Clinton Lied, Bin Laden Didn't Die


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
Clinton Lied, Bin Laden Didn't Die

The latest CIA inspector general report shows that Bill Clinton lied in that infamous red-faced interview with Chris Wallace; he never ordered the CIA to kill Osama bin Laden.
CLINTON, THE CIA, AND BIN LADEN: Clinton didn't actually authorize the CIA to kill Osama, as he's claimed, according to Newsweek. Someone should ask Sandy Berger about this. Now we know what he destroyed!

I've written before that pursuing partisan blame for 9/11 is a waste of time. It gets in the way of determining where failures occurred and developing the proper approaches to avoid them in the future.

The truth is that the issues that created these failures stretched back for years, probably decades in terms of interpretation of intelligence law. However, it gets difficult to remember that when former presidents essentially lie about their roles on national television. Given Clinton's unique history, this prevarication and self-aggrandizement comes as no surprise, but it is still pretty disappointing.

This won't help Hillary.
Clinton lied, people died

Michael Isikoff, the reporter who broke the Monica Lewinsky story only to have his editors at Newsweek spike the story, has caught Bill Clinton in another lie: He never authorized the killing of Osama bin Laden.

Citing a recent CIA inspector general report, Isikoff and Mark Hosenball reported:

The report also criticized intelligence problems when Bill Clinton was president, detailing political and legal “constraints” agency officials felt in the late 1990s. In September 2006, during a famous encounter with Fox News anchor Wallace, Clinton erupted in anger and waived his finger when asked about whether his administration had done enough to get bin Laden. “What did I do? What did I do?” Clinton said at one point. “I worked hard to try to kill him. I authorized a finding for the CIA to kill him. We contracted with people to kill him. I got closer to killing him than anybody has gotten since.”

Clinton appeared to have been referring to a December 1999 Memorandum of Notification (MON) he signed that authorized the CIA to use lethal force to capture, not kill, bin Laden. But the inspector general’s report made it clear that the agency never viewed the order as a license to “kill” bin Laden—one reason it never mounted more effective operations against him. “The restrictions in the authorities given the CIA with respect to bin Laden, while arguably, although ambiguously, relaxed for a period of time in late 1998 and early 1999, limited the range of permissible operations,” the report stated. (Scheuer agreed with the inspector general’s findings on this issue, but said if anything the report was overly diplomatic. “There was never any ambiguity,” he said. “None of those authorities ever allowed us to kill anyone. At least that’s what the CIA lawyers told us.” A spokesman for the former president had no immediate comment.)

I am not blaming Clinton for 9/11. The blame for that rests solely with the multi-millionaire, pampered son of a Saudi construction magnate — Osama bin Laden — and the minions he hired.

The entire United States went to sleep after the Berlin Wall fell. We thought we ruled the world unchallenged.

Hello, jihadists. Hello, China. Hello, Vladimir Putin. Hello, Hugo Chavez.

Our intelligence community had a meltdown in the 1990s will our military was mothballed. That was a deadly combination. Clinton’s tepid response to the first attack on the WTC in 1993 — which was clearly sponsored by Saddam Hussein — as well as Clinton’s no response to the USS Cole showed the nation’s vulnerability to pacifism in the face of a deadly enemy.

And George W. Bush ran as the America First, no nation-building candidate.

Not a proud hour for our country.

The entire Newsweek story is here. I quoted from Page 3 of the report.
nor should it

the man is a HABITUAL liar!


he sent his peon to DESTROY the documents that would expose him
The further away we get from the end of his time, the more he makes someone like Nixon look like a petty thief.
busybody said:
nor should it

the man is a HABITUAL liar!


he sent his peon to DESTROY the documents that would expose him
No, he's a pathological liar.... :)
Did Clinton Lie About Targeting Bin Laden?

It appears that Bill Clinton may have exaggerated his record when it came to strategizing against Osama bin Laden. Newsweek's Michael Isikoff and Mark Hosenball take a look at the Inspector General's report of the pre-9/11 intelligence failures at the CIA and find an interesting nugget. Despite Clinton's angry assertion to Chris Wallace in last year's controversial Fox interview, he never gave the CIA an assassination order regarding bin Laden (h/t: CQ reader Mark):

The report also criticized intelligence problems when Bill Clinton was president, detailing political and legal “constraints” agency officials felt in the late 1990s. In September 2006, during a famous encounter with Fox News anchor Wallace, Clinton erupted in anger and waived his finger when asked about whether his administration had done enough to get bin Laden. “What did I do? What did I do?” Clinton said at one point. “I worked hard to try to kill him. I authorized a finding for the CIA to kill him. We contracted with people to kill him. I got closer to killing him than anybody has gotten since.”

