Donald Trump Is Drowning In Criminal Investigations And Legally Screwed

No problem. Line them up, I'll call them fuckin' idiots too.

The only reson they were idiots is because they trusted Trump to pay his debts.

As a fighter I'd gladly take an almost certainly weak cheap shot to watch some leftist who can't control themselves get dragged off to prison. :D

How are you so 100% sure that they are leftist? Oh I know, you look in your crystal ball.

Now Trump Says His Accounting Firm Was 'Broken' By 'Radical Leftist' Racists

Donald Trump is still trying to blame anyone but himself for his longtime accounting firm’s decision last week to sever ties with the Trump Organization.
He insisted Sunday that the firm Mazars USA was “broken” by “Radical leftist racist prosecutors.”

Trump offers no evidence for his accusations that the prosecutors are racist. Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg and state Attorney General Letitia James — who are both investigating Trump Organization business practices — are Black.
Trump quoted Mazars’ statement that it “performed its work in accordance with professional standards.” But Mazars didn’t say the same about the Trump Organization.
Mazars terminated its relationship, it explained in a letter that was part of a court document filed last week, because 10 years of financial statements it had prepared with records provided by the Trump Organization could no longer be considered reliable.


President Donald J. Trump:

“My long-term accounting firm didn’t leave me for any other reason than they were harassed, abused, and frightened by DA’s and AG’s that for years have been threatening them with indictment and ruination. They were “broken” by these Radical...
— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) February 20, 2022
It ducked out of its relationship with Trump as the attorney general investigates whether Trump inflated asset values to obtain bank loans and entice investors, and reduced values to lower tax bills

Trump also claimed in his first, lengthy statement about Mazars’ defection last Tuesday that the company had been “threatened” and “intimidated” by James’ office to back away from his business. He went on at length to discuss his own company’s finances and financial practices.
The statement complicated legal issues for him. Just the day before, his attorneys had argued that Trump knows virtually nothing about the financial details of his own company, and therefore, could hardly be held accountable for practices being investigated by James.
Former President Donald Trump took documents to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida that are "so sensitive" they might not be able to be described in public, The Washington Post reported Friday, citing two unnamed sources.

After leaving office in January 2021, Trump took 15 boxes of documents to his Florida resort, which National Archives officials said contained some classified information.

Some of the documents were of the "very highest levels of classification," two sources told The Post, and therefore might not be able to be described in upcoming inventory reports in an unclassified manner.

One source informed The Post that there are records "that only a very few have clearances" to review.
45's poll numbers are down across the board by Republicans. Young white men who never went to college are breaking up with him like Kim bounced Kanye.