can media bias be more in what is not told than what is told about a story


Super xVirgin Man
Jan 2, 2002
just an thought i been having lately wtih all the prove this new source is biased discussion and the prove this source isn't discussion.

What are your thoughts on the matter of bias?

Does it solely rest on what is told, or is thier a wider scope of what is not told as well?

Please explain why you have such feelings regardless your belief
This is totally true.

Listen to or watch your local TV or radio news. Pay attention to the issues discussed.

Then check for them in the newspaper, or a couple.

Begin to review the alternate slants. The inclusions, omissions, and the way things are either stated or presented.

Then listen to MPR news on the radio. Fact overload. Sift all the previous to see who left out what and try to discern why.

News isn't unbiassed. How could it be when most of the media is owned/controlled by megaComglomerates?

Some of it might be unintentional... Based on what they think the average viewer/reader/listener will think is important or will actually understand. But I don't honestly think it ends there.
juicylips said:
Merry Christmas, Todd.:kiss:

Have you decided on your new nick yet?

mmmm, thanks babe

I think I am going to stick with this one, I don't feel like opening more email accounts I got enough on the go already

you still my love slave?
juicylips said:

woohoo, since my girlfriend got me addicted to sex and is due up on the 5th I may be in desperate need of a loveslave for a couple of weeks until she gets back on her feet.
Todd-'o'-Vision said:
woohoo, since my girlfriend got me addicted to sex and is due up on the 5th I may be in desperate need of a loveslave for a couple of weeks until she gets back on her feet.

You have my number.

Oh. Wait. Maybe you don't.;)
Oscuridad said:
A self hijacking thread... what a concept.

*is a pioneer*

I think Todd is use to me popping in his threads with my inane chatter.

He forgives me.:D
Oscuridad said:
A self hijacking thread... what a concept.

*is a pioneer*

hehehe, yes i think it might be something new, seeing as threads eventually get highjacked by someone, I figured why give the middle man profit , cut him out and keep all the profit to myself, and as you can see juicylips is a very nice profit :D

I do ant to thank you for your above statement It is exactly what I was thinking myself, I was just wondering if many others say it the same way.
Oscuridad said:
A self hijacking thread... what a concept.

*is a pioneer*

You and Bluesboy I guess. He's a master at hijacking his own threads.

* * * * * * *

To answer the original question however, it is absolutely true that in order to truly understand a "news" item, you must figure out what they're NOT saying as much as what they are. I also question WHY they're saying/doing whatever as well. Motives are just as important as the information.

Editors don't just write editorials, they edit "news".

Reporters report things people will pay attention to more so than things people ought to pay attention to.

There are capitalist mechanics/ markets at work.

Just look at this board- Just because a thread is about something important- be it one's immortal soul, or history in progress, or priceless wisdom,.... that doesn't mean it can compete with "blurt it out" "I can't believe you said" or "ABC"
patient1 said:

Just look at this board- Just because a thread is about something important- be it one's immortal soul, or history in progress, or priceless wisdom,.... that doesn't mean it can compete with "blurt it out" "I can't believe you said" or "ABC"

So true, the majority of people reading a paper tend to want gossip and titillation.

Hard news and analysis bore the majority, thus editors tailor their papers to the needs of their readership (and the political views of their owners!).