Dear X:

Dear Education

Why are you so hard :(


Dear Self

FOCUS! you will never become anything you want unless you do your fucking work. And you will just prove everything you parents say about you being lazy, thick and stupid.


Dear World

Can i have my money back?
Dear muscles,

Please stop with the hurting and the spasms. I promise I will never abuse you this much in the future, so can you just forgive me this time and get back to normal?


Dear M,

Ever heard of jealousy? When I say "I'm so sore I can't eat," I mean please give me some soft food, not just leaving me here and taking off to feed the birds.


Dear pigeons,

You have wings. Use them to fly away from my house, please.


Dear self,

You are such an idiot.

Sincerely yours,

FatDino said:
Dear self,

You are such an idiot.

Sincerely yours,


Nope, you're sweet, funny and sassy. And Cloudy likes you - that's one HELL of a seal of approval!
Just-Legal said:
Nope, you're sweet, funny and sassy. And Cloudy likes you - that's one HELL of a seal of approval!
Thank you. :kiss:

But only an idiot would accept a dare to walk on her hands after two hours of Twister and running.

And I don't even know how I've earned her liking so fast. :eek:
Dear negative irrational thoughts,
Please leave me alone, nothing is going to happen to my mummy.
dear everybody.

dont trust me with your feelings. cause I'll fuck it up.

femininity said:
dear everybody.

dont trust me with your feelings. cause I'll fuck it up.


Dear Jessi,

I am proud to call you "friend." Like me, loyalty and steadfastness towards those we love is important to you. I would trust you with anything I have, including my feelings, and know that whatever I entrusted you with would be safer with you than in my keeping.

You love those that I love, and for that, I love you, too.

cloudy said:
Dear Jessi,

I am proud to call you "friend." Like me, loyalty and steadfastness towards those we love is important to you. I would trust you with anything I have, including my feelings, and know that whatever I entrusted you with would be safer with you than in my keeping.

You love those that I love, and for that, I love you, too.


i love you too cloudy.

friendship it seems i can do.
sex i can do.
its love that i cant do.
Dear Jessi

yes you can do love... i see it in your words... also in the words of others speaking of you... :rose:
Hey sweetie...

Just ran across this. Quite funny acutally. (Have a few letters of my own I should post here). :D

BTW...have a new "How to" contest story submission you might enjoy reading. Just click on the link below in my sig line. :kiss:

Oh and remind still waiting for details! :devil:
Dear X,

I really have no clue where to take our relationship. Our distant times together grow cloudier day by day and then, I meet another fella who wishes to worship, every command I make.

I try to hold on to the past and it starts speaking, almost in tongues you could say. As if possessed, it climbs my waist, shoulders, then straight to the top of my head. Electrocuting me with sparks of lust and greed. Licking it's way down, cell by cell till my body folds in half. I, gasping for air and shaking from a sensory overload can do noting but beg my subconscious : Do it, do it, do it again !!!

After hours of self torture from our visions, dreams, and reliving our times together, I shed my thong and traipse to bed. Thinking maybe tomorrow, I will surpass the past and get on with my future ...

:rose: :heart: :kiss: :rolleyes:

RhymeFairy said:
Dear X,

I really have no clue where to take our relationship. Our distant times together grow cloudier day by day and then, I meet another fella who wishes to worship, every command I make.

I try to hold on to the past and it starts speaking, almost in tongues you could say. As if possessed, it climbs my waist, shoulders, then straight to the top of my head. Electrocuting me with sparks of lust and greed. Licking it's way down, cell by cell till my body folds in half. I, gasping for air and shaking from a sensory overload can do noting but beg my subconscious : Do it, do it, do it again !!!

After hours of self torture from our visions, dreams, and reliving our times together, I shed my thong and traipse to bed. Thinking maybe tomorrow, I will surpass the past and get on with my future ...

:rose: :heart: :kiss: :rolleyes:


Easier said than done...

RhymeFairy said:
Now you mister !! You know, I'll love you forev-ahhh !!

;) :kiss:

You damn well better.

Now, close your eyes, and lie down. There's something I want to do for you...:)
Many Feathers said:
You damn well better.

Now, close your eyes, and lie down. There's something I want to do for you...:)

Dear X,

I ran across
this mystery man.
He helps me
by holding my hand.

When my vibe is going
a hundred and two,
I look up to see
how much he grew.

While he licks my pretty pink bee
I shout " lord have mercy
somethin's gotta hold on me "

Twisting and jerking,
slobbering his way south.
But he's much, much to late,
his cock's already in my mouth.

:p ;) :catroar:
Dear Other Fellow Law Student (Male),

It is the night before the UCC exam. I have been studying for eight hours.

If you knock on my door, please follow the following rules:
  1. It is late at night, and I am female, living alone. As such, I will ask whom it is before I open the door. Please say whom you are. It helps!
  2. Please spit out what you want; do not try to make small talk. You have an exam tomorrow at 8:30 am too! You don't want to waste time.
  3. If I do not have the specific set of examples on-hand, do not ask me to print you a copy. I cannot, and will not.
  4. If I offer to E-mail you those examples, say thank you, and then leave. Do not hang around like a creepy asshole, especially when I've pointed out that I was soon to head to bed. There is a reason people talk about you behind your back, because you creep them out. Things like this are what do it.
  5. No, I do not want to study with you the night before the exam. I am deliberately not studying for an hour, and screw you for interrupting my small oasis of personal time in the hellish desert of finals.

Sincerely, Fellow Law Student (Female)
Dear Blossoming Red Neck,
While I realize that you must be macho and short of pounding your chest and grunting you certainly exude that with your every foot fall.

I am in awe of your persona and I truly believe that you are not gay or weak. You, however, do not need to add to this persona by chewing tobacco. Honestly, it might be about the most disgusting thing about you aside from your obviously highly inflated ego.

When you and your posse came into the store and I asked for I.D. you did not have to show me that you were old enough by opening a package of 'chaw' and placing it between your future cancer leisons. I was polite enough to look the other way but every time I had to help you, you spit in that clear plastic bottle.

My stomach rolled. Each time you brought that bottle to your lips and emitted a wad of brown slimy spit, I had to swallow hard to keep rising bile from erupting from my lips.

Its not cool. You looked like you had an oral fixation and this was your substitute for nursing at your mother's teet. You only lacked a sloping forehead to be the neanderthal you want to be seen as.

So, take it from me friend, put the bottle down and people will flock to be near you. Keep the bottle, keep the spit and you spit alone.

Dear French Voters,

Thank you so much for installing a race-baiter and anti-immigrant SOB in office. I admit that you had few choices, but you could have cast more blank ballots. Perhaps that would have forced a constitutional change to ensure a third choice there. Sarkozy and Royal were both unworthy of the office.

One's a Fascist and the other a Socialist. What kind of choice is that?

Quite annoyed and sarcastic with you at the moment,
Dear Grandpop,

Next time, please don't send me so much money for my birthday that I feel guilty about accepting it. If you have to send me any money at all, please don't send me over $25.

I mean, man, you don't spend $50 a week on groceries. Sending me $50 for my birthday is fantastic for me, but I feel greedy accepting it. :( You really don't need to send so much next time!

Sincerely, Granddaughter.
Dear fcdc,

Here's wishing you luck on your exams. Being bothered by people while studying or recovering from studying really sucks. I personally just tell people apologetically to go away and leave me alone. My friends understand that this just means that I'm very tired/busy, not that I don't like them.

You could always booby-trap your door...


Fellow Student (male, not Law), commiserating.
Which reminds me...

Dear Personinmyclasswhocouldn'tbebotheredtodotheassignment,

No. You can't copy my answer. Ignoring the ethical implications, not to mention the personal risk on my part, there is still no reason for me to let you do this. We don't even know each other. I spent several hours on this answer, not to mention having to go back to the book and the professor in order to figure the whole thing out. I think it was extremely nice of me to agree to explain it to you at the last minute like this and that you asking if you can just copy it off my paper intead is totally out of bounds.

I think cooperation is a great thing, so stop looking at me as if I'm being all mean and unreasonable. I work with others and we figure things out together. What you're asking for isn't to be a member of the team, it's to blatantly steal my work.

If you can't be bothered to start the assignment until the morning it's due, it isn't my problem or anyone else's but your own. I saw you goofing off last week, you had the time.

Better luck next time.
Dear DoS,

Thanks and good luck to you too!

Sincerely, fcdc.

And your second one reminds me too.

Dear Snake in the Grass,

I give my outlines to a lot of people, because I get very little benefit from reading others' outlines, but I know others do (me, I have to make my own.)

However, when I give you my outline as you asked, and ask you for an outline in exchange, the generally accepted course is to either exchange the outline or to say you don't have it, if you don't have it.

"Oh, I don't give out my outlines; I don't think that's fair" is stupid when you had to beg me for my outline.

Love, Honest Law Student who Will Hand Out Outlines to Other People, But Does Not Play Games About It.