The CNN Debate......

FOX was crowing about their phenomenal ratings success on the first Republican debate, and now CNN is doing the same about their ratings on this second debate. People are watching unlike ever before for such early debates for either party. Something is going on, but exactly what I wouldn't even pretend to know.
Some of this is definitely the Trump factor. The rest I don't know. I'm curious how the Fox news numbers stacked up historically. With CNN this wasn't record setting this was record shattering. I'm used to records being broken, every summer since forever has had a new movie setting a new record for biggest opening weekend or biggest night one or this that or the other. Hell this year the Avengers came along and set it and then Jurassic World was like "Nope, I'll take that thank you!" and all it means really is that there are more people in the world today than there were yesterday. But this? Holy fuck it set the record by millions and millions.
Some of this is definitely the Trump factor. The rest I don't know. I'm curious how the Fox news numbers stacked up historically. With CNN this wasn't record setting this was record shattering. I'm used to records being broken, every summer since forever has had a new movie setting a new record for biggest opening weekend or biggest night one or this that or the other. Hell this year the Avengers came along and set it and then Jurassic World was like "Nope, I'll take that thank you!" and all it means really is that there are more people in the world today than there were yesterday. But this? Holy fuck it set the record by millions and millions.

Some of this is undoubtedly due to Trump being in the debates, but that by no means explains these numbers. They are huge. :D
FOX was crowing about their phenomenal ratings success on the first Republican debate, and now CNN is doing the same about their ratings on this second debate. People are watching unlike ever before for such early debates for either party. Something is going on, but exactly what I wouldn't even pretend to know.

It's the equivalent of CNN when they reported about that Malaysian plane crash. It was on all day-every day. Same with Trump. He's on CNN so much that I thought he bought the network. It's about generating ad revenue. That's a major factor why Trump is polling so high. He is literally getting billions in free advertising from the news networks.

It's goddamn ridiculous and it unfairly manipulates the election.
It's the equivalent of CNN when they reported about that Malaysian plane crash. It was on all day-every day. Same with Trump. He's on CNN so much that I thought he bought the network. It's about generating ad revenue. That's a major factor why Trump is polling so high. He is literally getting billions in free advertising from the news networks.

It's goddamn ridiculous and it unfairly manipulates the election.

Its only a GOP nomination, not an election...wait till Trump gets nominated...then look out:D

Edited..I'm betting he takes Fiorina as a running mate:rolleyes:
Elections in many countries are manipulated by big business including the media. But as an outsider hope you don't mind me saying...Donald Trump what a complete and utter prat. Sad reflection on the electorate if he wins
I really think his support is close to being maxed out. As the number of candidates dwindle, I just don't see their supporters getting behind Trump enough for him to win the nomination. The party machine will do it's best behind the scenes to prevent it.

The Republicans biggest worry right now isn't so much Trump getting the nomination, it's pissing him off enough that he runs as an independent.

He has a ceiling, but a lot of the others only have a floor...

FOX was crowing about their phenomenal ratings success on the first Republican debate, and now CNN is doing the same about their ratings on this second debate. People are watching unlike ever before for such early debates for either party. Something is going on, but exactly what I wouldn't even pretend to know.

"Welcome back my friends to the show that never ends..."

If Trump doesn't come up with some real answers about his views and what he would do in certain situations and soon...he's toast.
If Trump doesn't come up with some real answers about his views and what he would do in certain situations and soon...he's toast.

Actually, I don't think so. American elections seem to be more about personality than policy.
If Trump doesn't come up with some real answers about his views and what he would do in certain situations and soon...he's toast.

With 245.6789 and 1/2 candidates...


He still has a clear deck for a while. People will slow down and stop to watch a good wreck even when it puts them at risk of a damned good rear-ending!
Actually, I don't think so. American elections seem to be more about personality than policy.

The republican base is pretty fickle and has a lot half wits (tea party). I agree with FGB that he is gone with just the same ole same ole rhetoric. Its bound to be interesting as the convention nears.
You can get a fair way on fluff and fluff alone so I wouldn't entirely cut him out on the idea that he hasn't said anything of substance. Hell given what we saw under Obama not saying anything may be the best possible plan.

"I'll make it great again!" Is something that is close to impossible to prove one way or another. Instead of a factcheck filled with how many promises kept vs how many broken or negotiated on you'd basically have to go 1v1 with Trump shouting "You don't think America's great? Get outta here!" Tis a winning strategy.
The republican base is pretty fickle and has a lot half wits (tea party). I agree with FGB that he is gone with just the same ole same ole rhetoric. Its bound to be interesting as the convention nears.

