Dear X:

Dear Self

For goods sake calm down! It won't get to next Saturday any quicker no matter how impatient you are so just chill would you?!


Elsie :rose:

Dear friend,

You know i once said to you that there is not much i would do to get out of studying stats? Well, i hope i havent disapointed you after you 'hoped' i'd wait.

It wasn't that i wanted to get away from stats, more the concern a friend has for another. Reading the main content of the email was enough to convince me that i wouldnt be at peace until i read the attachment.

'Thank you for being able to share that with me.' is not enough to convey that message but i offer it regardless. I understand all too well that it can be hard.

I did cry.

I want you to know that you're safe with me.


Dear soon-to-be-ex-husband,

I fucking hate you. I am a firm believer in apathy, but I still cannot manage that for you. You have fucked up my life in so many ways that I cannot even count them all. I cannot walk down the street or go to church without someone looking at me and wondering what the fuck my problem is, being married to a disgusting prick like you. Sometimes I have to wonder myself, and that sucks.

But do you know what the worst part of it is? The boys. My boys. Gabe cries for you. He hollars for you when he is upset. And what the fuck am I supposed to tell him?
"Your daddy's in prison because he is a disgusting pig, a subhuman piece of shit who is not even fit to wander around in public. He is a liar and a cheat and a pervert and he does not deserve your love or your caring."

I can't tell him that, now can I? He's 3, and all he knows is that he misses his daddy. You fuck, he is hurting and it is your fault, but who gets to deal with it every day? Me. That's who. After putting up with your shit for their sake, for years, now I get to hear them scream for you when I turn off the tv or say no more juice. I get all the joys and sorrows of parenting and it is you they miss and ask for.

You rat bastard, I would kill you if I could. For hurting my boys. Never mind the shit you pulled on me. The boys did nothing to deserve the hurt they have inside.

And now you're fighting me on custody? when you will spend the next 5 or 6 years in prison for downloading child porn? you sick fuck, I wish you the best of luck in prison. I hope they find out what you're in for and rape you until you are crippled and half-dead. Then I hope I can find a way to kill you myself. I fucking hate you.

I am doing really well without you, by the way. Even though you thought I would never make it without your money and your support, I am doing great. guess what? I have a girlfriend. That's right! The one you didn't want me getting in touch with again, my old friend? Well, she and I are living together and raising these boys while you rot in your little cell getting ass-raped. I hope that rankles something fierce. I'm getting pussy everyday, and you're getting...well. Ha.

And you deserve it all, asshole.

your (ugh) wife
Dear Zade,

When someone makes a mistake about the things you're able to do and the things you're not able to do, it's best to correct them straight away. Not everything is easier than it looks - remember the Microsoft Flight Simulator episode, where you decided to show off in front of one of your sister's good looking friends by flying a 737 from Hong Kong to Amsterdam on your first go? Remember the horrible feeling you got as your plane started spinning wildly out of control and landed in the sea?

Going along with any idea that you can pole dance would be similarly lethal. Sure, you could borrow your sister's pole... but what exactly would you do with it? :confused:

Stop this foolishness right now.

Or else.
Dear Zade,

This arrived for you a couple of seconds ago:

Love to see you in all your erotic glory performing
as only a sexy tart like you can!!

Now what are you going to do? :cool:
Dear sis,

Is it too much to ask you to flush the toilet every once in a while. Two things. When you don't flush the toilet and it gets clogged (which it inevitably always does) I get blamed for it and have to clean up after your mess. Obviously it has to be my fault since I'm the male, and no goirl would possibly do that. Second I really do not need to know when you are on your period. Those bloody tissues are beyond gross. Heck, I'll even throw in a third thing in. IT MAKES THE BATHROOM SMELL BLOODY AWFUL!!!!!


Let's compromise here. If you promise to flush the toilet, I promise not to pee on the toilet seat. Granted I don't do that anyway, but lets just say it's in your best interests. Besides, I'm bigger than you and if you don't I'll kick your butt.

Your loving but annoyed brother.
Fallenfromgrace said:
Dear Trombie,

That was foul.

