Ben Carson's debate strategy

What I would like to know is simply this, is Hillary the best candidate the Democrats can come up with? Say what you want but the Republicans have like 15 candidates that are a worst equal to better than her.

Let's be serious everybody knows Bernie isn't going to get the nomination. Not a chance, zero, nadda. He could walk into the convention having won enough deligates to lock up the nomination and he still wouldn't be the nominee at the end.

Trump, Carson & Rubio pale in comparison to Hillary. Even Rubio has said so.
What I would like to know is simply this, is Hillary the best candidate the Democrats can come up with? Say what you want but the Republicans have like 15 candidates that are a worst equal to better than her.

Let's be serious everybody knows Bernie isn't going to get the nomination. Not a chance, zero, nadda. He could walk into the convention having won enough deligates to lock up the nomination and he still wouldn't be the nominee at the end.
Both Hilary and Bernie poll better than every single GOP candidate.
What I would like to know is simply this, is Hillary the best candidate the Democrats can come up with? Say what you want but the Republicans have like 15 candidates that are a worst equal to better than her.

Let's be serious everybody knows Bernie isn't going to get the nomination. Not a chance, zero, nadda. He could walk into the convention having won enough deligates to lock up the nomination and he still wouldn't be the nominee at the end.

Your faith in the GOP is... completely unfounded.
His campaign strategy seems to be to lie and double down when confronted.

Watching him implode is kind of fun
Carson thanks 'biased media' for $3.5M fundraising haul

Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson claims his campaign has pulled in $3.5 million in fundraising dollars this week thanks to “biased media” coverage.

“We the People have made 10,000 donations each day this week, raising $3.5M this week alone. Thank you biased media,” Carson tweeted Saturday.

Carson’s dig at the media comes amid heightened scrutiny of the his extraordinary life story as he has risen to the top of the GOP primary polls.

A Politico report claimed Carson fabricated a story from his youth about being offered a full scholarship to attend West Point. Another report from CNN questioned whether the candidate embellished tales of his violent upbringing in Detroit.

Carson reacted with fury Friday, accusing the media of conducting a “witch hunt” against him.

“Here’s my prediction: My prediction is that all of you guys piling on is actually going to help me, because when I go out to these book signings and I see these thousands of people, they say, ‘Don’t let the media get you down,’ ” he said.


we all know that yo obama slaves only care about is the gravy welfare train

your kind will never be a Bill Gates, why? cuz you are too fucking lazy
What new fabrication will be discovered today? So far it seems like huge portions of Carson's book concerning his early life have been ... embellished.

It's not as if the man's life story isn't amazing without all of the fabrications. Personally I'm leaning toward some sort of narcissistic personality disorder.

* All of the violent acts he talks about which aren't remembered by anyone that was close to him as a child. Being held back from hitting his mother with a hammer. Trying to stab another child. Hitting another child in the face with a rock hard enough to break his glasses and bloody his nose.

* The Popeyes robbery that police can find no record of (which happened when Carson was supposedly a vegetarian). Popeyes at the time had no vegetarian options.

* The meeting with Gen. Westmoreland Memorial Day weekend 1969 and being offered a spot at West Point. The General's schedule shows that he was in D.C. for several days before and after the memorial Day holiday and couldn't have met Carson. Also, West Point doesn't DO scholarships, all attendees make the same deal, free education in exchange for military service.

* He claims to have hidden away white friends from angry mobs after the assassination of MLK. :rolleyes:

* His attempts to claim ignorance and no relationship with Mannatech covered in the OP. Ten years... Nope, never happened. :rolleyes:

I read an article about the man that showed pictures of his home. I have never seen anyone with more pictures of themselves hung on their walls.

Does it really matter whether he’s conniving enough to have crafted these lies as a strategy, or if he’s mentally compromised enough to honestly believe that his lies actually happened to him.

I'm betting that he's told these fabrications so often that to him they are reality. There's a term for people like this. Deluded.
We see the Carsonesque personality on display here on a near-daily basis with the various ramblings of Queerbait, 4est_4est_Gump and Vatican Assassin.

They all have the same response mode as "Doctor" Carson: double down, play the victim, and try to get the other side to play defense when challenged.
The mentally ill thread starter, as well as the mentally ill other "people" in this thread are the same ones that ignored

Barack Obama was still 'Kenyan born' in 2007 according to his literary agency...two months after announcing his bid for the U.S presidency

Read more:

The mentally ill thread starter, as well as the mentally ill other "people" in this thread are the same ones that ignored

all the fake Hussein Obama Bin Soetoro FAKE FAMILY PICS
The mentally ill thread starter, as well as the mentally ill other "people" in this thread are the same ones that ignored

Protected at all costs the COLORED FOOL

and are attacking a genuine AMERICAN ICON and HERO


At the end of the day, what are we left with? An admirable though imperfect man who rose from abject poverty to the pinnacle of one of the most challenging professions in the nation — all while never forgetting his roots, maintaining grace and humility even as he earned riches and honors. In fact, his life story — and his character — would make him one of the most inspiring Americans ever to occupy the Oval Office. But he’s a direct threat not just to leftist narratives regarding race and class but also to the leftist stranglehold on the black vote. And for that reason alone he must be destroyed.

A “high-tech lynching” is again underway, but if recent history is any guide, the Left’s attempt to strike down Carson will only make him stronger. The media can launch its attacks, but it cannot change the fundamental facts: Ben Carson is a good and decent man, an American hero.
Ben Carson claims Obama's records are sealed.

"Obama goes to Occidental college, doesn't do well, somehow ends up at Columbia University, I dunno? Why?"

"His records are sealed. Why are his records sealed? You're not interested in that? Can somebody tell me why? I'm asking you why are they sealed? Don't change the subject. Will someone tell me please why you have not investigated that."

"Something with the words 'a scholarship was offered' is a big deal, but the president of the U.S. his academic records being sealed is not. Tell me how there is equivalency there. Tell me somebody, please."
President Obama's records are not sealed.

Obama’s college records are not “sealed” by a court order, as this graphic would have you believe. It would be illegal under federal law (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974) for Occidental, Columbia or Harvard Law School to give any former student’s records to reporters or members of the public without that person’s specific, written permission.
I saw one article that claimed that all of Dr. Carson's lies were carefully crafted to appeal to white racists.

The article laid out the theory that Carson has put out a thinly veiled message, even before he entered the political fray. That Black America is inherently bad, and White America is inherently good. That each of these lies paints him as a black man who was rescued by the white world.

He wanted the world (conservatives in particular) to see him as a man who was ruined and driven to violence by black society, but who was then magically cured of his violent nature when he joined a white church and began talking like a white person.

His refusal of a "scholarship" to West Point, attempting to paint himself as a black man who refused to take a “handout” from a white school.

Shielding his white classmates from an angry mob after the assassination of MLK. Painting a scenario in which the black students on campus were the villains and the white students inside the classroom were the real victims. Of course he’s the one who saved the day for the white victims, as a way of paying them back for having saved him.


I don't buy into any of that.

I think that Dr. Carson wanted to spice up his life story. Make himself out to be the bad boy that he never was. Fabricate impressive anecdotes about meeting Generals and scholarships never offered to impress people.
Being a brilliant neurosurgeon who went to Yale medical school from living in poverty in Detroit isn't enough of a success story. He felt the need to fabricate much of his young life to make it more interesting?

This is the man who said that honesty is more important than political experience?:rolleyes:
"Has anyone actually seen him in an operating theatre?"

You can always tell just how badly DizzyBooby is flailing by the number of consecutive posts he makes.
