
Stygian knew he really didn't have much time. Red wouldn't be able to sit still for long, just as he wouldn't without a distraction. It just wasn't in their natures. They were hunters and that meant they were constantly on the move. Being still just didn't suit them unless they had to be for the hunt.

Once he was outside he quickly headed back to where he had hidden the rope and made his way up to the meadow again. Once there he began the boring, but essential task, of stripping grasses of their grains and looking for wild vegetables.

It took him several hours, but by the time he was ready to leave he had a pack bulging with the bounty of his labor. He had found wild fruits and berries. Several nut trees, wild parsnip and carrots, fennel, and even some truffles and mushrooms. Added to that was herbs and edible flowers. It would be enough to keep them going for several days and stretch their meals out.

Knowing he wouldn't have to return to the clearing, he untied the rope and threw it down. It would be better to take it with them than leave it tied up out here. Climbing down carefully he gathered it up and then made his way back inside the cave. He hoped Red had not done anything too foolish or hurt herself again.
There were only so many ways that Red's eyes could play with the shadows that danced on the cave walls before the game took its toll in to boredom. She needed to move and her natural instincts were getting antsy.

The sounds of footsteps nearly caused her to bolt up. Grabbing hold of her scythe, Red turned her attention towards the direction where the sound was coming from. Another snake creature? The carcasses of both the slithering females from the night before were reduced to nothing more than bones. Were their comrades tipped off and back for revenge?

Great timing for the wolf to up and leave, make certain that Red will be fed to the creatures. It wouldn't have been a problem if the injuries she received from the snake were as bad.

The sounds of footsteps got closer and closer. Red readied herself as she anticipated another strike whether it be from another snake or from the wolf himself. Being alone and injured was enough for any damned creature to feast upon a vulnerable prey.

Much to her relief and her hunter's disappointment, the wolf emerged from the shadow. Part of her was still aching to grab hold of him and use her newly sharpened blade.

Now's your chance, her Hunter persona called out. Finish him off!

Red waited until wolf came close. Oh yes, just a couple more feet and that scythe will meet with his flesh or her hands meet with his neck.

Neither which happened as he crouched beside her and showed her some of the food he brought. Quite a surprise that he was able to find some of those plants in these parts of the land.Kudos, kudos to him. Eyeing the wolf, she could still taste the remnants from the surprise kiss. But then that would mean she would have to admit certain things to the wolf that she's not ready to confess.

An innocent smile spread across her face. "So what is this surprise? I didn't move a whole lot just like you asked."
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Stygian smiled. She sounded like a little child asking for candy just because she had done as she was told. Still she had done so and he had promised her. Still would she be happy with the surprise he had planned for her and would she go along with it?

First things first. he put another pot of stew on and left it beside the fire to slowly cook. This time however it had vegetables and herbs in it so would provide a much more filling a flavorful meal.

Next he turned his attention to her. This was where it got tricky. For the surprise he had planned, she needed to be naked, but he couldn't simply ask her to undress. That would simply cause her to suspect him of something and he suspected, get him a scythe in the face.

No he was going to have to trick her into this. Squatting down beside her he began to loosen her bandages. Then examining the wound he nodded.

"It is healing nicely and we can probably wrap it now so you could move around a little. You will have to take your top off of course and I guess while you are at it you my as well get totally undressed so I can examine your whole body to make sure there are no other wounds. No use starting out tomorrow only to find out you had a gash in your leg you didn't feel because of the pain in your side."

He said this with a straight face and so matter of factually he hoped she would not guess what he was planning.
Remove all her clothes? But Red wasn't hurt anywhere else that she was aware of. The only other injury she had during the snake fight was to her shoulder and back when she was slammed to the ground. That should be it. But wouldn't he have checked it earlier to make sure there weren't anything serious or infected before he went for the only visible wound.

Still she removed her clothes, albeit a little slower than usual to make sure she didn't tear her fresh side wound open. Maybe the wolf finally realized it now that there were other places that have been affected that may have made her a little more broken. She kept her eye on the creature making certain he was not up to anything sneaky.

Or so her hunter side vowed. If only he had any idea how hard it was for the human side of her to control her natural instincts of killing him.

