Do you let someone get away with fondling you?

If it is somebody I like and am sexually attracted to, they can fondle to their hearts content. If it's somebody I don't particilarly like or dislike, I'll let them get away with it once or twice. If it's somebody I dislike, they will definitely know not to try it again.
Do you let someone get away with fondling you?

I’ve heard stories from women about being at parties or even family reunions and they’ll pose next to a guy for a group photo. They might feel his hand slide down from on her back to then touching her ass.

I think most women probably consider it an accident or don’t want to make a scene by complaining.

But maybe it can also be arousing if it’s your cute male cousin or the hot husband of your female friend.

Even for me as a guy, I like the idea of letting them get away with it. I’m not gay but I’d probably let another guy fondle me like that and get away with it, I think it would be exciting.
I would grab his balls and squeeze them really hard while looking him right in the eye telling him the next time I will shoot him in the balls.
In my late teens at a family party we posed for a group photo and I felt a hand slide up the back of my legs, under my skirt and squeeze my ass. I realised it was my dads. I left home the day after and have not spoken to him since. That was a little over 12 years ago.
I would grab his balls and squeeze them really hard while looking him right in the eye telling him the next time I will shoot him in the balls.
That's serious enough, assuming it was a guy with balls. I'm guessing you would shoot a woman in the pussy too. What's your carry piece?
In general, it seems like women are very much against it, while the men are generally in favor of it.

But, just in case it ever comes up (unlikely as it seems), I am giving blanket permission to any Litster to fondle me in public, so long as they whisper “Lit” to me when you start so I know you have permission, okay?
true story this... on the underground in London during the rush hour.. standing up and it gets crushed and really tight with bodies.. any one who uses the underground will know the feeling. A feel a hard on pressed against my bum and I mean rock hard.. we stood like that between stations and never once did I look at him. The train rolling and moving about and his hard on rubbing right against my bum.. Got off and had no idea to this day who he was .. but if done at the right moment and in the right spirit.. it was exciting.
Vey nice. Trains can be so sexy. I had a similar experience except face to face with a young lady. The trains to New York have a section of seats that face each other and are very small. I climbed into one with a young lady in a short skirt tns we had to place our legs on earlier side of each other. It was cold and she draped her coat over her knees. I apologized about my knee being between her legs… she said no worries and spent the reminder squeezing my leg between hers as the train rocked… while looking me right in the eyes.
There is a lot of talk about the importance of verbal consent
I'm going to go out on a limb, here, and offer the opinion that, if a woman takes your hand and places on an intimate part of her body, she is giving her consent to you touching her in that area.

where do i run into you in public <3
I recall being 18/19yo and walking through a grocery store to buy some milk. While walking, an older (70's I think) goosed me. When I turned around to see who did that, the older woman said I looked nice w/ my backwards hat on. She then turned and walked away. I was completely dumbfounded. This was in the late 90's.
I really do like the direct approach. Don't beat around the bush, just grab the tree poking out of the bush. If any man or woman, no matter the age (over 18 of course), grabbed my crotch (in public or private). I would just smile and say something like "Thank you, your grip feels nice. Do you want to suck it?"