Dear X:

Dear Ex-girlfriend of nearly 3 years:

Leave me alone you fucking psycho.



cloudy said:
Dear Legos Corporation,

Please stop production of your sets aimed at children the age of my youngest son. He has more than he will ever need, and those fucking things hurt when you step on them as you head for the bathroom in the middle of the night.

That, in turn, causes a stream of swearing so blue it would make a sailor blush, and it isn't a pleasant way to wake the rest of the family.

Thank you for your attention to this matter,


Dear Legos Corporation:

Instead, begin production on sets aimed at children my age, almost thirty. I always loved playing with them. Perhaps a set where you can build your own breasts would be a profitable direction.

Just an idea,


P.S. Please avoid a "build your own vagina" line of toys. If they hurt Cloudy's feet, I can only imagine how hard they might be on the genitals (and you know damn well I'd have to try it at least once).
Quiet_Cool said:
Dear Legos Corporation:

Instead, begin production on sets aimed at children my age, almost thirty. I always loved playing with them. Perhaps a set where you can build your own breasts would be a profitable direction.

Just an idea,


P.S. Please avoid a "build your own vagina" line of toys. If they hurt Cloudy's feet, I can only imagine how hard they might be on the genitals (and you know damn well I'd have to try it at least once).

Indeed. :D Especially since I go barefoot 90% of the year, and by the end of the summer, not even gravel bothers me.
Dear Daddy.

Yes, I gave the mother of my Goddaughter money. £100 to be precise. Instead of screaming at me for fifteen minutes, maybe you should hear why?

My goddaughter has been in and out of hospital for the past month. The unit she was reffered to is about 30 miles from where they live. Her partner needs the car for work, he needs to work to keep the roof over their heads. So L has had to try and make it to all these appointments on what little money they had. Every last penny has gone on these trips. So I sent her that money to make her life a little easier, and because I hardly get to see my goddaughter, and I feel guilty.

A will be fine now, she's doing lots better. And to be brutally honest, did I really need that money? I have a roof over my head, food in my belly, heat and light. Everything else is transitory.

So, I'm sorry if it pisses you off that I'm broke. But tough, my goddaughter needed me and I came through for her. Like you never do for me.
Just-Legal said:
Dear Daddy.

Yes, I gave the mother of my Goddaughter money. £100 to be precise. Instead of screaming at me for fifteen minutes, maybe you should hear why?

My goddaughter has been in and out of hospital for the past month. The unit she was reffered to is about 30 miles from where they live. Her partner needs the car for work, he needs to work to keep the roof over their heads. So L has had to try and make it to all these appointments on what little money they had. Every last penny has gone on these trips. So I sent her that money to make her life a little easier, and because I hardly get to see my goddaughter, and I feel guilty.

A will be fine now, she's doing lots better. And to be brutally honest, did I really need that money? I have a roof over my head, food in my belly, heat and light. Everything else is transitory.

So, I'm sorry if it pisses you off that I'm broke. But tough, my goddaughter needed me and I came through for her. Like you never do for me.


Good for you and your response is too mild.

My parents don't ask me where my money goes, it's none of their bussiness and they understand that. (Hey if I hit them up for a couple of bucks they know they'll get the money back.)

SeaCat said:

Good for you and your response is too mild.

My parents don't ask me where my money goes, it's none of their bussiness and they understand that. (Hey if I hit them up for a couple of bucks they know they'll get the money back.)


Yes, well, I'm 23 and living under his roof, so apparently its still his buisness. Mum telling him to "shut up and piss off" was quite amusing mind.

I was deliberately mild because he had been agressively angry - he wants me riled and shouting so he can say I'm being unreasonable. I didn't bite. He hates it :)
To my ex wife...

Please stop trying to make me feel guilty because we live apart now. It was your choice if you remember. I'm sorry your having health problems but I don't need a 2 hour dissertation on it every night. I am trying to live my life now without you in it as much as possible. If it wasn't for our son I probably wouldn't have any contact with you at all.
Dear My Job,

Having only four hours to chronologically sort literally 3000 pages of university announcements from the past six years sucks. Please don't make me do it again for a while, or I will whine and grow bitter. I'm the only student worker you've got, and I've spent three years at the job as a grad and now law student. You probably don't want me to grow bitter, heh.

The Only Student Employee in the Department.
Just-Legal said:
Yes, well, I'm 23 and living under his roof, so apparently its still his buisness.