"I don't think there's anything else." She said. "I guess maybe my shoulders. Could use a massage."
Stygian tried to control himself as her naked body came into view. He instantly hardened of course, he just could not help himself, but his clothing kept that hidden. He kept his breathing slow and even not betraying himself that way and he didn't immediately rush her as he wanted to.

"I know it is an unusual request, but I must admit that I was more concerned with your major injury and failed to check over your entire body. With the way you have been feeling and your non movement, perhaps one of your bones or even another part of your body could be injured and we would not know."

He moved slowly over to her and sat down behind her. "Still I will start with your shoulders as you say they hurt the most at the moment."

he began to massage them lightly then got a little harder as the muscles loosened up. Soon he was able to dig in and started to work her neck muscles and down her back as well. He then checked her arms as he massaged them then he had her lie down and progressed down her back to her buttocks and then the back of her legs.

He found a few scrapes and bruises but nothing serious, but soon had her muscles loose and flowing.

"I need you to turn over so I can check your front now," he told her wondering if she would do it without any fuss. His whole plan rode on this moment.
Red's body tensed up as soon as the wolf began to massage her back and shoulders. The discomfort was worse than she had assumed, wondering if she really had not fully healed days ago from the other attack regarding those birds. Maybe the Hunter was right to leave her behind, thinking that she may end up throwing her back out. Gradually, the discomfort and pain slowly faded as he continued to knead his hands alongside her shoulder blades. Soft moans streamed through her lips. Secretly, she wished this wouldn't end, at least for a while.

Her mouth pressed in to a crooked expression when he asked her to flip around yet again. Shouldn't the wolf already notice there was something else noticeable on the front side before he told her to turn over. Granted the creature wasn't a doctor but surely he should have seen something at this point. Or maybe his eyesight wasn't as great as he claimed.

Red shrugged it off and flipped on to her back.
Stygians eyes widened even more if that was possible as he drank in the sight of her. Her beautiful face now framed by her hair. Her firm frame, toned by years of fighting and traveling. Those luscious breasts that even now had those deliciously suckable nipples that were standing up tightly just begging to be suckled on.

Then there was the spot his gaze was drawn to. The junction between her legs. The small amount of hair she kept there was all he could see at the moment as she wa keeping her legs tightly shut but he could also smell her slight arousal. That was a good sign. He planned to ignite that spark and make it a flame.

Leaning forward he began to slowly examine her body, not making it seem sexual but making it sensual at the same time. As with her back he found several small scratches and bruises but nothing to worry about.

He examined her wound and found it healing nicely, and he redressed it in clean bandages. He also checked her ribs for signs of cracks, running his hands over her breasts and 'Accidentally' rubbing her nipples several times.

Then he moved down to her legs and ran his hands up and down them both. As he did he moved them slightly further apart each time, allowing him to finally gaze upon his target. It had been getting steadily moister and the smell coming from it was divine.

Stygian moved down and suddenly seemed to be concerned with her knee. He moved in between her legs moving them even further apart. "Hmm this doesn't feel quite right. I am not sure if it is bending right. There is a simple way to test it. I will stay here and you drape a leg on each of my shoulders. Then you bend each one separately. I will be able to sense if one is any different from the other and if so if it is bad."

He got in position and waited for her to do as he asked.
The hunter side of her was not amused by the wolf's tricks at all. They both knew damn well there was nothing wrong with her knees. Maybe a scrape and bruising but she was well enough to know that as far as fractures go, there was no problem below her waist. The hunter yelled at her conscience to kick the wolf. Give him a swift foot to the the groin (oh how it always had a profound effect on many a male)... to give him an idea on just how damaged her knees were after the fight with the snakes.

Kick him!, her natural hunter instincts screamed at her. KICK HIM! Kick his sorry ass. He's open for the taking! He wants to know what a busted knee is like? DO IT!

Red watched the wolf. The only thing her human side can agree with is that she found it strange for the wolf to be concerned about her knees. Even a part of her caught on to his tricks, especially that she was now fully exposed for his taking. For the longest time, she watched him, wondering what moves was he going to pull off.

The hunter side saw something the young woman didn't: a glimpse of trickery.

Kick his ass, NOW! she screamed at her lady conscience.

Tilting her head to the side, the innocent expression on her face twisted in to a mix of disappointment and a slight hint of lustful hunger. She knew he wanted to take her while her humanity was in control. Odd enough, Red couldn't help but want it as well. Perhaps he was teasing her, pushing her buttons.

His game was going to stop, all right.

"Why can't you be more straight forward?" she asked.

With that, she grasped at his other arm. Using her free foot, she kicked him in the stomach gently enough to not cause much pain and bruising but firm enough to keel him over forward. Red watched as the wolf's head landed on her inner thigh close between the moist flesh between her legs that she could feel his breath tingle the delicate folds. The young woman knew she will regret this, not anticipating the rage that she may have woken in the creature. While the hunter wasn't fully satisfied with the fact that the woman had a chance to take him down, she did feel a small sense of glee when he was blindsided by the attack. Maybe kicking him in the kneecap wasn't a good idea for now, the hunter certainly couldn't handle a crippled wolf slowing her down. This was just stalling time for that murderous creature.

The woman could have done so much better.

Meanwhile, Red reached down, massaging the back of his head. Almost as if she were reassuring him to do it. She knew what he wanted. He knew what he was going for. Her fingers curled a few strands of his hair as she watched for his next move.
Stygian was not prepared for the kick and the air rushed out of his lungs as he fell down between her thighs, his head landing but and inch away from her delicate folds. He gasped air into his lungs and breathed out again, his breath rushing over her outer lips as his head rested on her thigh.

He knew she had seen through his ploy and if she had wanted to could have done a lot more damage to him. That's when her words finally penetrated his brain.

"Why can't you be more straight forward?"

Did that mean she didn't mind what he was doing, or that she just wanted to be asked? of course then he got more confused when she started to stroke the back of his head and her fingers curled into his hair as if urging him on.

He wasn't going to think to much about it at this point. Instead he moved forward and planted small kisses on her outer lips. He worked his way up and down them before he used the fingers of one hand to open her up and gently lick her from the bottom to the top.

One thing about part Were was that his tongue was slightly rougher than a normal humans. Several women had commented on it but he had paid them no attention. No one in the pack complained and most of the women he had been with had only mentioned it in passing as they had been so drunk.

He continued to lick her up and down before pressing his tongue in deeper inside of her. She was now getting wetter and he could taste her juices and he chased them, determined to lick up and savor every little drop he could.
Was Red really doing this? Did she really initiate this whole escapade to go down? Like the wolf, all sense of logic and the urge to kill him went out of the way. She wanted to experience something at least once. Experience the need that she was constantly deprived of because of her hunter duties. As his tongue licked between her legs, Red noticed something a bit peculiar. Maybe it was her but the wolf's tongue was a tiny bit rough compared to her softer and more moist one of her own. Compared to the other night when he taught her to kiss, she never explored his tongue as much as she thought.

No, it could be just the physical traits of his wolf being. The other night when the wolf introduced her to intimacy, she was just learning how to kiss that she didn't notice.

She drew out a sharp breath, moaning softly as he continued to lick up the thick juices that formed between her legs. She gently pressed his head in, driving his tongue further inside of her. Red gritted her teeth, trying to keep the insanity slowly building inside of her in tact.
He felt her hands on the top of his head, gently urging him to go deeper between them. He didn't need her encouragement as he pushed his face further into her crotch and his tongue deeper into her pussy.

It slithered it's way deep into her, first licking the juice from one side, then transferring across the top of her to lick the other side, before completing the circle and coming back to the other side to lick it clean again.

Finally he eased it out of her depths to begin licking around her entrance, opening her up wide with his fingers and allowing his tongue to dance over folds. The texture of his tongue would be felt especially by her here and he made sure to give her long slow licks as well as using just the tip of his tongue.

After he had bathed her entire opening he moved upwards to where her swollen pleasure nub was begging for his attention. So far he had left it alone, except for the occasional swipe of his tongue. Now he attacked it with vigor, licking all around it with just the tip of his tongue and flicking it, then giving it long slow licks with the full length of his raspy appendage.

Then he truly moved in and began to suckle on it, moving it between his lips and flicking it with his tongue as he applied suction, then nibbling it with his lips before doing it again.
Deeper his tongue went inside of her pussy, slowly fraying her nerves and any sense of calm she had going on. Her hands twitched as the wolf licked the juices off of her soft flesh. Taking his advice from the last time, Red slowly allowed herself to relax under his grasp.

