Donald Trump Is Drowning In Criminal Investigations And Legally Screwed

It's a conduit: The way free citizens determine the direction of their country is ultimately through those agencies, created by Congresscritters they elect; there is no other way; and those agencies must usually "dominate" somebody or other to do anything effectual.

And you are elevating all this to much too high a place on the ladder of abstraction than is relevant to Trump's legal troubles.

Trump's "legal troubles" are manufactured as were all of the others he faced for 5 years.
The 2014 value of Trump's Scottish golf club was based in part on the projected sale price of 2,500 houses on the land, even though none of the houses actually existed and the company had planning permission for only half that number.

In 1995 the Trump Organization bought a parcel of land in Westchester, New York, known as the Seven Springs Estate, for $7.5m. By 2004 it was valued at $80m and by 2014 at $291m. That 2014 figure, James notes in another exquisitely tart reference, included a valuation of $161m for “seven non-existent mansions”.

The juiciest tidbit of all concerns Trump’s former home, the gilded Fifth Avenue temple to his own ego dubbed “Versailles in the sky”, in which he lived before moving into the White House. James’s investigators were puzzled to find the Trump Tower triplex in Manhattan was listed at $327m in 2015, based on the apartment’s size, allegedly 30,000 sq feet.

In fact the property is 11,000 sq feet, which produces a value of $117m. That’s an overstatement in Trump’s official financial statements of more than $200m.
Trump's "legal troubles" are manufactured as were all of the others he faced for 5 years.

Right... Manufactured by his own wannabe mob boss mentality trying to screw the system. It's all catching up with him now!

Curious there Right(Wrong)Guide, who do YOU think is "manufacturing" his legal problems?

For much of his adult life, Donald Trump was known for going after his enemies with frivolous lawsuits, so much so that by the time he ran for president in 2016, he and his businesses had been involved in at least 3,500 legal actions.

According to a 2016 report, Trump had no qualms about responding to “even small disputes with overwhelming legal force” and didn’t “hesitate to deploy his wealth and legal firepower against adversaries with limited resources,” sometimes refusing “to pay real estate brokers, lawyers, and other vendors.” In other words, he was a consummate bully who used his money and power to screw over little people, and never worried about the tables being turned, as he would simply countersue, like his family business did in the 1970s when the Justice Department accused it of discriminatory housing practices.

But as the old saying goes, “karma is a bitch and she relishes the idea of a litigious a-hole living out his last days in prison."

On top of the well-publicized investigations into Trump out of New York—one from Attorney General Letitia James and the other from Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr.—the ex-president is facing no fewer than THREE PROBES concerning his attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

He just keeps on winning. Four years of Russian Collusion only to find out that it was Killary’s campaign that falsely accused Trump of it, to deflect from her highly illegal email/server scandal. (As evidenced by Brennen’s hand written notes about him briefing Oblunder (who’s married to Big Mike) about it. That’s right, Oblunder knew and let the lie continue! Yet despite all of that, the corrupt AF DOJ, MSM continue to go after Trump. Wait till after the midterms. The boomerang will bite the LibFucks in the ass just like Dirty Hairy Reid (Good riddance, scum!) using the nuclear option boomeranged on the LibFucks and gave Trump THREE SCOTUS nominees! It will hopefully be a painful lesson for the LibFucks!

Right... Manufactured by his own wannabe mob boss mentality trying to screw the system. It's all catching up with him now!

Curious there Right(Wrong)Guide, who do YOU think is "manufacturing" his legal problems?

No, manufactured by cowardly and corrupt Democrats attempting to interfere with future elections and the will of the American people.
No, manufactured by cowardly and corrupt Democrats attempting to interfere with future elections and the will of the American people.

He bragged about his tax schemes. Like a dumbass.

And the 1/6 investigation is finding more proof of his crimes with each passing day.

So you can lie all you want, he's fucked and by his own actions.

Accountability is a bitch. :D
No, manufactured by cowardly and corrupt Democrats attempting to interfere with future elections and the will of the American people.

Blaming dems for something trump literally tried to do is the epitome of dumbfuck. Lol

Then again you trust and believe the my pillow guy so you're obviously a moron. :)
He bragged about his tax schemes. Like a dumbass.