Clinton appeared to have been referring to a December 1999 Memorandum of Notification (MON) he signed that authorized the CIA to use lethal force to capture, not kill, bin Laden. But the inspector general’s report made it clear that the agency never viewed the order as a license to “kill” bin Laden—one reason it never mounted more effective operations against him. “The restrictions in the authorities given the CIA with respect to bin Laden, while arguably, although ambiguously, relaxed for a period of time in late 1998 and early 1999, limited the range of permissible operations,” the report stated. (Scheuer agreed with the inspector general’s findings on this issue, but said if anything the report was overly diplomatic. “There was never any ambiguity,” he said. “None of those authorities ever allowed us to kill anyone. At least that’s what the CIA lawyers told us.” A spokesman for the former president had no immediate comment.)

I've written before that pursuing partisan blame for 9/11 is a waste of time. It gets in the way of determining where failures occurred and developing the proper approaches to avoid them in the future. The truth is that the issues that created these failures stretched back for years, probably decades in terms of interpretation of intelligence law.

However, it gets difficult to remember that when former presidents essentially lie about their roles on national television. Given Clinton's unique history, this prevarication and self-aggrandizement comes as no surprise, but it is still pretty disappointing. It leaves the historical record muddied, right up to the point when independent investigations reveal the truth. Worse, his shouted fabrications contribute to the partisan atmosphere.

One has to sympathize with CIA officials who had read the classified report in 2005, but were unable to respond to his exaggeration in 2006. He once gave the same kind of finger-waggling tirade to the nation, which turned out as false as his Wallace interview. It's a sad reflection on a man who somehow cannot bring himself to tell the truth, even when his nation needs it.
In 1998 President Clinton launched a major attack on al Queda and tried to kill Osama bin Laden: 75 cruise missiles landed in Afghanistan at Bin Laden's camps around Khost and Jalalabad. The Khost camp, Zawhar Kili, was the scene of a meeting of "senior leaders of Islamic militant and terrorist groups linked to bin Laden," and was regarded by Pakistani intelligence as a "summit" convened by bin Laden.

At the time the right mocked him for it, claiming he was"wagging the dog" and "bombing an aspirin factory" - a chemical plant that belonged to Osama bin Laden.

Tell us DizzyB, how much damage do you think 75 cruise missiles would do? You don't consider launching 75 cruise missiles at bin Laden's camps around Afghanistan trying to kill him? :rolleyes:
busybody said:
then you are saying that the CIA LIED?

I'm saying that Newsweek's article is very carefully worded, and inaccurate.

Even you can't be trying to say that this strike never happened. It was a surgical strike aimed directly at eliminating Osama bin Laden and the attendees of his terrorist "summit" meeting.

The noise from the right was deafening. Cries of "wag the dog", an accusation that Clinton was trying to instigate a war with Afghanistan. Much of the same rhetoric was used when Clinton intervened in Bosnia.
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what I am saying is THIS

the CIA had 3-4 chances to KILL OBL

ClitMAN never said


in fact he ABORTED a couple of drone attacks for fear of killing "civilians"

so when Clitman SCREAMED at M Wallace that he told the CIA


The CIA said he never said so!

Firing cruise attacks at camps is BS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The report also criticized intelligence problems when Bill Clinton was president, detailing political and legal “constraints” agency officials felt in the late 1990s. In September 2006, during a famous encounter with Fox News anchor Wallace, Clinton erupted in anger and waived his finger when asked about whether his administration had done enough to get bin Laden. “What did I do? What did I do?” Clinton said at one point. “I worked hard to try to kill him. I authorized a finding for the CIA to kill him. We contracted with people to kill him. I got closer to killing him than anybody has gotten since.”

since UD cant read
busybody said:
The report also criticized intelligence problems when Bill Clinton was president, detailing political and legal “constraints” agency officials felt in the late 1990s. In September 2006, during a famous encounter with Fox News anchor Wallace, Clinton erupted in anger and waived his finger when asked about whether his administration had done enough to get bin Laden. “What did I do? What did I do?” Clinton said at one point. “I worked hard to try to kill him. I authorized a finding for the CIA to kill him. We contracted with people to kill him. I got closer to killing him than anybody has gotten since.”

since UD cant read
Clinton appeared to have been referring to a December 1999 Memorandum of Notification (MON) he signed that authorized the CIA to use lethal force to capture, not kill, bin Laden. But the inspector general’s report made it clear that the agency never viewed the order as a license to “kill” bin Laden— :rolleyes: :rolleyes: one reason it never mounted more effective operations against him. “The restrictions in the authorities given the CIA with respect to bin Laden, while arguably, although ambiguously, relaxed for a period of time in late 1998 and early 1999, limited the range of permissible operations,” the report stated. (Scheuer agreed with the inspector general’s findings on this issue, but said if anything the report was overly diplomatic. “There was never any ambiguity,” he said. “None of those authorities ever allowed us to kill anyone. At least that’s what the CIA lawyers told us.” :rolleyes: :rolleyes: A spokesman for the former president had no immediate comment.)