E. Jean Carroll to sue trump for sexual battery under new 'adult survivors law'


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
with her defamation case ongoing (and despite orders from the judge he still hasn't provided documents), there was never a court case against him for his alleged rape of her, only defamation.

That’s changed.

Roberta A. Kaplan, the journalist’s lawyer, explained in her letter to the judge that Carroll is now preparing to file a separate lawsuit under New York’s Adult Survivors Act “on the earliest possible date,” which is Nov. 24.
Kaplan also explained that Trump—as he has done in nearly every court case of late—is refusing to turn over court-mandated evidence.

Trump “remains unwilling to produce any documents in discovery,” not “a single document,” Kaplan wrote.

because of his refusal to turn over discovery materials, choosing to claim executive privilege—again—Carroll's lawyer wants him to be deposed, where he has to answer under oath and where his refusal to do so can be held as evidence of his guilt.

and this time he hasn't the DOJ to pick up his shit
so now trump is signaling he's going to testify in his own defense in the defamation trial Carroll's brought against him.

The former president put himself at the top of a list of witnesses he plans to call at the trial, which a federal judge in New York has scheduled to start April 25 before a jury, according to a court filing late Thursday.
most people remember him saying (about the rape allegation) that she 'wasn't his type', but in partially unsealed transcripts of his pre-trial sworn deposition, this:
Trump has already given sworn testimony in the case, calling Carroll a “whack job” and “liar” during a pre-trial deposition. During that Oct. 19 interview, he mistook a 1980s photograph of Carroll with an image of his ex-wife Marla Maples, according to a partially unsealed transcript.
he's also offered a dna sample... knowing full-well the discovery phase had passed and it's almost unheard of for a judge to re-open that, so empty gestures... unless, of course, the judge DOES decide to allow the new evidence, in which case trump had better be damned sure he's submitting a clean sample (or somebody else's!)

And in the latest shocking development, Trump has reportedly now offered to provide a DNA sample. However, skeptics have been quick to point out that the deadline for evidence, which must be given during the discovery phase of an investigation, has now passed.
Unidentified male DNA was found on the shoulders and sleeves of the dress that Carroll was wearing on the day she claims to have been raped. Her lawyers first requested a sample from Trump in 2021, and his delayed response means it's now too late for his DNA to be tested against the traces found on the dress, which Carroll says she hasn't washed since the alleged attack.
judge refuses to reopen discovery phase, citing it would create delays for the start date of the trial:

Kaplan wrote in his ruling that Trump offered "no persuasive reason" about why he didn't make the DNA offer in a timely fashion, and "failed to demonstrate good cause to reopen discovery" long after the deadline to exchange evidence had passed.
"There is no justification for imposing Mr. Trump's new proposal on Ms. Carroll now that she has prepared for a trial on the entirely justified basis that there will be no DNA evidence," Kaplan wrote.
"Starting down the DNA road at this point almost inevitably would lead to further delay for sampling, testing, expert report writing, and depositions of experts. It almost surely would delay the trial again," Kaplan wrote.

of course it was and, let's face it, who knows whose samples he'd actually submit. and equally certain, he's well set to bray from the rooftops that the courts have refused the very evidence that would 'prove his innocence'.
Judge Kaplan allows Access Hollywood tape to be brought into trial as evidence

In the latest dramatic development, a federal judge has now ruled that Carroll can use a new piece of evidence: a famous tape of Donald Trump in conversation with Access Hollywood host Billy Bush back in 2005.
In the tape, which shocked the world when it was leaked in 2016, Trump speaks in graphic terms, boasting to Bush about the ability of celebrities like himself to grope women without their prior consent: "I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it.

"You can do anything."
Explaining the decision to include Trump's controversial remarks as evidence in the upcoming trial, Judge Kaplan wrote: "a jury reasonably could find, even from the Access Hollywood tape alone, that Mr Trump admitted […] that he in fact has had contact with women’s genitalia in the past without their consent, or that he has attempted to do so."
To make matters worse for Trump, Judge Kaplan has also turned down Trump's requests to exclude the testimony of two other women who allege that he sexually assaulted them.

According to Jessica Leeds, Trump groped her while sitting beside her on 1979 plane journey. Speaking to the New York Times in 2016, Leeds stated: "He was like an octopus. His hands were everywhere."

