Alex Jones is in legal trouble yet again

Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was found guilty of two defamation lawsuits after pushing the lie that the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting was a "false flag" operation carried out by "crisis actors."

"Judge Maya Guerra Gamble on Monday issued her ruling for default judgments against Jones in two different cases, which means he and the conspiracy-theory-spewing outlet Infowars have been found liable for all damages and a jury will now be convened to determine how much he will owe the plaintiffs,"

The lawsuits were brought by Leonard Pozner and Veronique De La Rosa, whose 6-year-old son Noah was killed in the shooting and Scarlett Lewis, whose 6-year-old son, Jesse was also among the 20 children killed. Six adults were also murdered in the mass shooting.

"In total, nine families who lost loved ones in the Sandy Hook shooting have leveled lawsuits against Jones and Infowars for the damage he and his outlet caused. Since then, Jones has lost multiple legal battles in his many lawsuits and was ordered to pay nearly $150,000 in legal fees in 2020 for failing to provide discovery documents for the plaintiffs,"
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was found guilty of two defamation lawsuits after pushing the lie that the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting was a "false flag" operation carried out by "crisis actors."

"Judge Maya Guerra Gamble on Monday issued her ruling for default judgments against Jones in two different cases, which means he and the conspiracy-theory-spewing outlet Infowars have been found liable for all damages and a jury will now be convened to determine how much he will owe the plaintiffs,"

The lawsuits were brought by Leonard Pozner and Veronique De La Rosa, whose 6-year-old son Noah was killed in the shooting and Scarlett Lewis, whose 6-year-old son, Jesse was also among the 20 children killed. Six adults were also murdered in the mass shooting.

"In total, nine families who lost loved ones in the Sandy Hook shooting have leveled lawsuits against Jones and Infowars for the damage he and his outlet caused. Since then, Jones has lost multiple legal battles in his many lawsuits and was ordered to pay nearly $150,000 in legal fees in 2020 for failing to provide discovery documents for the plaintiffs,"
disgusting how shits like this have been allowed to broadcast such vile lies for so many years and only now paying the consequences... except they never will really pay: money cannot begin to make up for the hurt these families have suffered because of him piled up on the terrible grief of losing small children to a mass school shooting.
His show always has been half CTs, half plugging his alternative-health products. It's the latter that's getting him in trouble now.
Conspiracy theorist Alex Jones was found guilty of two defamation lawsuits after pushing the lie that the 2012 Sandy Hook school shooting was a "false flag" operation carried out by "crisis actors."

"Judge Maya Guerra Gamble on Monday issued her ruling for default judgments against Jones in two different cases, which means he and the conspiracy-theory-spewing outlet Infowars have been found liable for all damages and a jury will now be convened to determine how much he will owe the plaintiffs,"

The lawsuits were brought by Leonard Pozner and Veronique De La Rosa, whose 6-year-old son Noah was killed in the shooting and Scarlett Lewis, whose 6-year-old son, Jesse was also among the 20 children killed. Six adults were also murdered in the mass shooting.

"In total, nine families who lost loved ones in the Sandy Hook shooting have leveled lawsuits against Jones and Infowars for the damage he and his outlet caused. Since then, Jones has lost multiple legal battles in his many lawsuits and was ordered to pay nearly $150,000 in legal fees in 2020 for failing to provide discovery documents for the plaintiffs,"

Liable, not guilty. You don't get found guilty in a civil matter.
disgusting how shits like this have been allowed to broadcast such vile lies for so many years and only now paying the consequences... except they never will really pay: money cannot begin to make up for the hurt these families have suffered because of him piled up on the terrible grief of losing small children to a mass school shooting.

Just as disgusting are the scum, like the board Trumpettes, for at least pretending to believe these vile people.
A Connecticut court handed down a sweeping win for the families of eight victims of the Sandy Hook massacre against right-wing broadcaster Alex Jones.

A superior court judge ruled Monday that Jones was guilty by default because he refused to turn over financial records and other documents ordered by the courts in the defamation case filed by the parents of eight people killed in the 2012 mass shooting, which the conspiracy theorist claimed was a "false flag" by the U.S. government to confiscate firearms, reported the New York Times.

Jones claimed the families of 20 first-graders and six educators killed in the shooting were "actors" taking part in the scheme, and the Sandy Hook plaintiffs claimed he profited from spreading lies about their murders.

He also has lost three defamation cases in Texas, and juries in both states will determine how much money he must pay in damages, in addition to court costs.
"The name's easy to remember. Just imagine information, and someone at war with it."

—Stephen Colbert