Cohen requests evidence of trump's financials in case of trump suing him for defamation


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
trump's suing Cohen $500M for defamation

team Cohen is asking for evidence relating to trump's financial goings on, but team trump wants a confidentiality order placed on that in case of 'self-incrimination'... a phrase directly out of the mouth of alejandro brito, trump's attorney

Cohen, however, has countered that the evidence should be public regardless of any prosecutions. He told Bloomberg that every document his attorneys have sought is integral to his defense against the "frivolous and retaliatory" lawsuit.

"If Donald was concerned that release of this information could or will cause him damage in the ongoing criminal investigations, he should have thought twice about bringing the lawsuit in the first place," Cohen said. "You can't have it both ways."
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Get the judge to issue an order that Cohen can't release the information to the public and that ANY release will be presumed to be by Cohen and a violation of the order.

He can appeal the punishment after he ends up with a directed verdict against him because of the leak.
trump's suing Cohen $500M for defamation

team Cohen is asking for evidence relating to trump's financial goings on, but team trump wants a confidentiality order placed on that in case of 'self-incrimination'... a phrase directly out of the mouth of alejandro brito, trump's attorney


For what???

“The most ethical American” is worried about self-incrimination???




Trump defames himself everyday!
Cohen?? Trump should have paid him up front right away
The case will get tossed!
More court time wasted!
More of the money pouring into Trumps re-election wasted!!
More Republican reelection money gone!!
Team Cohen filed Tuesday to get trump to determine a time & place for his deposition on Oct.3rd. Team trump refused so judge has allowed Team Cohen to decide. They've now got him for a max of 9 hours

The federal judge overseeing Donald Trump’s frivolous $500 million civil lawsuit against his former attorney Michael Cohen ordered that the disgraced ex-president must show up to be deposed on October 3rd at the time and location of Cohen’s choosing.

“There's only one way within which to hold Donald Trump accountable, and that is through the court system. We are holding him to accountability. He is now, on October 3rd, he is going to have to sit whether he wants to or not. He must appear at the designated location that we are choosing. He refused and his lawyers refused to even meet and confer. So the court gave us the ability within which to decide.”

Cohen wondered how Trump, with his very short attention span, would even be able to handle the 9-hour deposition, which is rapidly approaching. “What I will say is that he has to appear at the at the location and at the time that we designate and we have him…for a maximum of 9 hours. I don't know how he intends to sit — forget about 9 hours — the guy has the attention span of a peanut,” Cohen remarked.
Team Cohen filed Tuesday to get trump to determine a time & place for his deposition on Oct.3rd. Team trump refused so judge has allowed Team Cohen to decide. They've now got him for a max of 9 hours
Person, woman, man, camera, tv

He’s got this. He did so great on meet the press the other day and that was just over an hour…,

Oh wait he gave up so much then including he was the one who decided…

October 3rd should be fun.
Former President Trump is voluntarily dismissing his lawsuit against his former attorney Michael Cohen, but vowed to refile against him once he has "prevailed" in the "witch hunts against him," Fox News Digital has learned.

Trump sued Cohen for $500 million in April, alleging a breach of attorney-client relationship, unjust enrichment, and more.
But Trump attorneys on Thursday night filed a motion "voluntarily dismissing this action without prejudice."

seems a case of he doesn't want to provide details cohen's demanded and his lawyers can't see any way forward in this without him incriminating himself.

what a Loser!
I think he's just getting eaten up with legal fees like Mikey.
Trump's ego can't take any more hurt on the same week as Forbes drops him from their rich-list.

That's worse than having to pay taxes on his inflated valuations.
Getting stiffed by Forbes hurts him more. He doesn't pay taxes like the rest of us - like the military draft, he dodges those.