Biden's [Democrats'] Giveaways Largely Benefit Well-Off Americans


Loves Spam
Nov 30, 2020

Biden's Giveaways Largely Benefit Well-Off Americans

Perhaps not coincidentally, the makeup of the Democratic Party has recently been trending toward high-earning professionals.



As president, Biden's attention has often been elsewhere. Under Biden, Democrats consistently have focused their energies on policies designed to benefit households with stable employment and six-figure annual incomes—not the super rich, but the affluent upper-middle class.


Shortly after taking office, for example, the Biden administration defended its decision to send $1,400 pandemic relief checks to families making up to $150,000 annually. The checks were part of the American Rescue Plan, a $2 trillion package of handouts to Democratic interest groups that Democrats pushed through Congress on partisan votes shortly after taking control of the House, the Senate, and the White House.


This year, Democrats have pushed Biden to forgive vast swaths of student loan debt through executive action. These benefits would flow primarily to upper-income professionals with advanced degrees. While no action had been taken at press time, The Washington Post reported in May that the president was considering an income cap for forgiveness of up to $300,000 annually.

Perhaps not coincidentally, the makeup of the Democratic Party has recently been trending toward high-earning, highly educated professionals. In 2020, Biden won 60 percent of college-educated voters, according to Pew Research Center data, and more-educated counties trended Democratic. These high-earning degree holders may be ordinary Democrats, but they are not "ordinary middle-class Americans."

Details: [Libertarian]
There has been a trend like this for a while. In particular the green energy benefits tend to go to the affluent. There are few poor people buying electric vehicles, or installing solar in their homes (since the poor tend to rent). I think most advocates of these green policies only see the virtue and don't analyze who gets the benefits (I am sure ther are some cynical congress critters who are trying to stack up voters, but most people are simply clueless).
When asked about the tax-break for the rich, AOC's constituents said it was a worthwhile tradeoff to get climate change spending into the inflation reduction bill, which true to the DC method of nomenclature for idiots, will do nothing to reduce inflation and this is not from me, but the CBO and Bernie Sanders, in fact, spending during inflation is like pouring kerosine on a brush fire.
The Democrats had winning issues, or so they thought. The SCOTUS was going to light a fire under the base. The huge spending bills were going to make people "richer." The J6 kangaroo inquisition was going to send Orange Man Bad to jail. Then the Biden Administration (whoever is making the decisions) decided that those issues weren't gaining traction, so they opted for the coup de grâce and I think that's going to blow up in their face along with the fear instilled in the people by the IRS which is now on steroids, even having an armed component, in the same way the DOJ and FBI have been handed unlimited political power to be used against Conservative America. Those Democrats who were so celebratory yesterday are going to rue the day...
One might assume that a person who understands runaway inflation could also understand runaway greenhouse effects.