-Your grossed out friend.
Dear Grace,

You don't have to live with it EVERY DAY like I do.

Dear friends of Lit and the AH,

I haven't been around lately. Life has had the biggest role in that. While I'm not here to type, and be the general nuisance that I am, I am always thinking about those that hold a special place in myself. I am happy to have a life outside of Lit. My job is going good. My life is getting back on track. I'm with a wonderful person who loves me dearly. Just as important, I love her just as much.

I do miss the year and a half I haven't been able to be here. I know I've missed a lot. It seems more than anything I've missed a lot of hardships. Though, to be fair, I haven't been here for the joyous occasions either.

I hope the world does treat everyone with kindness. More important, I hope everyone is treating everyone else with kindness. Because, the bottom line is, if we don't care of ourselves, who will? Peace to all. :heart:
rikaaim said:
Dear friends of Lit and the AH,

I haven't been around lately. Life has had the biggest role in that. While I'm not here to type, and be the general nuisance that I am, I am always thinking about those that hold a special place in myself. I am happy to have a life outside of Lit. My job is going good. My life is getting back on track. I'm with a wonderful person who loves me dearly. Just as important, I love her just as much.

I do miss the year and a half I haven't been able to be here. I know I've missed a lot. It seems more than anything I've missed a lot of hardships. Though, to be fair, I haven't been here for the joyous occasions either.

I hope the world does treat everyone with kindness. More important, I hope everyone is treating everyone else with kindness. Because, the bottom line is, if we don't care of ourselves, who will? Peace to all. :heart:

Dear Rik

You have been missed, thought of and wished well. Real life must come first, and I'm glad to hear yours is looking up :)

Love JL
Trombonus said:
Dear Grace,

You don't have to live with it EVERY DAY like I do.


Dear Trombie,

I do- my mother has a habit of doing it and also you dont have to suffer that bullshit every month.


Dear Grace and Trom:

You haven't seen the state my sister leaves the bathroom in. It has moved me to be physically sick more than once.

Shall we just send them all to Kim and Aggie?

Just-Legal said:
Dear Grace and Trom:

You haven't seen the state my sister leaves the bathroom in. It has moved me to be physically sick more than once.

Shall we just send them all to Kim and Aggie?


They'd eat our respective relatives for breakfast and spit out the bones :D

ps. dont think Trom will know who they are lol.

Dear Red

We are all hoping that you will fully recover and be back with us very soon. Take care of yourself and rest a bit first, though. We mainly want you to be in good health. :rose: :kiss: :heart:

With concern and affection,
rikaaim said:
Dear friends of Lit and the AH,

I haven't been around lately. Life has had the biggest role in that. While I'm not here to type, and be the general nuisance that I am, I am always thinking about those that hold a special place in myself. I am happy to have a life outside of Lit. My job is going good. My life is getting back on track. I'm with a wonderful person who loves me dearly. Just as important, I love her just as much.

I do miss the year and a half I haven't been able to be here. I know I've missed a lot. It seems more than anything I've missed a lot of hardships. Though, to be fair, I haven't been here for the joyous occasions either.

I hope the world does treat everyone with kindness. More important, I hope everyone is treating everyone else with kindness. Because, the bottom line is, if we don't care of ourselves, who will? Peace to all. :heart:


*Giant Hugs* Missed you. :kiss: :rose: Glad to hear life is wonderful.

Fallenfromgrace said:
Dear Trombie,

I do- my mother has a habit of doing it and also you dont have to suffer that bullshit every month.


Dear Grace,




Dear JL,

Don't live in an apartment with my friends. The toilet started out white, but is not anymore. Do not touch it, or your finger will stick to it. I've never seen such a large concentration of body hair in my life. Also you can no longer tell what the original color of the carpet was, if you can even find a spot where you can still see the carpet. They have devoted half a room to their garbage. And if you enjoy breathing, forget it.

Dear bhai jaan,

I love you and miss you, thank you for tonight.

Hearing your voice is one of the best medicines in the universe.

I love you.

Dear life,

give me a break, eh? I could really use one.

It doesn't even have to be a long break. A day or two will more than suffice.

Thank you

the management