Daddy's Little Girl: Second Edition

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No. No, you don't. Can't prove ANYthing lol!


Oh, yeah? *sneaks up on the cookies before this special someone gets back*

They all look so good.

They're in a locked box until special someone has her pick!

A for effort though.
I watch ALOT of ID. I know how to look for figure prints :D

Freudian slip there? I've never seen a FIGURE print except in the snow.

and .... :eek::eek: well.... I ... um.... :eek::eek:
:D thank you for the cookies :D you coming in here to talk was enough of a present you really didnt have to :D:eek:

*picks the chocolate chip one* you did bring rootbeer too, yes? :eek:
Freudian slip there? I've never seen a FIGURE print except in the snow.

and .... :eek::eek: well.... I ... um.... :eek::eek:
:D thank you for the cookies :D you coming in here to talk was enough of a present you really didnt have to :D:eek:

*picks the chocolate chip one* you did bring rootbeer too, yes? :eek:

Of course.

But you can keep that stuff to yourself!
Freudian slip there? I've never seen a FIGURE print except in the snow.

and .... :eek::eek: well.... I ... um.... :eek::eek:
:D thank you for the cookies :D you coming in here to talk was enough of a present you really didnt have to :D:eek:

*picks the chocolate chip one* you did bring rootbeer too, yes? :eek:

*Oops* :eek:
So. Yeah... dragged someone else in to actually add to discussions.

Either of y'all want to add to or address the question at hand? Seeing as everyone has cookies and caffeine?

What non physical needs to Daddies have that you appreciate lgs taking care of? Any needs you have a hard time asking for help with or admitting? Anything particularly helpful you didn't expect help with that you appreciated?
We need to feel needed. We need to feel like we're doing what a Daddy should.
We need to feel needed. We need to feel like we're doing what a Daddy should.

Yes... but that is different for each. What would that include for you? If you feel comfy sharing. What makes you feel needed? Asking advice? Asking for care help?

Are we sitting comfortably?

What HeavyBalls (and can I get a crisp high five please Deadpool?) said.

But like anything it depends on the individual.

Here's me...I've got some bad issues. Depression, anxiety, low self-esteem. I work in a pressured environment where people are looking to me for direction and answers. All that with the usual demands of life...

I go through dark spells (I PROMISE I'm not after free therapy here, stick with me) and there was a period a while back where I thought I was sub. That was after usually being dominant.

Needless to say, when the opportunity came it was a bit of a shitshow and I realised quickly it wasn't for me.

Then I had what alcoholics refer to as a moment of clarity. I couldn't pinpoint what it was but I realised that it needs to go both ways, if that makes sense. Not in the needy sense, but someone who could help me with my problems, be there, listen, make suggestions and have fun with. But I wanted to do that for someone too. To be a reference point for someone.

Shit, I don't know if this makes any sense.

I think the core elements for me are to be wanted, to find someone with patience and who can realise that despite what may happen here or wherever we chat, there is a life in the real world that needs to be lived. Chatting on Lit doesn't pay the bills, work does. And in return, I do the same for them. To be there when they fall down, to encourage them when they struggle, to praise them when they succeed and pick up the pieces if they fall apart.

It's all about give and take.

EDIT: I learn so much from her. I hope she learns from me too.
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Thank you so very much for the well thought out reply. ♡
I notice your emphasis on the two sided nature of things like Farawyn and Sub_tulip were getting at earlier today.

"To be a reference point for someone" resonates with me. Though I usually use the word rubric.

I've a follow up... do other people include goal setting into their dynamic? If so how?
Just one more thing to add.

It's about not being afraid to say what you like more importantly, what you don't like. We all have our very specific things that trigger something good or something bad. It's about accommodating those, talking it through and finding a comfortable middle ground.

Ok, I'm done.

And I'm out of tea.
I like what you've said, and that is where I was heading in my original post!

We littles/subs/pyl aren't the only ones that have bad days. I love being able to go to him and find comfort, but I was THRILLED that he was having a bad day and needed ME! He came to ME!

Yes, as it's been said, that should be any relationship. The give and take (hence the 69 in my name - it isn't referencing a sexual act).

