Dear Younger Self/Dear Older Self

DYS - take more risks. Don't be afraid of not living up to expectations. It won't matter anyway, and you'll regret not taking more chances.

DOS - Do not get married. Ever. Again. Are you listening?
DYS- don't fool yourself into thinking anyone is out of your league. Go after who you want.
DYS- Don't do it....just don't. The only thing it will bring you is heartache and stress. Trust me, he loves her more.
DYS - have more faith in yourself and your gut instincts. When relationships are heading for the rocks, don't hang in there just to do the 'right thing' and avoid confrontation. Stick up for what you know is best for you and get out early and yes, that includes your marriage!
DYS - take more risks. Don't be afraid of not living up to expectations. It won't matter anyway, and you'll regret not taking more chances.

DOS - Do not get married. Ever. Again. Are you listening?Unless it is to DarkSimian, he's a good guy, and will make a great fantasy husband, and a great father to your adopted kids, and future grandchildren

Fixed it! :D :kiss:
DYS - I know you're too young to take this advice but...Stay out of the friend zone, once it traps you there is NO escape.
DFS- Do whatever grandma tells you, she's a smart and sexy woman, and will never steer you wrong :D :kiss:
Dear Current Self:

Fuck. He wants to come over tonight. Your first night of freedom and he remembered. And he wants to come over tonight.

What are you going to do?

No fucking idea.
Don't ever settle for "good enough"
Don't ever settle for "good enough" again.
DYS Date and have sex with the redhead, do you homework, stay in college

DOS, one black eye is one to many, yo do not have to take the abuse anymore.
Dear younger self,

Don't be afraid to speak up. Remember that the choices you make affect decisions you make later in life. You are worthy of love and are valued. Don't forget that.

Also, it's ok to give people chances, but when they expect them, cut your ties.
DYS - Don't click on that link, you'll never be the same :eek:
DYS - Don't settle.
DCS - Stop settling, you deserve more.
DOS - Don't ever settle again.
DYS, don't act based on other people's perceptions. Just do you. The people who are supposed to be there for you will still be there in the end.
DYS : Forget him and take the captain of the wrestling team to the dance. You'll have prom photos you will be proud of. Give the nice guys a chance. Laugh more. Don't be afraid to put your ambitions in motion!
DOS : LIVE joyfully.
DYS, DO NOT have sex with those two idiots. You'll know the ones. Wait a few more years - it gets SO much better!
DYS~ Very sorry your childhood sucked ass.
Quit waiting to be rescued, create a life you love and live the shit out of that thing.

DCS~ 'Get up. Move faster!'

DOS~ yw :kiss: honest with yourself and dont let them talk you into doing illegal stuff. DOS...Never say "I Do" again.
DYS - You are not fat.

DOS - Stay away from all things marriage. It's not for you.
DYS...he was not messing with you. Take the money. Skip the wedding and get FAR away.
DYS - You are not fat.

DOS - Stay away from all things marriage. It's not for you.
Unless it is to DarkSimian, he's a good guy, and will make a great fantasy husband, and a great father to your adopted kids, and future grandchildren.
Fixed it! :D
DYS - be patient. Also, you're going to be around a lot longer than you think. Take care of yourself.

DOS - don't ever lose touch with the younger self: the excitements, joys, and wonders. Somethings in life never get old, don't forget to appreciate them like you do the first time.