Dear Younger Self/Dear Older Self

DYS - forgive your dad and move on, he won't be around forever. Also, I know you've been through some tough shit no one should have to go through. It's not you're fault and you will be okay.
DYS - Listen to your heart more than anything else you hear.

DYS - Be more responsible with your money, it will bite you in the ass later.

DYS - Fight for those you want in your life. You will thank YOS for it.
DYS - You know the guy you're seeing that is moving out of town? Go spend the weekend with him when he calls, instead of saying no because you have plans with a new guy. You'll waste years on the new guy before he cheats on you, but the first guy winds up being VP of a big company with a nice house on the lake. Plus he gives the best oral sex you'll ever get.
Dear younger self,

Seriously, calm the fuck down.


Your older self
Dear Younger Self --

The career in radio and television will not work out. There are 10,000 people for every one job, and all of them will work for less money than you.

DON'T move to South Carolina just because its an "opportunity" in a "small market." Your paychecks will start bouncing before you're there a month.

Stay home. The job with the marketing company will eventually work out, even though it looks boring at first.

(Excellent thread idea, Amal.)
DYS don't get caught up in charms. Focus on what is not physically evident.
DYS, if you don't believe in yourself, nobody else will.
Dys...I wish you would have believed everyone when they said you were not fat..cause bitch please...I pulled out those old pictures and I haven't see that pant size since university. Lol
Seriously though. ..
Dys..don't listen to your yourself. ..University can wait, eat good whole food, invest in land.

Dos...Enjoy your adult children and (grandchildren? ). Be present in their lives and remember all the things you wished you had from your own parents.
Also...Dos. a cougar...even if it's just once;)
DYS don't expect anything from dad. He won't change much as you get older. Get up and learn how to ride a bike yourself. You might break a few bones but at least you'll be proud that you tried!
Dear Older Self - Remember when you were stressing so much over life and the direction yours was heading... How you thought you were never going to be truly happy again. Ha!! You were wrong!! Enjoy!


Dear Younger Self - Hug your mom SOOO tight every time you see her, even though she knows you love her, tell her so genuinely and make her feel it so deeply that it brings tears to her eyes. Take delight everytime you see her name on your caller ID because there will come a day when there is no person on earth you call "Mama" and you will miss using that word! You will miss your dad too, more than you realized you would. Cut him some slack and realize his smothering you with love is a blessing not everyone gets.
Dear older self,
Don't forget to smile, laugh, and have fun. You're going to get through the rain and find your rainbow.
DYS, that chick in 9th grade is crazy. Really! Her snap is coming! Lol
DYS love those people in your life who are important to you. You'll lose them before you are ready to let go.
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Dear Younger Self...Contrary to common did not go blind! Carry On!
DYS~ you know that blonde from the video store who is super devious and wicked funny? You know how you dated for nearly a year and he never wanted to make out? Yeah, he's gay. Not bi, just gay. Move along, nothing to see there.
As you are a supremely ignorant, self-justified know-it-all idiot, you'll ignore any and all advice and will only get a clue when life has hammered it into that concrete block you call your head.
Fuck you very much for making our life needlessly stupid.

Warmest regards,

P.s. Never enter into an intimate relationship with your boss. There's no outcome that's a happy ending for you.
DYS... Stop being so damn shy, jump him and give him something he will forever think about after you're gone.
DYS, manage your expectations of people. The ones you trust most will let you down many times, and the ones you trust least may prove to be truly there for you.
Dear younger self: save as much money as you can. Walk, ride your bike, take a bus and don't buy a car. Save, save, save! There will be a Stock offering for a goofy-named Company across the Lake named Micro Soft -- when it goes public, but as much of their Stock as you can!

Dear older self: glad to see you're still alive!