Can someone else own your soul?


Bound and willing
Apr 9, 2002
Have you ever loved or cared so deeply for someone that you give up all of your self to them...your soul?

Do you think it is possible for someone to be so connected to you and vice versa that your soul just calls out to're locked in a perpetual dance?

Have you ever experienced this and will you share?

Do you think souls know something above and beyond what our conscious knows?

(I could go further but here's a start.)
im not exactly spiritual but what i feel and share with my girlfriend can't be just explained with the heart and the mind ... theres something more
you write them a note stating that they own your soul.

so any later contracts made with the devil are null and void. ;)
Unfortunately sometimes it seems like the devil owns my soul, but in reality, she's not the devil.

When you "give" your soul to someone, you're taking a huge risk. I know.
I'm a writer so I enjoy entertaining these metaphysical debates, and probing the limit of human interaction...

Are there souls that can be mingled? Shared with the right person?

It's a beautiful, romantic notion, and I would love it to be true...

But who knows.


Sure hasn't happened to me.
sexy-girl said:
im not exactly spiritual but what i feel and share with my girlfriend can't be just explained with the heart and the mind ... theres something more

I can understand that. It is for that very reason...the something more...that I have become as spiritual as I am and continue to be.

I'm glad you have this sexy-girl. ;)
Starblayde said:
you write them a note stating that they own your soul.

so any later contracts made with the devil are null and void. ;)

Would you even need a note? If they claim it...would it require a piece of paper or would their name be written on your soul?
lobito said:
Unfortunately sometimes it seems like the devil owns my soul, but in reality, she's not the devil.

When you "give" your soul to someone, you're taking a huge risk. I know.

Do you actually give your soul or was it claimed before you even met?
calypso_21 said:
Do you actually give your soul or was it claimed before you even met?

Geez Caly, it's only 9:20am! do I really have to think so early? let me think about it...

A part of me feels it was stolen from me, a part feels I gave it. But I don't feel it was claimed before we met. Maybe I'm not spiritual in that way to believe it though.
calypso_21 said:
Have you ever loved or cared so deeply for someone that you give up all of your self to them...your soul?

Yes. On retrospect, I don't think it was the healthiest relationship. I gave up everything, built my entire life around his. Not really a good thing.

Do you think it is possible for someone to be so connected to you and vice versa that your soul just calls out to're locked in a perpetual dance?

Yes. But I think that person wouldn't expect or want you to give up your Self.

Have you ever experienced this?


Do you think souls know something above and beyond what our conscious knows?

Of course.

(I could go further but here's a start.)
nitelite33 said:
I'm a writer so I enjoy entertaining these metaphysical debates, and probing the limit of human interaction...

Are there souls that can be mingled? Shared with the right person?

It's a beautiful, romantic notion, and I would love it to be true...

But who knows.


Sure hasn't happened to me.


I don't necessarily mean that it is that soul mate sort of thought. I was actually not even thinking of that. I am sure there is a thread here about that.

I mean have you ever met someone who just "owns" you. You more than willingly or of no will power of your own fall for and into them. You are in a sense powerless with them...they are your hopefully a good sense?
Have you ever loved or cared so deeply for someone that you give up all of your self to them...your soul?

Do you think it is possible for someone to be so connected to you and vice versa that your soul just calls out to're locked in a perpetual dance?

Have you ever experienced this and will you share?
Yes, no

Do you think souls know something above and beyond what our conscious knows?
lobito said:
Geez Caly, it's only 9:20am! do I really have to think so early? let me think about it...

A part of me feels it was stolen from me, a part feels I gave it. But I don't feel it was claimed before we met. Maybe I'm not spiritual in that way to believe it though.

This is answered this is what is important Lo...

I was wondering if anyone would feel that they had no part in losing their soul.
Re: Re: Can someone else own your soul?

pagancowgirl said:
Have you ever loved or cared so deeply for someone that you give up all of your self to them...your soul?

Yes. On retrospect, I don't think it was the healthiest relationship. I gave up everything, built my entire life around his. Not really a good thing.

Do you think it is possible for someone to be so connected to you and vice versa that your soul just calls out to're locked in a perpetual dance?

Yes. But I think that person wouldn't expect or want you to give up your Self.

Have you ever experienced this?


Do you think souls know something above and beyond what our conscious knows?

Of course.

Why is it that if you give up of your self to someone it is often seen as a negative? (I'm not trying to single you out. I thought the same thing at one time.)

Is it that more often than not people give up so much of their self that they cease to exist?

Is it possible to give your all and still remain whole?
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I think we all, whether we admit it or not, have a smart part to do with losing it ourselves...
calypso_21 said:
Have you ever loved or cared so deeply for someone that you give up all of your self to them...your soul?

Do you think it is possible for someone to be so connected to you and vice versa that your soul just calls out to're locked in a perpetual dance?

Have you ever experienced this and will you share?

Do you think souls know something above and beyond what our conscious knows?

(I could go further but here's a start.)
Yes, my soul has called and I have heard calls to it.

But no. You can't give them your soul. It is yours and yours alone.

You can love them with all your soul but that is what you are doing with it. It is still your soul.

When we love like that we are allowing our lovers to see a part of our souls that is very vulnerable. It can be scary and seem like your giving it away but it is still yours. It can also be difficult when someone offers intimacy with their soul. Such responsibility can be frightening also and many will run away from it.

