness, violence, death, yada, yada. So in that sense they are mentally rewriting my stories in their heads.

It's always interesting to me that people can't understand the idea that it's fantasy.
That’s what I get all the time. But, they don’t want to hear that I’m a happily married ex slut wife swinger.
I'm tempted to say, "As long as you give me a credit, you can write your sequel idea and we'll see how you do with it." I doubt that any of them would accept the offer. They likely haven't even read my reply.
Would love to see the reality check that is actually writing a thing versus throwing spaghetti of ideas against the wall sure they can all easily stick.

Even with the huge stepping stool of someone else's developed characters, it's 100x harder than all those dash off ideas commenters believe.

Even non-stroke readers have a certain stroke style "belief" that real narrative stories come together almost as easily.

Plausibility in the more complex pieces is a hell of a mountain to have to scale.
Oh, the things that they want, the places they'll go...

There are always guys who want the mother pregnant. It's not enough that she's kind of a slut, she has to be a slut too dumb to take care for herself.
I get the mother pregnant one too
Would love to see the reality check that is actually writing a thing versus throwing spaghetti of ideas against the wall sure they can all easily stick.

Even with the huge stepping stool of someone else's developed characters, it's 100x harder than all those dash off ideas commenters believe.

Even non-stroke readers have a certain stroke style "belief" that real narrative stories come together almost as easily.

Plausibility in the more complex pieces is a hell of a mountain to have to scale.
This is sort of analogous to the Story Ideas section. A few people have taken the ideas and written them. Yet it's a bit baffling as to why so many people come up with ideas merely to ponder them. Sometimes there are extensive outlines that show they already have it all worked out.

"That's not spaghetti; it's linguine." Thrown against the wall: "Now it's garbage."
Twenty years back I had another author send me an entire sequel story to my Ai Girl story. I deleted it without reading. I'd stated at the time that the story was as it was, all that was to be told of the lives of those characters, and I didn't want my memory of them altered by someone else.

I felt kind of 'put upon' by it actually.

At the time it was an author I had liked up until that point, but within a year or two (been a while) they had taken a hard turn politically in the opposite direction from me and I was very thankful I'd not keep up a relationship.
Those commenting on my stories haven't written as much as five paragraphs of alternate ending. They have occasionally written long paragraphs of "similar" personal experiences that parallel my story, though. Either one is fine with me.
Yet it's a bit baffling as to why so many people come up with ideas merely to ponder them.
I am guilty of this. Sometimes I just need to creatively exercise outside of an accountable space. Muses are enigmatic and gleefully deliver all manner of oddity into my cortex, much of it completely irrelevant to my current writing conundrum.

The story ideas dump is peddling a sad 80s exercise bike. I know I'm going nowhere but at least I'm doing something. (which still may make me better prepared for real work later)
Sometimes there are extensive outlines that show they already have it all worked out.
Predilection? I know sometimes I'm just not in a nuts and bolts of writing mood. I could certainly see someone being predisposed to that state of creativity as a general rule.
I often get requests for more, especially on contest stories that are meant to be a 'one and done.' I've also gotten the occasional comment explaining where they see the story going, or how I could have added to it, even if it's already pretty lengthy. I guess it's nice to know that some readers are invested enough in what we write to want to comment, and sometimes even add their own spin on whatever we've created.
now I read that, it could be either me or the bargepole in the condom - maybe both?

Why oh why did I land up with you as my muse?


This is the first thing that popped into my head and it took me ages to find it. Ages, Em.
I am guilty of this. Sometimes I just need to creatively exercise outside of an accountable space. Muses are enigmatic and gleefully deliver all manner of oddity into my cortex, much of it completely irrelevant to my current writing conundrum.

The story ideas dump is peddling a sad 80s exercise bike. I know I'm going nowhere but at least I'm doing something. (which still may make me better prepared for real work later)

Predilection? I know sometimes I'm just not in a nuts and bolts of writing mood. I could certainly see someone being predisposed to that state of creativity as a general rule.
That's fine; if you feel like you are getting something out it, then go ahead. The responses one gets - based on my own prejudices - may or may not be useful. It's kind of hard to make a blanket statement about any of the forums on here.
Why oh why did I land up with you as my muse?

This is the first thing that popped into my head and it took me ages to find it. Ages, Em.
I don't know what to say about that thing. It's oddly not erotic, I think. Too many disembodied, ah, organs. Not that I have any experience with it, but it looks like something Robert Crumb would invent during one of the acid trips he admitted to having.
What I find the funniest is people who try to write alternate endings to my stories. Sometimes at least 5 paragraphs. I mean, they take a lot of effort.

Does this happen to others or just me.

I delete very few comments.

Those? Those get deleted immediately. If they want to write a story, they're welcome to do that anywhere other than in my comments.