

Dec 26, 1999
Everyone who does not agree with my political/war opinions are unamerican and should either leave the country, shut the fuck up or be executed.

*I'm just gonna watch for awhile, in hopes of seeing some lezzie sex somewhere along the line*
You people make it completely impossible to be pissy about something on this board.
pissing's not really my thing
but you go right ahead
I'm still waiting for the lezzie show to start
Err, I'm not sure if I should be unhappy that I'm not authentically pissy, or happy that I'm supposedly funny. This bears further reflection.

Wine boy!

Wine boy!!

Damn it, where is that wretch when I need him?
Angel said:
Everyone who does not agree with my political/war opinions are unamerican and should either leave the country, shut the fuck up or be executed.


I'll go warm up the electric chair.....
April said:
Err, I'm not sure if I should be unhappy that I'm not authentically pissy, or happy that I'm supposedly funny. This bears further reflection.

Wine boy!

Wine boy!!

Damn it, where is that wretch when I need him?
Sorry, I slipped off to inspect the corkscrew. Want your glass to runneth over?
Hanns_Schmidt said:
Just when I was getting to like Angel, and wanting to bone her....she goes and ruins everything with a dumb fuck AV

What a disappointment

You stupid cunt.

This makes it all worthwhile.

Thx W!
I may/may not agree with your beliefs, however, I am not leaving because it is my right to agree/diagree with you.
bknight2602 said:
I may/may not agree with your beliefs, however, I am not leaving because it is my right to agree/diagree with you.

Uh. Sarcasm. Look it up.
Could we agree on this? You coming over and sitting on my face? Maybe relieve some of that 'tension' you have pent up in you.:devil: