Dear X:

cloudy said:
Dear Life:

Let up just a little, huh? I already feel a couple of inches shorter...can the weight be lessened just for a day or so?



Dear Cloudy,

Let us take the weight a little

cloudy said:
Dear Life:

Let up just a little, huh? I already feel a couple of inches shorter...can the weight be lessened just for a day or so?


Dear Cloudy,
*Hugs* and I'll second what Mils said.
Here if ya need to talk :rose:

Dear Minx - *huge huge hugs and well wishes*

Dear Bluebell - Vell-la rocks :)

Dear Cloudy - I have a spare shoulder if you wanna chuck some of that load my way *gentle smile*
Dear D:

Its time you grew up. Seriously. Your job does not mean you get to keep all the money while I pour every cent I make into keeping us fed clothed and housed. You cannot say "I just didn't feel like doing anything so I didn't". You are a wife and mother, you have responsibilities, stop throwing fits and tantrums, and put on you big girl panties and accept that we are in this together or we won't be in it at all.
Dear J,
Is this fucking nonsense ever going to end? I'm always there for you, yet where the fuck are you when I need help? :confused:

It's gotta stop.

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Dear Tina,

Thank you for not saying "Welcome to McDonald's" and actually looking at me instead. While the update on my location is very helpful at times, generally those big golden arches are a big clue. Anyway, the smile and the "How are you? Isn't it a great day?" wre a wonderful change.

A :kiss: from a good little witch.


PS Your braids were very pretty. I wish I would have told you.
dear x,
i wish i were eloquent and clever, and i wish i could find some fresh new way to express this, but i have used every word that relates to passion when it comes to you. i am glad you like reruns, and cartoons. i resemble both. i love you so intensely that it crushes me. thank you, thank you, for the past two years. no one else will ever do, you know.

love always,
Falling right in

Dear Universe Thingummy,

Thank you for all of the people here in the AH (little do I know them, big is their impact), and Lit in general.
It's easy to forget there are awesome people out there and that we're not all just treading water alone, waiting for the sharks to bite our feet off (and perhaps a smidgen more).
Not that we don't all have pesky problems and deep wounds to deal with, but something softens when you see that not everyone in the world shuts off and refuses to be somebody.
I'm constantly amazed at the caliber of the people I meet here.

So, thanks.

vella_ms said:
Dear Bluebell,
You've made me smile huge this morning. It doesn't sound off to me at all as I've found anything from solace to inspiration through words of people I never knew. Thank you for taking the time to say something...words are powerful things.
(The Cardigans kick ass.~ agreed)
Dear Vella,
1) Thank you.
2) Can I officially take a number and get in the partying line of people who know you rock harder than Marshall stacks?
I'll bring cookies...


P.S.- Another Cardi fan, hugs, and the "shift" key? I am, like, so freakin' lucky.
Dear God;

I wish I knew You as a friend. I wish I had that camaraderie with You that I could tell what You were thinking and planning, wish You had a face I could read. That way, maybe I wouldn't be so fucked up when You did something.

I want to understand You. I don't necessarily want to know You, but I just want to know . . . why. Especially at those times when You seem so cruel and heartless. My faith tells me it's all for the better, that You know what You are doing, yet . . . .

The rest of me just wants to tell You to fuck off, sometimes. I have to be honest. You can really be a world-class shit now and then. I'm your friend, and have always strove to be.

So give me the same courtesy?

Dear Curtis,

Ve have vays of making you behave... :devil: Trust me, sunshine - you've disrupted that poor woman's lesson for more than long enough, and I'm about to outwit you. ;)

Miss G
scheherazade_79 said:
Dear Curtis,

Ve have vays of making you behave... :devil: Trust me, sunshine - you've disrupted that poor woman's lesson for more than long enough, and I'm about to outwit you. ;)

Miss G

Dear Zade:

This I want to see.

Ms H
scheherazade_79 said:
Dear Curtis,

Ve have vays of making you behave... :devil: Trust me, sunshine - you've disrupted that poor woman's lesson for more than long enough, and I'm about to outwit you. ;)

Miss G

knows that this isn't directed to ME, since my dear x is a man...
Dear dog walker,

Can you manage to keep your dog from shitting on my driveway? If I want to clean dog shit I'll get my own dog thank you very much. Next time I see you I'm handing you a box of bags and a pooper scooper. And keep it out of the lady across the streets as well. Poor bird is to old to be out cleaning up after you!

Dear X

I don't know the answer to your last question, but I can tell you I hate the feeling that goes with it. This corner you spoke of us turning, recently. I want you to know I'm not comfortable with it this way. In fact I hate it like this.

You have no idea how much I hate it.

There is no way to turn back time, to have things not happen. I already told you I take the blame for this. What do I have to do to fix it?

Or is it too late already?
scheherazade_79 said:
Miss G - 1
Curtis - 0

*Cracking my knuckles*

Now, who's next? :devil:

Dear Zade,

I expect a stonned phone call tonight recounting all of this Miss G 1 vs Curtis 0 :D
Fallenfromgrace said:
Dear Zade,

Spill it woman.


I invented a new disciplinary procedure, called a Subject Report Card. The end product was a collection of Zade-made report cards that even had the school logo on them. On the report card was a list of undesirable kinds of behaviour, and each one had two boxes next to it. The new rule was that as soon as he had two ticks on the report card, he instantly faced the most draconian punishment that I'm allowed to dole out. He now reports to me at the end of every lesson with that particular teacher, and shows me his signed report card. Failure to do so will also result in the most draconian punishment I'm allowed to administer, as well as litter duty.

scheherazade_79 said:
I invented a new disciplinary procedure, called a Subject Report Card. The end product was a collection of Zade-made report cards that even had the school logo on them. On the report card was a list of undesirable kinds of behaviour, and each one had two boxes next to it. The new rule was that as soon as he had two ticks on the report card, he instantly faced the most draconian punishment that I'm allowed to dole out. He now reports to me at the end of every lesson with that particular teacher, and shows me his signed report card. Failure to do so will also result in the most draconian punishment I'm allowed to administer, as well as litter duty.


Dear Zade,

You never fail to surprise me. You wonderful woman. what is the Draconian punishment? also, i hope that you administer the same regime with other kids who misbehave as badly. :kiss:
Fallenfromgrace said:
Dear Zade,

You never fail to surprise me. You wonderful woman. what is the Draconian punishment? also, i hope that you administer the same regime with other kids who misbehave as badly. :kiss:

Dear Grace,

It depends on whether or not they're charming with it.
scheherazade_79 said:
Dear Grace,

It depends on whether or not they're charming with it.

Dear Zade,

This is true.

I'd still like to talk with you tonight, drop call me, i'll call you back ;)
