Alex Jones in court - not before time!


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009

Jones has received more pushback than normal recently, as he has gone on the offensive against Parkland student shooting survivors. His YouTube channel received a strike from the platform in February after posting a video suggesting David Hogg and other Parkland students were crisis actors (YouTube removed the video). The site then got a second strike later that month for another video about the Parkland shooting; if it receives one more in the next few weeks, the channel will be banned from YouTube, cutting InfoWars off from more than 2 million subscribers.
The parents are being represented by the same attorney who filed a suit against Jones earlier this month for a Massachusetts man whom Jones incorrectly identified as the gunman in the Parkland shooting. The parents filed their suit in Austin, Texas, where Jones lives, and they are seeking at least $1 million.

Soon after they buried their children, many Sandy Hook parents started to come under fierce attack by conspiracy theorists who have said they are actors in an elaborate scheme to enact stricter gun control laws. The fringe theories still thrive in small forums online but have reached a far greater audience through Mr. Jones, the most vocal propagator.
Hannity should be in court as well for his "infotainment" propaganda bullshit about Seth Rich (murdered DNC staffer)
Hannity should be in court as well for his "infotainment" propaganda bullshit about Seth Rich (murdered DNC staffer)
I'm unfamiliar with the scenario but don't doubt you

I loathe the likes of alex jones, capitalising on the horrific grief of these parents; not only did they have to deal with a situation genuinely beyond most people's ability to comprehend, but then to be told their children didn't die? that the adults were actors? and to deal with threats from the misinformed stirred into action by jones' vitriol? it's a form of extended and particularly cruel torture.
If there were such a thing as hell, there’d be a special corner in there for shite maggots like Alex Jones.


“Three parents whose young children were killed in a school shooting in 2012 have sued right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for defamation.

Mr Jones has long claimed on his radio show and InfoWars website that the Sandy Hook Elementary school attack was "completely fake" and a "giant hoax".
Twenty children - all under the age of seven - and six adults were killed.

Mr Jones has implied that the parents are actors seeking to undermine laws allowing private gun ownership.

Leonard Pozner and Veronique De La Rosa, whose son Noah Pozner was one of those killed by a gunman, filed their lawsuit in Travis County, Texas, where Mr Jones lives and works.”
New lawsuits hope to establish a “legal precedent” by which the First Amendment can’t be used as an excuse to incite harassment and violence online against private citizens.

Alex Jones exploited living human beings, against their will, that were suffering from loss and grief, for money. Nutcases, trolls, and arseholes, tortured these innocent people, because Alex Jones fed their conspiracy fantasies.

Telling lies, and pretending, amongst friends, is not against the law. Discussing conspiracy theories is not against the law. Anyone is free to start a private club, to promote beliefs. It is free speech. Alex Jones took it a step further and turned creating harmful propaganda into a money making venture.

It is one thing to write, gather fans, and promote your material in private venues. Even if it is Nazi propaganda, it is allowed in America. We are so open to freedom, a Nazi is running for election. Nazi social groups are allowed to march and give speeches in public, and are protected from protesters that wish to do them harm.

Americans are free to protest against what Nazis say, and what Nazis do. That is freedom of speech.

They are arguing ideology.

That is different from holding up innocent people to account, for something that they have never done. For inciting violence against them, when they did no wrong.

And pulling in dollars by spreading propaganda that was invented and falsely created, because no real proof of the propaganda could ever be proved to be true.

Pizzagate might have been amusing and exciting to the people that participated in the discussion, but when it became propaganda it nearly resulted in the deaths of real living people. It ruined the life of a person that was not intelligent enough to tell the difference between the two. It destroyed the peace, joy, and happiness of the neighborhood. It took away what is promised in the Constitution.

This is where truth and reality and falsehood met.