Democrats Pass Bill To Draft American Girls


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017
Democrats can't wait for America to be defeated on the battlefield:

House Passes Bill To Force Girls To Register For The Draft. Conservative Republicans Blast: ‘Left-Wing, Woke Agenda Gone Too Far’
By Hank Berrien

Sep 24, 2021

On Thursday, the House of Representatives passed a $768 billion defense bill, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), that included a requirement for women to register for the military draft if the draft were reinstated. 181 Democrats and 135 Republicans voted for the bill.

On Wednesday, Republican members of the House Freedom Caucus had held a press conference denouncing the idea that women would be required to register for the Selective Service System.

Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) noted, “Everybody here on this stage … we support our men and women in uniform. … I represent about 80,000 veterans; I stand alongside our men and women in uniform. Whatever the pay raises, whatever the material supplies that they need in order to carry out their jobs, but what I do not support is blindly supporting legislation that is critically flawed at its core because of, oh, we’re in the minority. Look, right now, today, if you vote for the NDAA, you are voting to draft our daughters. There is no other position you can take. The current law of the land does not have a requirement that our daughters be drafted, okay? If this NDAA is passed and signed into law, then our daughters will be required to sign up for Selective Service and make themselves available for the draft.”

“Under no circumstances should a civilized country, the United States of America, with the ability to have a volunteer force with the size and the caliber and the strength we have say that we’re going to force women into being drafted into the United States military,” Roy blasted. “I cannot put into words the extent to which that idea angers me and undermines who we are as a nation and I cannot believe that House Republicans are sweeping it aside, sweeping it under the rug, refusing to talk about it while they blindly march forward saying the ‘conference’ supports passage of the NDAA. I’m proud that the Freedom Caucus has taken a position against voting for the NDAA; I would implore my colleagues, my Republican colleagues to join us in opposing the NDAA.”
Poor, poor Taibanesque Deplorables! :(

They fear change so much.

Hey, how did that reversal of the 2020 Presidential election go yesterday? :)
This means Luk and Coati will now be subject to the draft

You challenged Luk to a fight and backed out, you little punk-ass bitch. Do you really anyone takes you seriously as a man with all the pissing and moaning you do?
You challenged Luk to a fight and backed out, you little punk-ass bitch. Do you really anyone takes you seriously as a man with all the pissing and moaning you do?

SoCal hipster bitch who's never been in a fight says what??? :D
Democrats can't wait for America to be defeated on the battlefield:

House Passes Bill To Force Girls To Register For The Draft. Conservative Republicans Blast: ‘Left-Wing, Woke Agenda Gone Too Far’

Republicans are silly, THEY should have been the ones to do it back when integration first happened.
only 1% of the population serves in the volunteer army. and when are they going to re institute the draft? in any event, why shouldn't women be subject? have you ever seen a girl fight? those bitches go for blood. just the other day i was in a restaurant parking lot when some woman and one car didn't like something that another woman said to her. words were further exchanged, bitches jump out the car and one starts banging the other's head against her own car.
and i have a friend whose wife never gets Novocain when she has her teeth worked on, she says she just redirects the pain sensation. i told him he'd better never get into a physical fight with her, she'll rip his ass to shreds.

i say draft women and then tell them the enemy said that they're fat ugly bitches. WW3 will be over in a matter of hours.
I just reduced the asexual loser to using a gay slur.

What would you all like me to make him do next?
I just reduced the asexual loser to using a gay slur.

What would you all like me to make him do next?

I didn't use any gay slurs.

Slur has a meaning, learn your words son.

You can't make me do anything Luk, you're impotent and living in the fantasy about besting your better. :D
Good. No reason the draft should be gender specific
SoCal hipster bitch who's never been in a fight says what??? :D

Is he referring to me? He's a liar. I wouldn't lower myself to challenge him or anyone to a fight online. In could be illegal in some states to do so, and only stupid people would do so. I have no idea who, or what he/she is. If I'm going to rearrange somebody's profile, it has to be a real threat within a certain radius of my personal space, and either a clear case of self defense, or the possibility of interrupting the commission of a crime in my presence. I'm an easy going guy, but I am not a small out of shape person. When people bent on starting shit on the street are looking for trouble, I'm not going to be the person they identify as a potential victim. I think your characterization of Luk is probably right.
Is he referring to me? He's a liar. I wouldn't lower myself to challenge him or anyone to a fight online. In could be illegal in some states to do so, and only stupid people would do so. I have no idea who, or what he/she is. If I'm going to rearrange somebody's profile, it has to be a real threat within a certain radius of my personal space, and either a clear case of self defense, or the possibility of interrupting the commission of a crime in my presence. I'm an easy going guy, but I am not a small out of shape person. When people bent on starting shit on the street are looking for trouble, I'm not going to be the person they identify as a potential victim. I think your characterization of Luk is probably right.

You pussed out, vettebitch. You can't even rearrange lawn chairs.
Is he referring to me? He's a liar. I wouldn't lower myself to challenge him or anyone to a fight online. In could be illegal in some states to do so, and only stupid people would do so. I have no idea who, or what he/she is. If I'm going to rearrange somebody's profile, it has to be a real threat within a certain radius of my personal space, and either a clear case of self defense, or the possibility of interrupting the commission of a crime in my presence. I'm an easy going guy, but I am not a small out of shape person. When people bent on starting shit on the street are looking for trouble, I'm not going to be the person they identify as a potential victim. I think your characterization of Luk is probably right.

Lmao :D