Dear X:

Dear Richard,

You ARSE! :mad:

You're expecting me to go out in the pissing down rain to deliver your test papers to you? You know what? Just give me a shout when you arrive back on planet earth.

I'm so fed up of running around for you, just because you can't get your life together. You swing from one melodrama to the next, and expect people to rally around you each time. And on the rare occasions when things in your life are going ok, you then ignore the people who've supported you, and just run around chasing cock.

I'm pissed off with you. I'm pissed off with you because of the flak I've been taking in school as a result of you covering your tracks and going around saying that I'm your girlfriend.

You know what you forget sometimes? That I'm gay too. I face exactly the same challenges as you, but yet I meet them with one hell of a lot more maturity. I don't roll into school with crap music blasting, nor brag to students and colleagues about things like tongue studs and tattoos and contagious diseases like TB.

I'm fed up of you being a victim. I've spent 4 years supporting you, and it's reached the point where you're dragging me down.

Despite going to Amsterdam for my birthday - you somehow managed to forgot it was my birthday. And when I reminded you the day before, I watched you pass about half a dozen card shops, without even thinking to go into one.

I've so had it with you, Rich. I'm taking the fucking test papers over, but you're going to get a firm piece of my mind on top of it - and if you end up hating me as a result, then so be it.

Dear X,

I don't get it. Honestly, I don't.

You have called her "friend" for years, she has offered you her support when you needed it, an ear, her encouraging words, and yes, her love. Now that she needs those things from you, you are conspicuously absent.

You can't even be bothered to spend ten seconds of your precious time to wish her well.

You did much the same thing to me about a year ago, but that was me, and after the initial hurt that you would rather believe gossip than ask me about the truth, I got over it. However, watching you hurt someone that I love as my sister has me absolutely furious. Because, as much as she tries to hide the hurt, I see it. How dare you. How dare all of you.

Know that even though you hurt me all that time ago, I still considered you my friends. I still loved you. I don't think it will survive fact I know it won't. Not that you care, obviously.

I'm sorry.

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cloudy said:
Know that even though you hurt me all that time ago, I still considered you my friends. I still loved you. I don't think it will survive fact I know it won't.

I'm sorry.

Sorry to hear you're disappointed with your friends, cloudy. :rose:

*HUGS* :kiss: there, all better. :)
I heard the bees made you their Interim Leader

TE999 said:
Dear Bluebell7,

You are hosting the queen?

In that case, we'll bring the bees as well. They're leaderless since that palace coup in the hive last Friday.

Lay in a stock of honey. We'll be right over.

Signed: The Roaches.


Dear blue,

Glad you liked my little joke.

It gets too darn serious around here sometimes.

A funny a day keeps the blues away.:D

Yours in jape,

To: TE, Reigning Champ over what could skeeve me out most at the moment (in addition to that spiders-in-the-ear thread that Shereads made which has been haunting me for days now)

TE, if you're going to insist on being so generous with your friends, The Bugs, then how could I possibly be so rude as to exclude you from our party? :D
You are cordially invited to my house with the bees and the roaches at 2pm on Sunday.
You bring the jam. I'll bring the, uh, bug...spray...sandwiches. And the tea, of course.
Can't wait to see you and the little blighters.

Blue, ever the "cheerful" hostess

P.S.- If I don't answer the door right away, just keep knocking...
Dear Simon Furman, Peter Cullen and Frank Welker,

You are my heroes.

Dear idiots putting the siding up

I know you thought you were doing a good job. But blocking our driveways really wasn't a great start.
Neither was walking on the roof overhang in front of My window and standing there when I was on the phone very nice of you.

But you really got on My shit list when the f** doorbell short-circuited over an hour ago. Do you know how horrible it is to hear after a while?
Now if it was a simple unit, I could unhook it Myself. But no, of course not. We have some old-fashioned looking thing.

So thank you. Good thing I'm not paying the bill. You would find it "shorted" as well.

Apt. #----
Dear Jim,

I am 28 years old and live in Wales. Please will you fix it for me to get laid? I am becoming a reckless daredevil from lack of sex, and it's making me very flippant and rebellious. At the moment being like this is good for a laugh, but it's bound to come to a sticky end (and not the ideal kind of sticky end) sooner or later.

Lots of love,

Dear self,
Please pull your finger out and finish renovating the bathroom, so you can start on the shed, so you can empty the patio and the spare room, so you can set up the gym and have no excuse not to exercise.
Dear neighbours,

Drums and cymbals are very bad toys for your kids.

The crazy man a couple of doors down

P.S. No jury in the world will convict me.
Dear wife,

Over 3 hours of Eurovision on TV tonight translates into at least a couple episodes of Scrubs at some point in the future. I will collect, have no doubt.

minsue said:
Dear wife,

Over 3 hours of Eurovision on TV tonight translates into at least a couple episodes of Scrubs at some point in the future. I will collect, have no doubt.


Dear Wife..

One evening of 3 hours is a small ripple in the pond of tv that we watch. You can watch scrubs when I'm at work. ;)

And anyway, you know how long I can wallow in a bath. :D

:heart: :heart: :heart:
rgraham666 said:
Dear neighbours,

Drums and cymbals are very bad toys for your kids.

The crazy man a couple of doors down

P.S. No jury in the world will convict me.

How does one get onto a Canadian jury, Rob? Because I would love to let a man get away with punishing loud neighbors. :D
Dear apartment,

Please clean yourself from the shambles of finals.


Your owner.
Dear Duniya

jitni tum mujhse nafrat karthi hoon main is se zyada thumse nafrat karthi hoon.

main meri apni koon chahiyeh, magar mahin kar sakedi issi waqt.

Tumhari pyari se N.
Dear X ... and Y ... and Z:

I wouldn't cross the street to talk to you right now.

~ Imp
Dear Zade,

Please learn how to manage your energy reserves better, because you're too old for the boom and bust thing. It's ok to get excited over things, but not to the point where you use up an entire night's worth of energy in two hours and then crash.

It's not cool :cool:

From Rock Chick Wannabe Zade
Dear life,

You'd been giving me more than a little hard times over the past year (of course you had, we both know it), but tonight, you were just eminently lovely. So now comes the immortal question, can you keep on this pace for like...forever, please?

Your recent fan,

FatDino said:
Dear life,

You'd been giving me more than a little hard times over the past year (of course you had, we both know it), but tonight, you were just eminently lovely. So now comes the immortal question, can you keep on this pace for like...forever, please?

Your recent fan,


Dear Dino,

That sounds quite promising.

You should pursue it as far as it takes you.

A friend
Dear Rain,

Please stop. NOW.


Dear Summer Weather,

Please come back. All is forgiven. If you come back I promise I'll gag anyone who starts bitching about droughts, hosepipe bans, skin cancer and climate change. Don't worry about the farmers - they get huge EU subsidies to grow food that we don't really need, so if their crops fail it isn't the end of the world.

I'd just like some nice sunshiny weather so I can go for a walk in the woods without wading through mud.

Lots of love,