Only when the wolf's tongue found its way up to her swelled up nub, Red began to squirm, sensitive to his touch. The same intense feeling shot up inside of her, stirring her emotions crazy. Still, against what she was trying to go for earlier, Red tried to wriggle away out of the wolf's hold but he held her in place. She was scared of this madness that was building up. Groaning and moaning under the pressure, Red's body began to spasm, feeling her juices coating her inner thighs and the ground below. All for the wolf's taking.

"I'm going crazy." Was all she managed to sputter out before her body tensed. A sudden rush overcame her as some of those thick juices shot inside of the wolf's mouth.
He was happy when he felt her begin to convulse under his ministrations. For some reason making her feel this way brought him happiness and joy as well.

What he was not prepared for was the sweet nectar he was lapping up to suddenly shoot out of her opening, into his open mouth, and down his gulping throat.

It was fortunate that he did not surprise so easily, and instead of rearing back, he continued to lick away and drink down all she had to offer before it subsided, and he moved forward and licked her moist area clean for her.

It had been one of the most shocking yet, spectacular things that had ever happened to him and he wanted to do it again right away, but he knew that Red might not be up to it. Still she had told him in no uncertain terms, to be honest with her.

He looked up at her face from between her legs, his mouth and chin glistening with her juices and smiled. "Well it seems you do have a few more secrets yet Red. Do you want to share anymore, or shall I just continue exploring on my own?"
Red wanted so badly to kick the wolf off of her. He was already driving her mad with his tongue. Didn't he know when to stop? After the sudden rush and release of her juices, she figured that was the end of it and that the wolf would finally cease. Part of her, mostly her hunter instincts, was ready to give him a hard kick off of her. He got what he wanted, eating her out once again.That should be more than enough to satisfy his sexual needs. Strange enough, her hunter persona wondered what the beastly creature, the wolf's true form, though of this predicament. They should be battling to the death, or at least manipulating the other, not get along the way they are now.

But the other part of her, the state of mind she was in as a wanting young female, desired the closeness. If he were to stray away from her now, her body might just ache, yearning for him to stay next to her and help open up on other possibilities.

As for secrets, well...perhaps there might be a few for Red. After a few nights with the wolf, they were things that she would rather keep to herself until she was certain that her own plans and traps would come in to fruition. Exposing the secrets now will not only ruin her own plans but likely get her killed.

"Maybe you should keep looking," she said with a crooked smile. "I think there's a lot more you have to show me."
Stygian sensed there was a lot more hidden behind her words than what she was saying, but right now he was not really in the mood for mind games. He knew he was on dangerous ground and that at any time she could try to kill him, but honestly that was only making this a little more fun.

"Well speaking of a lot more to show you," he smiled crookedly as he stood up. "I do believe turnabout is fair play."

He began to slowly remove his shirt, revealing his tanned and toned body to her eyes. Next was his breeches and finally his underwear until he stood naked before her. He had a very toned athletic body, bronzed with his time spent out in the sun and covered in a light dusting of hair. Another thing he used to get teased about by the other Were's. Most of them had a thick coating of hair even in human guise. He was more like a female. Although the large appendage between his legs could attest to the fact that he was not.

Smiling down at her he again crawled between her legs but this time he began to kiss his way up from her crotch to her lips.

"Perhaps I could interest you in something a bit more substantial than my tongue this time My Lady," he chuckled as he rubbed the head of his cock against her nether lips.
No it doesn't! Her hunter persona screamed inside her head. It was a struggle for Red to quiet the hunter side of her. Her scythe was nowhere nearby and a slip up meant the both of them would be killed. Even her hunter instincts should know better to take on someone of the wolf's stature bare handed.

Red had seen her share of men during her travels with the Hunter but the most she ever seen them were their bare chests. Occasionally there were encounters with streakers but they were mostly for jokes or after the battle when their clothes were torn. There were times that she saw a naked man but those moments were far in between as the Hunter was protective of her during their travels, keeping watch when she had to bathe out in the open.

Looking over the wolf's figure, she found it odd that he was less scruffy than most of the men she knew. A lot of her comrades and the villagers tend to have a good amount of hair covering their bodies that some of them almost resembled mountain bears. The wolf in his human form didn't have as much hair covering his body. Red's eyes travelled lower, noticing the bulging flesh hanging between his legs. Normally she would be indifferent to the sight; having spent most of her life in a male dominant group got her used to it and once or twice silently mocked at how small some of them were. But for the wolf, seeing his well endowed package was another sight, indeed.

