Daddy's Little Girl - Fourth Edition

I would love to see this dress you've been working on. Any chance that you would share a photo?
As you wish...

This is my "national dress" (they are regional/local really, this is Southern Osthrobotnia). I had done everything else over 25 years earlier, except that silk apron which replaces a cotton apron. Everything is after a historical existing example from the 18th century - and thus handsewn!

(Alas, I can't fit in that dress anymore.)


This is under the skirt, will also function as a overskirt on its own, and fits XS-XL. Roughly according to 18th century skirts, but not handsewn.


This tie-on pocket goes under the skirt, you get to it through a split in the skirt. Roughly according to 18th century pockets. My chosen daughter just picked this up today, as I sewed this last night in 2h (definitely not by hand 😂) - it doesn't show in photos, but it's handy tomorrow in the celebration, as with that dress handbags are not ok. But that pocket can fit even a 10" tablet, so it's better than a fine little party handbag anyway!
As you wish...
Thank you for sharing! I enjoy the details you provided, and that pocket is brilliant! My mother made some of the things I wore as a child, though hers were 100% machine-stitched. I admire and appreciate the effort and talent that you put into this. 💙
Thank you for sharing! I enjoy the details you provided, and that pocket is brilliant! My mother made some of the things I wore as a child, though hers were 100% machine-stitched. I admire and appreciate the effort and talent that you put into this. 💙
Thank you sweet Bunny! I also use machine in normal cases. I'm that much impatient. But national dress is not normal.

My mother also made clothes for us - and then taught us to make our own. I made my first full-blown shirt with all the cuff and collar details when I was 10. It still gives me childlike enjoyment to sew. (Unless there are some very adultlike fitting issue...)
My mother attempted to teach me, but regrettably, I was a horrible student. I can sew well enough to repair a seam, and could probably alter a hem. I could make simple things like pillow cases, but its been years.
If your intention is to pursue a serious DD/lg dynamic, avoid those that just seek kink bedroom banter and enjoy using these terms loosely “Daddy” or “Little, Princess, babygirl" etc…

~ from the internet
True. The trick is to distinguish those from the serious ones.
If your intention is to pursue a serious DD/lg dynamic, avoid those that just seek kink bedroom banter and enjoy using these terms loosely “Daddy” or “Little, Princess, babygirl" etc…

~ from the internet
Calling him Daddy for the first time was a really big deal for me. It meant that I chose him to be my safety and my love and that knew I could be vulnerable and little with him.