Dear X:

Fallenfromgrace said:
Dear noodle queeR,

You're making my woman jealous for no reason. Stop it. Now :p.

I will see what i can do tomorrow :)

-Object of jealousy :D
Deat object of jealousy,

What the hell did I say? :confused: I've only said I'm beyond crazy about some spiky-haired person. Someone who can make my blood boil. :devil:

BTW, noodle queer? You've been giving me weird nick names tonight, woman. :rolleyes:

FatDino said:
Deat object of jealousy,

What the hell did I say? :confused: I've only said I'm beyond crazy about some spiky-haired person. Someone who can make my blood boil. :devil:

BTW, noodle queer? You've been giving me weird nick names tonight, woman. :rolleyes:


Dear oblivious to what you may have said :D

she put 'send me links' and 'spikey haired woman' together and thought it was photos of me ;) :p

Noodle queer= your dinner + current exploration of orientation :p

Night night ;)

Gracie ;)
Fallenfromgrace said:
Dear oblivious to what you may have said :D

she put 'send me links' and 'spikey haired woman' together and thought it was photos of me ;) :p

Noodle queer= your dinner + current exploration of orientation :p

Night night ;)

Gracie ;)
Dear poor thing who had to explain to your woman,

lmao at her interpretation :D

Well, in case your woman still has any question regarding whom I'm so crazy about, that person is Shane McCutcheon. ;)

Pssst! :rolleyes:

Night. :rose:


p/s: it was YOU who brought up pictures first, hon.
dear sam

thanks for making her the happiest woman alive. i've never seen her like this. you rock! :cathappy:

:rose: jessi
femininity said:
dear sam

thanks for making her the happiest woman alive. i've never seen her like this. you rock! :cathappy:

:rose: jessi
Dear Jessi,

No thanks needed, the pleasure is all mine. :heart:

I can get lost in her wicked hair...I think I have several times already.
and the way she moves.....sigh. I would love to capture her in a painting, but I don't think it would do her justice.

A very swoonie, in Love, Sam. :heart:
Dear Owner of "paulscomputer" (who I'm guessing has to be Paul, but I don't want to appear presumptious,

Thank you for the free use of your wireless internet connection. Now I can keep in contact with my Lit friends when I'm out having a spliff. I just have to remember not to stray too far from your home when I'm hooked up, in case I'm inconvenienced by a loss of signal.

Do you have any friends with unprotected networks? It would be nice to draw up a map of town, showing where I can get free internet access, and then maybe I could organise something along the lines of a pub crawl, but with weed and internet instead of alcohol :devil:

Dear Lord, I don't know what I've done in my life to deserve this but thank you, thank you, thank you. :rose:
Samandiriel said:
Dear Lord, I don't know what I've done in my life to deserve this but thank you, thank you, thank you. :rose:
You're very welcome, my child. :rose:
Dear future-sister-in-law

Mine are better! hahahahahahahahaha

So sod ya. Official my arse.
<smug> V

ps- other future sis-in-law - mine would have been better than the one you bought, too. Silly cow.
dear quack doctor,

I told you she was past just letting the cold/cough run itself out and you wouldnt listen. I also told you she was having allergy problems and you said she couldnt she was to young you complete freak. Now a week later she is on antibiotics for her sinus infection and allergy medicine because they say she is having hayfever problems and its all now made her throat infected as well.

I am not stupid. I do have medical training and I have helped raise a whole passel of kids. Your condescending manner gets all over my tits and not in a good way.

So thank you for doing jack shit and making sure my little one is miserable for such a long time and making everyones life more difficult than it should be. And no I dont regret telling them that I am not amused by you and dont want you near my daughter again. I'd like to be able to keep her healthy and well and with you near her that wouldn't happen.

:mad: :mad: :mad:


The pissed off parent
Dear baby sis,

If you dare give me your chickenpox (i dont want it again thank you...and yes you CAN get it again before anyone says anything) and i will personally make sure i give it back to you. You wont like it.

your loving didi.
Fallenfromgrace said:
Dear baby sis,

If you dare give me your chickenpox (i dont want it again thank you...and yes you CAN get it again before anyone says anything) and i will personally make sure i give it back to you. You wont like it.

your loving didi.

Dear Grace,

nah, when you get it again it's upgraded to 'shingles'... good luck avoiding it
Vermilion said:
Dear Grace,

nah, when you get it again it's upgraded to 'shingles'... good luck avoiding it

Dear Mils,

if i get it, i will throttle her. im due to be going on hols in just under 3 weeks!


Vermilion said:
Dear Grace,

nah, when you get it again it's upgraded to 'shingles'... good luck avoiding it


dear mils,

Have to disagree...I'm one of the fluke people who have had chickenpox twice...and when someone told me to tell them isnt it shingles the doc said 'nope...chickenpox for you my dear'.

Some of us don't hold the immunity so we dont upgrade to shingles is what he said and then handed me extra bottle of calamine(sp?) lotion. And let me tell ya it was a bitch and my roomates two kids got it. *rolls eyes* The little boy of the two had very few spots where myself and the other tyke were covered and itched like mad. We did conspire that maybe we should but itching powder in the others (him and his mom) beds so they could feel what it was really like :D


Fallenfromgrace said:
Dear Dino,

Get your tail out of bed! NOW! we've been waiting for you, for ageees!

Dear Dino,
*taps fingers impatiently and looks at clock*


Dear N,
hmmm...V was online last night ya know. Maybe Dino was preoccupied all night ;)

CarolinaHeat said:
Dear N,
hmmm...V was online last night ya know. Maybe Dino was preoccupied all night ;)


'red as a tomato' comes to mind when i think of what she'll be like when she reads that! :p
Fallenfromgrace said:
'red as a tomato' comes to mind when i think of what she'll be like when she reads that! :p
*giggles* yes ma'am. Think we'll get the report? :D
CarolinaHeat said:
*giggles* yes ma'am. Think we'll get the report? :D
Sorry to disappoint both of ya, but I didn't blush at all when I read it. I just laughed. :rolleyes:
Dear Zade,

Stop pissing around online and go to the supermarket while you're in a creative cooking mood.



PS - I love you, Zade :heart: :devil: