Bloody courier companys


Mar 30, 2001
Look at this will you. A good man Kiwiwolf couriers his PC to me for a repair job. Firstly, he sends it overnight, and it takes five (5)
days. He posted it thursday afternoon, it arrived monday morn.
Secondly, once I got it all unpacked, and he did a good job of packing it too, I open it up and find this. A huge dent in the bottom of the chassis, the cpu fan and system speaker are laying in the bottom of the case...and the front panel is cracked.

IF you're in New Zealand...NEVER RELY ON COURIER-POST.
Last one.

An insurance claim is being prepared as we speak. Along with all the damage, the PC is fucked. There is nothing happening to it, it just simply wont go. I plugged it all in and cabled it up and nothing. They have killed Wolfys pride and joy...the useless bastards. A call to all kiwis on the LIT boards who use couriers, BOYCOTT COURIER-POST.

I'm tempted to email the pics to Fair-Go (A NZ consumer rights program on TV 1)
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I hear you Draco and will support you. I have had them DROP most of my packages on my front porch, no knock, just drop.
Have yelled at them as they jog back down the drive/path dont fucking drop my stuff! Or worse leave it at the wrong address and the poor guy around the corner brings me my package that clearly states my addy not his. :( BASTARDS!!!
Holy hell, that's shitty service. Wolfie, you're gonna get a brand new pc out of this, I bet.
Wolfie told me on the phone when he delivered it to the courier company, the girl behind the counter dropped it from the counter to the floor...right in front of him. he growled at her (as he does..LOL) "Thats my computer in bloody careful with it!"
Yeah Debs, I have had that too. Wrong addresses, bad service, this is not the first PC we've had damaged by Courier-Post. Its about the fourth.
Damn, that is Bad!

It looks like you shipped it UPS (i call them oops.)

I worked with a guy that worked for UPS one time. He told us stories about throwing packages into the back of trucks. The pride they took in how high they arced and how many times they bounced.

There is packing something for shipment and there is packing somthing for shipping UPS.:eek:
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If they did that to one of my Macs...

Well I think we all know how I feel about my Macs, and what I might do!

I looked at the pictures and cant believe it bowed in the middle that badly, I just dont even know how it happened.
Bump again. Jim, its more than likely been throw into a truck, or slid arond and smacked the wheel arch of a van. Either that or something has been dropped on it.

Wolfie saw it get dropped off the counter onto the floor at the courier company.

We are working on a solution with the couriers insurance carrier as we speak. I'll keep you posted.
Update: The company rep saw it tonight and put it down to "Rough handling". He tried to blame the packing, but I pulled out reams of newspaper and towels that wolfie had packed around it. He soon changed his tune and had to concede it was the handlers who were to blame. It now rests with the courier company's insurers to approve the claim and pay up. Then I'll build Wolfie a doozy of a shiny new system, and We'll never get him off LIT....LOL

Wiolfie has been leaning on the Auckland office to get it to progress this far so fast...and I have to say..."Good On Him." Otherwise they would have mucked around for weeks. The threat of going to Fair Go still holds. If we dont get satisfaction, we'll be on tele before you know it....

I'll keep you posted.....
Update: Wolfy now has been given preliminary approval for a new PC from Courier Post. They have admitted their liabilty and by tomorrow, he will have official permission from the head office in Auckland.

I have ordered his new hardware and will begin building his new rocketship tomorrow...Once it complete, we'll package it up and return the beast to the beast. AND NO, it wonr be frieghted by Courier Post.
Not officially...but it has cost them $1500 NZ me thats a fairly sizeable apology.

I shudder to think of the praises that Wolfy will be singing about me this time next week when he unleashes the new beast onto LIT.

I dont handle praise all that well, but I had to help him, he's a fellow kiwi, a fellow LITizen, and a darn decent guy.

Dr D
The Saga continues: Now Courier Post are shoving the blame from one person to another. That proves in my eyes, they are guilty and just want to muck about before they have to part with the money. Wolfie is steaming mad and about ready to tear them limb from limb, and I'm right there with him. I spoke with the Auckland office this afternoon and leaned on her pretty hard. Wolfie called me back ten minutes later and was very optimistic of a successful resolution. Meanwhile, I have a bunch of PC parts waiting to go to its new home.

Courier Posts new advertising slogan:

I'm posting this from a friends computer. Lastest word is that the courier company are DECLINING the claim and have bent me over and butt fucked me. They claim that the puter wasn't packed properly.

They will, after an hour of cussing, cajoling and pleading, review it on Monday but after talking to a couple of people at work who have had experience with the same company, I am resigned to the fact that my puter days are on hold... indefinitely. ALL my thanks and praise to Draco. The man is a bloody true gentleman and a true friend. He's worked his nuts off to get this thing going and when I eventually can afford a new machine I will be buying it from a true professional... Draco.

I'm gonna miss you folks and the fun I have here but I will be back eventually.

I now have over 40 photo's of the PC and packaging...I have repacked it EXACTLY how I recieved it and are shipping it back to HQ in the morning.

We'll just have to go from there, but the threat of Fair Go holds, its up to wolfie, but I am behind him 110% , and I have witnesses who saw me unpack the PC and saw all the packaging. Even their own insurance assessor said the packaging was OK.

We'lll see what happens once HQ have a look at it..I'm quietly optimistic. THEY OWE HIM A NEW PC, and I'll personally move heaven and earth to get him one.

This is the 4th (FOURTH) time we have had equipment damaged by this company, and I'm not gonna stand for it anymore. Thye have lost all our internal shipping now and we'll go to their competition.

We'll keep you paosted as the saga unfolds.

One REALLY PISSED OF Dragon.... :mad: :mad: :mad:
Draco, if you want I can send in a few complaints as well and my neighbour feels the same way. Their handling service sucks.
LOL Should be we can courier your stuff, rough handle it and drop it at your door step. :(
This is the first opportunity I have had to look at the pics... I'm fucking gutted. Good night all... I'm going home to get drunk and go to bed. It's been a week of shitty news and this just caps it off.


Draco... make it three Warriors games next year buddy... you've more than earned it. I'm proud to call you my friend. Later man.