She returned the kiss as a favor. Her legs squirmed a bit as she felt him poking between her legs.

"Actually...well..." She paused for a moment, feeling her cheeks burn bright red from the lingering thought she had in mind. "I was wondering if I could touch it."
He was not so far gone in lust that he just had to poke it inside her no matter what. He had seen members of the pack that had to do that. As soon as they got anywhere near a females nether regions they had to thrust between them no matter what the female wanted to do.

So when Red said she wanted to 'touch' him he was a little surprised but he was able to stop what he was doing and look at her.

He saw that she was blushing red at whatever she was thinking about, so it could not have been easy for her to have voiced her request, but she was also still flushed from excitement.

Smiling down at her he moved to lay beside her and then kissed her, a slow lingering kiss, before snuggling in beside her. Then grabbing her hand in his he brought it down between his legs and placed it lightly on his package before letting it go.

"Here you are Red. Touch it all you want," he smiled at her.
It was a request Red knew she would be damned for. What she didn't want to admit to the wolf was that although she had seen her share of the male genitals, she never actually touched one unless if it involved her scythe or good swift kick. She watched as the wolf laid down beside her, kissing her along the way. Maybe that wasn't a good question to ask. After all, his needs were focused on his lust determined to ram his cock inside of her. Somehow, she may have killed the mood.

He led her hand to between his legs. Upon touching his shaft, Red could not help but be surprised. She already had an idea on how hard it was considering what he did to her a few nights ago. What she didn't expect to feel was how it was throbbing. Looking up at him, then down, she gave his shaft a light squeeze and ran her hand over it. She looked up at him again with a slight confused look in her eyes.

Even with such a curiosity, Red's lack of experience made her unsure on what to do.
He saw her confusion but also her lust and need. She wanted to satisfy her curiosity and he was pretty sure make him feel good, but she had no idea how.

Stygian again moved his hand down and gently covered hers then again moved it to his shaft and showed her how to grip it gently but firmly, by applying the right pressure on her hand. Then he gently moved their hands up and down his shaft, pumping him slowly.

"This is the way to pleasure a man Red," he said smiling at her. He then took her other hand and moved them to his balls and showed her how to gently play with them.

"You must be very careful with them," he warned her," they are very sensitive. Think of them as very large nipples," he smiled.

As she got the hang of it he started to moan. "You are a very quick study Red. Maybe I will teach you the other way to pleasure a man one day," he smiled.
She watched him take her hand and guide it up and down slowly, gripping his shaft firm enough to make sure she felt every inch of its throbbing madness. Soon after, the wolf would take her other hand and cupped his balls on her palm. Looking down at where her hands are, Red couldn't believe this was happening. Or that she was doing it.

Or that she was enjoying this all too much. Red watched the flesh in her hand remain firm to her touch. The sounds of his moaning flowed inside of her ears, causing the folds between her legs to tingle. Red had no idea that his enjoyment of his enemy's actions would make her feel good.

And she loved it.

After some time, she looked up at him, noting the lust in his eyes. But most of all, his eyes were one her, watching the way she stroked him. His gaze wandered back upwards until their eyes locked on to one another. Her mind raced miles around as she found herself giving up a bit of control here and there. Red wanted him, needing to feel him touch her, to hear his voice. Their gaze upon one another only raised the suspense of what he was plotting next and she found herself a bit impatient.
He felt her get more confident in her movements, her hands stroking him took control and he was able to release them and sit back and enjoy the feelings she produced in him more. And the feelings she produced where indeed nice.

Her touch was indeed delicate while still being firm. It felt amazing and he groaned in delight. She almost stopped the first time he did, but she continued and the next time he almost saw a tiny grin on her face.

Finally her eyes wandered to his and he saw such an intense look of want and need that his breath skipped a little. His hands almost reacted on their own as he reached out and began to play with her breasts, massaging them and then twirling her nipples in his fingers.

Slowly one of his hands descended to her pussy and began to play in her folds as he slid first one, then two fingers inside of her and began to move them inside of her. He felt how wet she was a knew she was ready for something bigger than his fingers, but did not know if she wanted it or not.