The second accuser, journalist Natasha Stoynoff, claims that Trump attacked her in 2005 at his Mar-a-Lago home in Florida where she interviewed him and Melania for People magazine.
He also identified his ex wife as the woman who was not his type. I guess that “defense” is ruined.
Shit, he tried to rape the US Flag even without a pussy to grab
Let's not forget the rape charge of a 13-year-old that languishes from his Epstein entertainment years.

You're got a real winner there, board Trumpettes. You got that Trump rot spreading all over you.
Judge Kaplan orders anonymous jury for Carrol/trump trial set for April, with no dissent from either party.

“Mr. Trump’s quite recent reaction to what he perceived as an imminent threat of indictment by a grand jury sitting virtually next door to this Court was to encourage ‘protest’ and to urge people to ‘take our country back,’” Kaplan wrote.

“That reaction reportedly has been perceived by some as incitement to violence. And it bears mention that Mr. Trump repeatedly has attacked courts, judges, various law enforcement officials and other public officials, and even individual jurors in other matters,” the ruling continued.

Trump’s and Carroll’s lawyers had not raised the issue of an anonymous jury, which is typically reserved for terrorism and organized crime cases, but the Clinton-nominated judge on his own accord asked the parties if they had any objections to using one.
i'm loving this judge :D

Kaplan says 'not so fast' to trump's lawyer's request that the jury be told trump was 'excused' due to the burden his presence would place on the city/the court

In his letter to Kaplan on Wednesday, the lawyer, Joe Tacopina, requested the judge to instruct jurors: “While no litigant is required to appear at a civil trial, the absence of the defendant in this matter, by design, avoids the logistical burdens that his presence, as the former president, would cause the courthouse and New York City. Accordingly, his presence is excused unless and until he is called by either party to testify.”

Kaplan responded that the court does not accept Trump’s counsel’s “claims concerning alleged burdens on the courthouse or the City” if Trump were to testify at trial. The judge noted that Trump is under no legal obligation to be present or testify, and that Carroll’s counsel has signaled that they were not planning to call Trump as a witness.

Kaplan also cited Trump’s upcoming travel to a campaign event in New Hampshire on the third day of the scheduled trial, while pointing out that Trump is entitled by law as a former president to have Secret Service protection, and that additional security measures can be provided as well.

“If the Secret Service can protect him at that event, certainly the Secret Service, the Marshals Service, and the City of New York can see to his security in this very secure federal courthouse,” Kaplan wrote.

the fact it is a civil trial means trump can or can not be there as he prefers, unless called as a witness

Trump still tries to convince people that Ms. Carroll is making the whole thing up. His defense is "She's not my type", meaning, she's not the type of person he normally would sexually assault.

And even after saying that, there are Lit MAGAts who spring to his defense.
Trump still tries to convince people that Ms. Carroll is making the whole thing up. His defense is "She's not my type", meaning, she's not the type of person he normally would sexually assault.

And even after saying that, there are Lit MAGAts who spring to his defense.

Carroll has some great counsel on this:

And in each of the cases, Trump lied, denying the assault, Crowley said, before demeaning the accuser as “not his type.” The problem, of course, is that Carroll was exactly his type. How do we know, she asked? Because there is photographic proof that he met Carroll at an event in the late 1980s.
Crowley then put that photo up on a screen for all present to see, showing Carroll, now an elegant 79, in her mid-40s, all bouncy hair, shining eyes and gleaming teeth. And Crowley then revealed that at Trump's deposition, the former president testified, under oath, that Carroll was Marla Maples, his second wife, who he has said was exactly his type.
The funnist "gotcha" on Trump on this after the Access Holiywood tape is his declaration that he'd never met her, when the clown had every reason to know there was photographic evidence out there. What a douche. :LOL:
During a Wednesday court hearing in New York City, Kaplan scolded the former president after he claimed on social media that the trial was a "scam."

The judge observed Trump was "tampering with a new source of potential liability" and said Tacopina should advise his client not to speak about the trial on social media.

despite the judge's warnings, idiot-boy eric couldn't help himself and tweeted some shit about the trial. Judge Kaplan was not amused:
Kaplan warned that Trump was "now sailing in harm's way with his son."

"If I was in your shoes, I'd be having a conversation with your client," Kaplan told Tacopina.
