Can one be spritual,& not believe in religion?


Literotica Guru
Mar 8, 2011
The title explains itself. I am for one a very spiritual person that do believe in God, but has rejected all forms of religion.But I want know others opinions on this subject since people find it so baffling.

Maybe I did not hit the submit button.
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All same category of hokey shit with nothing to back it up.

Sure you could buy one brand of bullshit over the other but doesn't change the fact that your belief system revolves around made up imaginary shit and should be ridiculed as such.
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The title explains itself. I am for one a very spiritual person that do believe in God, but has rejected all forms of religion.But I want know others opinions on this subject since people find it so baffling.

Maybe I did not hit the submit button.

You believe in a higher power, but refuse to conform to a certain way to worship that power. No biggie, your choice...
If you define "religion" not as bare belief in the existence of supernatural beings, but as subscribing to a particular religious tradition, then yes, of course it is possible. The late Martin Gardner, a lifelong debunker of all things irrational or superstitious or pseudoscientific or "paranormal," described himself as a "philosophical theist," rejecting all purported revelations and traditions as to God, but still believing in a personal God with a mind and will to whom one could pray in hope of help. He also rejected "natural theology", BTW; he denied God's existence could be logically or scientifically proven by the ontological argument or any of that bullshit, but simply made a "leap of faith" to believe.
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If you define "religion" not as bare belief in the existence of supernatural beings, but as subscribing to a particular religious tradition, then yes, of course it is possible. The late Martin Gardner, a lifelong debunker of all things irrational or superstitious or pseudoscientific or "paranormal," described himself as a "philosophical theist," rejecting all purported revelations and traditions as to God, but still believing in a personal God with a mind and will to whom one could pray in hope of help. He also rejected "natural theology", BTW; he denied God's existence could be logically or scientifically proven by the ontological argument or any of that bullshit, but simply made a "leap of faith" to believe.

The way you made those words gush forth, KingOrfeo, you could be my confessor
and spiritual advisor any day :cattail:
Since "spirit" is used interchangeably with "air", "wind" and "breath" in the earliest religious texts, I would say yes.
But you feel that 'God' made us all in his image, to quote you

"God made all of us in his image,asshole. Even you,cunt ass. So therefore I can do what I want.And good, I am glad I can turn people off.Especially lowlife gay cheaters,& lying gay men"

I know you're especially keen that people should address you're original question so "yes" and there are many belief systems: religious, spiritual and philosophical. Most our bound by the same tenets of not doing harm to others, of forgiveness and mercy, and believing there is more to life and death that we can perceive with our mortal senses.
I'm delighted to learn you are religious and so perhaps, given time, you might put in place the beliefs to which you aspire, rather than the asshole, cunt ass God you currently follow.
You believe in a higher power, but refuse to conform to a certain way to worship that power. No biggie, your choice...

Thank you for you the smart reply. Whenever I say this to someone is a apart of a religion they give me the craziest look ever.LOL
You believe in a higher power, but refuse to conform to a certain way to worship that power. No biggie, your choice...

I recall an anecdote about two colonial-era Americans of different Protestant sects discussing theology -- one concluded with, "I readily concede that you and I worship the same God, you in your way, and I in His."
Religion has been over taken by politics in this day and age. Stick with faith and spritual awareness. Or give the Wiccan religion a look, most of their believes seem open to what ever you wanna put in there.
Yes, absolutely. I am an atheist but the concept of being 'spiritual' is still relevant in my world.

a "leap of faith" to believe.

That 'leap of faith' ? Hmmm, the problem with it is that one leap kinda takes you from the hard and fast rules of logic and science to.....well, pretty much anything goes. There is no spectrum to a 'leap of faith'. Once you jump - wow.
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I think the same, I find most religion contradicts itself and are demeaning of any other, and I didn't want to be apart of something I doubted. I found that not following a certain religion but believing in what I felt was right made it easier for me to find my way through spirituality.
I think the same, I find most religion contradicts itself and are demeaning of any other, and I didn't want to be apart of something I doubted. I found that not following a certain religion but believing in what I felt was right made it easier for me to find my way through spirituality.

Well of course it is.
I answer yes.

I believe in a higher power, but I am not a 'religious' person. I grew up in one, rejected it in my mid-teens, and have not found a suitable replacement. But I haven't seeked one either.

I now have my own beliefs. In a nutshell:
1. I believe in a higher power. (maybe not God as most would know it)
2. I believe prayer works.
3. I believe that organized religion, for all of its flaws, has done more good for mankind than harm. It, at the very least, installs a sense of right and wrong.
4. I believe that all religions are incorrect anyway. Nobody knows the real story until you're dead. Its ALL speculation.
5. I believe that, based on #4, religions that are NOT tolerant of other beliefs, have another agenda.