I don't want to get so caught up in my needs that He doesn't feel that I can't be there for Him. To be a sounding board, a confidant, a hug when he needs it. To encourage him. Or his secretary and reminder. :rolleyes: *grins* Private joke. :D

But, this question is for subs, do you do it as a submissive role? I still felt submissive doing so.
Do I do it as a sibmissive role...

This goes into the thread going now by Seela about unintended D/s
Yes. For me, this is my personality. My *help* is My personality. My care is my personality. My do is my personality. I'm submissive. I'm not turn it on turn it off. Now the difference for me is my Sir .... and my Daddy ... recognise it for what it is towards them. Because they recognise it differently because they appreciate it differently then it holds a different weight. A different impact. A different feeling for me. No, my getting a tea irl or helping Sir find a job, or talking to Daddy about his day do NOT carry the same weight for me as asking me to be in kneel or Sir putting my necklace around my neck. Doesn't hold a candle. But it is no less real and important.
Do I do it as a sibmissive role...

This goes into the thread going now by Seela about unintended D/s
Yes. For me, this is my personality. My *help* is My personality. My care is my personality. My do is my personality. I'm submissive. I'm not turn it on turn it off. Now the difference for me is my Sir .... and my Daddy ... recognise it for what it is towards them. Because they recognise it differently because they appreciate it differently then it holds a different weight. A different impact. A different feeling for me. No, my getting a tea irl or helping Sir find a job, or talking to Daddy about his day do NOT carry the same weight for me as asking me to be in kneel or Sir putting my necklace around my neck. Doesn't hold a candle. But it is no less real and important.

Exactly. It's like in life. You can make all the lavish gestures you want, but it is the small details that really make the difference.
Do I do it as a sibmissive role...

This goes into the thread going now by Seela about unintended D/s
Yes. For me, this is my personality. My *help* is My personality. My care is my personality. My do is my personality. I'm submissive. I'm not turn it on turn it off. Now the difference for me is my Sir .... and my Daddy ... recognise it for what it is towards them. Because they recognise it differently because they appreciate it differently then it holds a different weight. A different impact. A different feeling for me. No, my getting a tea irl or helping Sir find a job, or talking to Daddy about his day do NOT carry the same weight for me as asking me to be in kneel or Sir putting my necklace around my neck. Doesn't hold a candle. But it is no less real and important.

this is my personality

Yes! Mine as well. It's not something I can turn on and off. But, doing these things for others is not the same as for my DD. Which goes along with Seela's thread.

And, meeting his needs (again, not sexually) gives me a pleasure and joy that goes beyond anything I've known. "I was his comfort, I helped him remember, I did something special... and I hope it shows how much I adore and appreciate him." are the thoughts going through my head.
We need to feel needed. We need to feel like we're doing what a Daddy should.

this is my personality

Yes! Mine as well. It's not something I can turn on and off. But, doing these things for others is not the same as for my DD. Which goes along with Seela's thread.

And, meeting his needs (again, not sexually) gives me a pleasure and joy that goes beyond anything I've known. "I was his comfort, I helped him remember, I did something special... and I hope it shows how much I adore and appreciate him." are the thoughts going through my head.

I agree. At the same time I also am really careful to say "I see the love when" and name the things he does to show he cares. It's part of helping him know he is needed and doing a good job.

Hey you...
I saw the love when you dragged me into the pillow fort.
I saw it when you found a hiding spot.
I saw it in a letter
And a playlist.
I saw it when you came here.
I do appreciate and need YOU, Cariad.
I agree. At the same time I also am really careful to say "I see the love when" and name the things he does to show he cares. It's part of helping him know he is needed and doing a good job.

Hey you...
I saw the love when you dragged me into the pillow fort.
I saw it when you found a hiding spot.
I saw it in a letter
And a playlist.
I saw it when you came here.
I do appreciate and need YOU, Cariad.

He asked me to communicate that he is too shy and I've embarrassed him enough :p he can't words right now so cuddles will have to do. But he doesn't want to appear heartless he just can't words.

**drags him backwards into the pillow fort*** c'mere handsome. You've got cuddle duty... it was a heck of a day!
Do you read to your littles? Play music for them?

Besides sexually, how do you soothe?
Do you read to your littles? Play music for them?

Besides sexually, how do you soothe?

Grr. I should be asleep but sod it... I've made her a playlist on YouTube. She's sent me some as well.
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