Looking deeply into her eyes he moved until the object she was stroking was positioned outside the area he was. "I want, no I need to be inside of you Red, but the choice is yours," He said.
Her hands acted on their own, gradually firming its grip on him. Red adjusted her body, laying down on her side while being careful to make sure she was not laying down on her slowly healing injury. Feeling a bit daring, she leaned forward and gave him a light kiss on the lips.

There was a saying amongst the villagers during her travels that if their desires gave them pleasure, it was considered a sin. While the hunters never imposed that notion amongst each other, it did get Red thinking; if these types of things were sins that would send them straight to hell, then why did it feel so good. The fact that the wolf inserted one finger, then another inside of her didn't help matters much as a soft stream moans flowed out of her lips.

Red felt the tip of his cock graze between her legs, coated by the juices that leaked out, exposing just how much she was enjoying it.

"I want, no I need to be inside of you Red, but the choice is yours," he said.

So far deep in to her lust she was that it pushed any sense of logic and urge to kill him out of the way. Right now, she preferred to stay in this cloud driven by her emotions that made her vulnerable.

"I need you inside of me too," she whispered, still stroking his member. "I couldn't stop thinking about it ever since that night."
His eyes widened a little in shock at that thought then he nodded. Actually he hadn't been able to get her out of his mind since that night either.

Oh at first he had wanted to kill her and finish the job, but as he thought more and more about it he realized that that was not it at all.

He had had his chance to kill her that night and he had hesitated. He had looked her full in the face and in her eyes and had not struck the final blow. Something had passed between them and he had not known what and that was the reason the Hunter had been able to get to him and fight him off, leaving him scarred for life. Yet she had left a mark on him far deeper than the wound on his face.

Now he was prepared to find out just what it all meant. He moved his hips and his the head of his member settled between the lips of her womanhood. Her hand slowed it's movements then fell away as he slowly pushed forwards.

He moaned deeply as he felt the first inch bury itself inside of her before butting up against something. He withdrew then thrust forward again hitting it harder but it did not break. Realizing he would need to force his way through he braced himself and thrust hard and deep pushing half of himself inside of her and stopping.

He heard her cry out and wince but he waited until she calmed down to slowly withdraw and slowly begin to thrust in and out, inserting more of himself into her each time before he was fully inside of her.

Again he stopped and leaned down and kissed her, nuzzling her neck and shoulders. "We are finally one Red, and in just a moment I am going to make you feel as much pleasure as a man is able to do."
A part of Red hated how the wolf brought her down to her knees, knowing which nerves and emotions to grasp at just enough to make her squirm but not enough to lose her mind. Looking in to his eyes, there was a want, a need for him to take her. His stare followed her like the beast eyeing out his prey. Even looking away didn't help matters much as she could still feel his gaze burning through her.

Red couldn't help but wince as she felt him bury his erect flesh inside of her. The feelings from the other night came rushing back; lust, pleasure, and even a bit of fear. As much as it felt good to feel her regions being filled up by him, she remembered the pain when he broke through all the way.

Her thoughts were interrupted when the wolf thrust hard inside, breaking through the barrier. Her body shuddered, remembering all too well the last time he penetrated through. Red dug her fingernails in to his shoulders hoping to calm down.

As he explored further her flushed figure and nuzzled her neck and shoulder, Red realized how sensitive they were to his touch. Every kiss and nuzzle caused her body to tingle. The discomfort brought upon by his penetration slowly subsided, replaced with the sinful pleasure that he fed her the first time.

Returning the kiss, though only able to catch his bottom lip, she whispered, "Show me what I've been missing out on."
Slowly he began to thrust in and out of her. Pulling out until just the head of his erect length was left inside of her, then pushing in slowly but firmly until he was once more buried as far as he could get inside her warm depths.

Each time her flesh gripped a hold of him tightly, welcoming him back in and caressing him as he plunged himself back in. It also seemed as if it tried to grab him and stop him leaving as he pulled out, adding intense pleasure to the feelings he was experiencing.

As his hips continued to move, his lips found hers and he kissed her softly at first, barely brushing her lips with his. Then deepening them until he was kissing her passionately and thrusting his tongue deep into her mouth.

He then started to kiss her neck and shoulders, nibbling them with his lips and teeth before returning to her mouth.

"I am going to make you howl tonight Red," he grinned down at her before he sped up his pace a little and he kissed her once more.