Condor Update.....Super-Soaker 200 in hand.....


Flirtin' an' stalkin'
Nov 7, 2002
106,536 I stalk the wild beasts....those knowing about the thread will realize the mortal danger I am in...and the huge-ass butterflies in my stomach as I am a woosie basically.....

I look for the tell-tale signs of recent planter overturned, patio furniture shredded and my screen door devoured....I realize that.....

...the freakin' sissy's have flown off for the weekend I go out and GET the damn super-soaker and they deciode to not hang around.....they are getting a DOUBLE-enema when they get back I tell ya!

Oh yes, they WILL be back....and I will be ready...fully-loaded super-soaker 200 near my side....oh yes.....
By the way....

I don't know how to link if you are interested in what drove this crazy reading was entitled, "True story - though no one will want to read it" and is about 5 pages back.....
LOL I read the prior thread yesterday. Personally, I'd have gone witha garden hose. No need to refill... :)
Sorry, Jeff...

I laughed so hard I cried, then I felt bad for that because it's a real situation for you...but what a STORY you've got!

Just out of the Dept. Of Fish and Wildlife going to perhaps PAY for the damage to your home that was done by their protected critters????

S. babe you...

Thank you...yes, that was the post....not sure how you did it but I appreciate your efforts for me....

It is OK to laugh...I have been too...but as for them paying...possibly in some other california I am just trying to stay below their radar

But I WILL have my
I'm a little surprised they told you to go get the SuperSoaker. I was under the impression that using it would violate Federal Law. That type of activity would normally be considered "harrassing" an endangered species..

Maybe there is an exemption of they are messing with your property??? I dunno...
They told me both....

...first they told me that I should use a hose, like you mentioned...I stated that I don't get alot of pressure out of the tap due to the hill I am on and they said that, if they were actually called out to help, they would be bringing super-soaker 200' that they recommended I use that. Seemed like tame fun and a way to get them out of here without hurting them....
I've been following your story, I can't wait to find out how it turns out.

This is the best soap I've seen in years. <grin>

thanks for sharing, jeff.
Thank you Perky...

I appreciate your reading it is enjoying to
it's a lot of fun. You sure tell the hell out of a story.
Perky...thank you again..

Maybe I will try a few's not like my life is lacking in wierd and unusual things to chat about....

Actually, I figured the post would bore people and no one would read
Ok. You have:

A. Supersoaker
B. Birds on the way.

You need:

A. Tripod.
B. Camcorder to record enema-status of birds.
C. Digicam to take pictures for us.
D. Post said pictures.


Mia, I don't have any of that...pout....I wish I did....I think my "ex" has one of those digital video recorder technology I might be able to borrow it possibly...that should work...good ideas!!
I forgot to mention to send me a portion of the royalties. After all, I was the one who told you to sell the story.
Oh, and I think you should use this as your AV. Your name will forever be engraved in my mind as combined with one of these. ;)
Well there IS a resemblance...

same amount of hair on the might try it...though few have read it and
Operation "Condor Enema "

make sure you are wearing protective gear commander jeff,(goggles an dustmast to coverthe face,or a fullface gasmask like the fire dept. wears) they may "shoot back" if you are under them while fireing your gun. altho you might get your screen door back.

an to help with the cash flow of their distruction i would charge people for siting in my driveway an takeing pics.
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