I SO know 19 and live under my parents roof, so apparently they are allowed to demand my statement every month, and read all my messages on my mobile. Oh, and all my emails. oh and enter my bedroom whenever they please. etc etc.


Dear self,

Well done, already studiying. Keep at it.

Dear Self,

Why the fuck didn;t you choose the Turner course? At least you might have had a hope of understanding it, which would have made revision a whole lot easier. Instead you're stuck with critical theorists of the 20thC which you do not understand and care even less about leaving you with precisely a snowball's chance in Hell of not making a complete bloody fool of yourself on that paper on Monday... oh yeah - and the one on Friday.

6 hours of examination on a subject you do not understand. Marvellous.

dear brother-in-law

Thank you for making me feel like a worthless money grabbing bitch. I get the fact that you are pissed that your brother might move away and its all my fault. Not like the fact that my husband hates his job and cant find another one here matters to you at all. Its all my fault for wanting a better education and a job of my own. Like you said I should just stay at home. It doesnt matter to you at all that I am so unhappy right now as long as you get to keep your brother right next to you.

I dont spend money on myself besides my classes very often. An odd coffee or a care package for a friend...most of the money i spend is on clothes for the baby and birthday gifts for you fucking lot. So dont give me shit, I really dont need it. I am now stressed to know end and have cried buckets over your behaviour to me. The only reason i hold my tongue is for the sake of my husband. It is not in my nature to hold my tongue.

I will say you are responsible for 25% of the resaon that I want to go home.

I can't handle much more of this shit.


the money grabbing bitch
Fallenfromgrace said:
I SO know 19 and live under my parents roof, so apparently they are allowed to demand my statement every month, and read all my messages on my mobile. Oh, and all my emails. oh and enter my bedroom whenever they please. etc etc.


Dear self,

Well done, already studying. Keep at it.


DITTO. (For the 1st part and the second since I also have my exams coming up)
But where I come from (India) it isn't very common for us to move out when we grow up so we just have to adjust living with these conditions and even though each time my dad checks my cell phone for anything suspicious,i start wondering if I have done anything wrong even though i have not and I've strangely learned to live with it. :eek:
Dear Dino,
N & I are anxiously awaiting Saturday's report :D


PS ~ we have a side bet on who won badminton ;)
CarolinaHeat said:
Dear Dino,
N & I are anxiously awaiting Saturday's report :D


PS ~ we have a side bet on who won badminton ;)

:D :D :D

Dear Dino,

Hope that outfit isnt distracting her too much ;)

Fallenfromgrace said:
:D :D :D

Dear Dino,

Hope that outfit isnt distracting her too much ;)

hmmm...good point. Maybe they won't get around to the badminton match ;) :p
Fallenfromgrace said:
I SO know 19 and live under my parents roof, so apparently they are allowed to demand my statement every month, and read all my messages on my mobile. Oh, and all my emails. oh and enter my bedroom whenever they please. etc etc

Dad used to open my mail. I told him it was illegal. He said it wasn't.

He was later informed by a friendly police officer that actually, it is :)

As for checking my phone... I deliberately left some... naughty messages near the top. People stopped messing with my phone. *g*

Hang in there hon.
Just-Legal said:
Dad used to open my mail. I told him it was illegal. He said it wasn't.

He was later informed by a friendly police officer that actually, it is :)

As for checking my phone... I deliberately left some... naughty messages near the top. People stopped messing with my phone. *g*

Hang in there hon.

Mum only recently started leaving my letters alone.

:rose: hope things are ok for you :kiss:
Dear Whoever's in Charge of Dispersing Stray Cats;

We really don't mind the little ones showing up at our doorstep needing a new home. Jane, Rebecca and Sweetie have all been fine cats.

However, just once could you deliver a male (neutered would be wonderful, but we're not expecting miracles) instead of a female either in heat or almost ready to deliver kittens? A few that aren't starving when we take them in would be greatly appreciated, too.

Oh, and the new cat you sent us this morning? Her name seems to be Diva. We'll take her in to get her spayed as soon as we get her weight up so she can survive the surgery.

Thank you.

Dear other adult living in my house:

Please don't try to pretend you didn't know I would be upset if you started going through the things in those boxes and that backpack.

And no, I'm not telling you who bought it or if I wore it... make up your own nightmares and deal with them. I'm done. Believe what you want, you will anyway.

BTW, continuing to open and look and receipts while saying, "oh, it bothers you?" right after I step in to stop you from "organizing" my things is pretty silly, even for you.