Souls are both part of our consciousness and unconsciousness and it can vary as to how much we see of ourselves depending upon what we are going through, our predisposed beliefs and the fear we may have of seeing our weakness. Looking into your soul can be a painful thing but makes us stronger in the long run.

The perpetual dance does exist for some. I think those are very special couples. Soulmates. I think soulmates can exist in many different forms but takes great acceptance of self as well as of the other. And for true soulmates to be content they each must retain something of themselves. I think even when we believe we have given up all of ourselves for another that is illusion. The gift is still there however our soul eternally belongs to ourselves. Hopefully an illusion we can pull ourselves from if we come to a point where that gift is returned unwanted.
calypso_21 said:
I mean have you ever met someone who just "owns" you. You more than willingly or of no will power of your own fall for and into them. You are in a sense powerless with them...they are your hopefully a good sense?

Close to this, and it was unhealthy...

In the end, the person was manipulative and used it to hurt me. You'd think that would break the spell, but I didn't see it all clearly until much later...

Friends try to tell you.. But you need to learn the hard way..

So I'm cynical about anyone owning me unless I own them too... ergo the soulMATE thing :D
lobito said:
I think we all, whether we admit it or not, have a smart part to do with losing it ourselves...

Oh I totally agree with this. I would think most would...hmm...I'm not so sure on that right now.

I personally don't think people believe that their souls can be claimed without their permission.
Re: Re: Re: Can someone else own your soul?

calypso_21 said:
Why is it that if you give up of your self to someone it is often seen as a negative? (I'm not trying to single you out. I thought the same thing at one time.)

Oh sure, pick on me. ;)

Is it that more often than not people give up so much of their self that they cease to exist?

I think the negative aspect is that when you've given that much of your self away... if something happens and the love dies, it's extremely difficult to get your self out of the situation before you're completely lost.

Is it possible to give your all and still remain whole?

I don't know.
Have you ever loved or cared so deeply for someone that you give up all of your self to them...your soul?

Yes, my children. I know you are probably thinking more along the lines of a "soul mate", but honestly I haven't had that depth of a relationship with an adult. I am very selfish and self centered, I can't even begin to fathom giving up my "self" in a relationship. I don't even think that it would be healthy to become lost in another. I wouldn't want someone who felt that way about me, because I couldn't handle the responsibility of it.

Do you think it is possible for someone to be so connected to you and vice versa that your soul just calls out to're locked in a perpetual dance? Do you think souls know something above and beyond what our conscious knows?

I have always hoped so, but didn't really believe such until recently. I met someone, that on some level I can't even begin to explain, there was an instant recognition. A level of comfort that defies logic. It leads me to believe that we have done this "dance" before, and what a joyous thing it is. I am not sure if it is our soul, or pheremones, or just the right chemicles mixing and neurons firing at specified times to make us feel this way.

The romantical side of me wants to believe in the soul, and the feeling that one is preordained to find that one person that we can love and will love us above and beyond all others. The cynical side of me, well, that is a whole other issue.

Would you even need a note? If they claim it...would it require a piece of paper or would their name be written on your soul?

I think/hope that there are those which we are destined to share a part of our life with. Regardless of the time frame involved. A map, if you will, of options and choices made available to us. Dependent upon the level of wisdom we have achieved and maturity we have, determines how we handle it when these people enter our lives. I am not sure if it is a forever thing, or a cycle we relive time and time again until we get it right. Which, if that holds true, what happens when we do get it right? Does that end our cycle? (Sorry to add more questions.)

Do you actually give your soul or was it claimed before you even met?

I think you give your soul to those that dont deserve it. I think that if you give thought to it, make a decision, and chose to give it to another the odds are, they are not the person(s) intended to receive it. If it is without forethought, and you somehow recognize that this person has a place in your life that you had not previously imagined, odds are that they are the person(s) with whom you are intended to share whatever it is that is shared between you.

Does all that even make sense? lol, Bear with me, I just woke up.
Re: Re: Can someone else own your soul?

weed said:
Yes, my soul has called and I have heard calls to it.

But no. You can't give them your soul. It is yours and yours alone.

You can love them with all your soul but that is what you are doing with it. It is still your soul.

When we love like that we are allowing our lovers to see a part of our souls that is very vulnerable. It can be scary and seem like your giving it away but it is still yours. It can also be difficult when someone offers intimacy with their soul. Such responsibility can be frightening also and many will run away from it.

Souls are both part of our consciousness and unconsciousness and it can vary as to how much we see of ourselves depending upon what we are going through, our predisposed beliefs and the fear we may have of seeing our weakness. Looking into your soul can be a painful thing but makes us stronger in the long run.

The perpetual dance does exist for some. I think those are very special couples. Soulmates. I think soulmates can exist in many different forms but takes great acceptance of self as well as of the other. And for true soulmates to be content they each must retain something of themselves. I think even when we believe we have given up all of ourselves for another that is illusion. The gift is still there however our soul eternally belongs to ourselves. Hopefully an illusion we can pull ourselves from if we come to a point where that gift is returned unwanted.

I like what you've stated. I don't necessarily agree with all of it but I think it was beautifully communicated.

I believe you have some control over your soul but for the most part it is of it's own volition. I think that there are for some a person or persons that come into your life who your soul just flies to. You may not even know why but you have little control in those instances.

What I do agree with is that yes...our so stays with us...but does it belong to us?

I'm not sure.
On one hand I believe I have felt it slipping away.

On the other hand, being a monist, I think it just might have been something I ate.

In the end wouldn't it be more fulfilling to have cold soul fussion rather than soul appropriation.