Unfortunately the tea party had fractured quite a bit from the original Ron Paul incarnation. They wanted real fiscal responsibility like balancing the budget and following the constitution.

There was an awesome youtube I saw years ago that demonstrated that. In the video it was outdoors and there were about 1,000 original tea partiers in the audience. This republican politician came up on stage & started spouting some bullshit about him being one of them. The crowd knew that he was not fiscally responsible nor did he follow the constitution. So they all stood & turned away from the stage. (I think they were booing also, but I can't remember for sure since it was years ago.)

Eventually the politician got the hint that weren't falling for his bullshit & he slinked off the stage. And this was a REPUBLICAN POLITICIAN!!! They were not taking bullshit from anybody, republicans or democrats.

Around the Santelli CNBC rant was when the tea party started changing. It's a shame actually. It was kinda fucked up how the hijacked modern tea party tried to retcon their origin that didn't involve Ron Paul or fiscal responsibility.
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Unfortunately the tea party had fractured quite a bit from the original Ron Paul incarnation. They wanted real fiscal responsibility like balancing the budget and following the constitution.

There was an awesome youtube I saw years ago that demonstrated that. In the video it was outdoors and there were about 1,000 original tea partiers in the audience. This republican politician came up on stage & started spouting some bullshit about him being one of them. The crowd knew that he was not fiscally responsible nor did he follow the constitution. So they all stood & turned away from the stage. (I think they were booing also, but I can't remember for sure since it was years ago.)

Eventually the politician got the hint that weren't falling for his bullshit & he slinked off the stage. And this was a REPUBLICAN POLITICIAN!!! They were not taking bullshit from anybody, republicans or democrats.

Around the Santelli CNBC rant was when the tea party started changing. It's a shame actually. It was kinda fucked up how the hijacked modern tea party tried to retcon their origin that didn't involve Ron Paul or fiscal responsibility.

Yes. HIJACKED is the word. Happens so often, good intentions but didn't last. Reminds me of the religious right. Likely started out ok but definitely went into the ditch.
The Tea PArty didn't get highjacked for fucks sake. That is who they always were at the end of the day or at least they got high jacked so fucking fast that it's difficult to say with any seriousness that there were enough of them to begin with to constitute a movement not a loud angry but small group.
The Tea PArty didn't get highjacked for fucks sake. That is who they always were at the end of the day or at least they got high jacked so fucking fast that it's difficult to say with any seriousness that there were enough of them to begin with to constitute a movement not a loud angry but small group.

No, they definitely were hijacked. The Ron Paul version started in 2007. It shifted after Santelli's rant in 2009 and was subverted by neoconservatives beliefs.
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No, they definitely were hijacked. The Ron Paul version started in 2007. It shifted after Santelli's rant in 2009 and was subverted by neoconservatives beliefs.

If you say so. I remember the 2008 elections pretty well and they were pretty thoroughly the group they are today by then. Complete with people shouting at rally's "I'm afraid if Obama wins the black will take over." They claimed to have been made up of both parties but didn't support a single Democrat ever. (I'm not saying they should, just like if Occupy was still around they wouldn't and shouldn' tbe supporting Republicans. But I'd call them on their shit if they claimed to be "a bipartisan group tired of the bickering" and not a far left group sick and tired of pussies that won't fight being in charge.
No one believes it but Trump is a wake up call for the GOP leaders.

America wants a Hitler. Maybe another George Patton. Trump isn't Hitler or Patton but he resonates with those who long for a force who can overwhelm the fops and parasites who ignore and abuse the silent majority.

If you listen to Hitler's speeches there was no hate in them, all talked of how great Germans were, how great Germany could be again, and how Germany needed to rid itself of its internationalist parasites.

Read the subtitles. He says he was a socialist like you.

It's incorrect to say that America wants a Hilter. Right wingies like you do yearn for a white man on a white horse who eats raw meat.
You know that Trump has come to grips with that fact that he has peaked because he's fundraising for PACs that are one person, Veterans for a Strong America, and the amount of times he's mentioning the Art of the Deal has gone up exponentially.
I'm simply going to file that under wishful thinking and hope you're right. We'll see when the new polls come out but if this didn't kill him he'll probably go the distance.