And the 1/6 investigation is finding more proof of his crimes with each passing day.

So you can lie all you want, he's fucked and by his own actions.

Accountability is a bitch. :D

“Proof of his crimes”….hahahaha, go drink some more firewater, red man!
The eventual Deep State goal for Donald Trump is to either destroy him financially, or kill him outright. If they do kill him outright or decide to pursue a transparent prosecution on phony accusations like they have in the past, all hell will break loose and the biggest political reorganization in US history will follow.

Americans who do believe in freedom and our constitutional republic are going to realize that co-existence with the radical left is not possible. It will not end well for the left, their apparatchiks in the media, or those in the Democrat party. It's going to be about personal liberty, true representative government, and the deconstruction of the federal bureaucracy into de-centralized essential agencies who will be made to know their place in society. Which is to exist to serve the American people not to dominate them, or to compromise their ultimate sovereignty as free citizens to determine the direction of their country. The real bottom line is Totalitarianism will never be allowed to flourish in America. Personal freedom will trump all in the end.
The 2014 value of Trump's Scottish golf club was based in part on the projected sale price of 2,500 houses on the land, even though none of the houses actually existed and the company had planning permission for only half that number.

In 1995 the Trump Organization bought a parcel of land in Westchester, New York, known as the Seven Springs Estate, for $7.5m. By 2004 it was valued at $80m and by 2014 at $291m. That 2014 figure, James notes in another exquisitely tart reference, included a valuation of $161m for “seven non-existent mansions”.

The juiciest tidbit of all concerns Trump’s former home, the gilded Fifth Avenue temple to his own ego dubbed “Versailles in the sky”, in which he lived before moving into the White House. James’s investigators were puzzled to find the Trump Tower triplex in Manhattan was listed at $327m in 2015, based on the apartment’s size, allegedly 30,000 sq feet.

In fact the property is 11,000 sq feet, which produces a value of $117m. That’s an overstatement in Trump’s official financial statements of more than $200m.
he was a con-artist long before he was a president... he just managed to convince enough that he was some fabulously successful from-the-ground-up-sweat-and-tears businessman when all he ever was was a snake-oil salesman, a liar, a cheat, a bully, a grifter.
Like l said l can't wait to see him in that pretty orange jumpsuit, it will match his do-over hair style.

The day is coming Donald ....either that or pop goes the weasel.
Like l said l can't wait to see him in that pretty orange jumpsuit, it will match his do-over hair style.

The day is coming Donald ....either that or pop goes the weasel.

Hahahaha! Talk about lack of self awareness! You dumbfucks have been saying that for five fucking years and still NADA! Keep hoping and maybe sprinkle some fairy dust on your dreams you ignorant, stupid and irrelevant dipshit!
The eventual Deep State goal for Donald Trump is to either destroy him financially, or kill him outright. If they do kill him outright or decide to pursue a transparent prosecution on phony accusations like they have in the past, all hell will break loose and the biggest political reorganization in US history will follow.

Americans who do believe in freedom and our constitutional republic are going to realize that co-existence with the radical left is not possible. It will not end well for the left, their apparatchiks in the media, or those in the Democrat party. It's going to be about personal liberty, true representative government, and the deconstruction of the federal bureaucracy into de-centralized essential agencies who will be made to know their place in society. Which is to exist to serve the American people not to dominate them, or to compromise their ultimate sovereignty as free citizens to determine the direction of their country. The real bottom line is Totalitarianism will never be allowed to flourish in America. Personal freedom will trump all in the end.

I doubt that many people want Trump dead. I want him to live long enough to be ruined financially, along with his crime family, and to spend the rest of his life in prison, along with them.
Trump isn't gonna spend a second in jail. Don't matter if he deserves to or not, it just ain't happening.

Yeah? So much for a country based on laws

Martha Stewart went to jail

Trump can too!!

Cohen already went to prison for ONE of his crimes! Why the fuck isn’t he already in prison? Cuz he has $$$ and keeps appealing BULLSHiT
And Trumplikans still kiss his ASS!
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I doubt that many people want Trump dead. I want him to live long enough to be ruined financially, along with his crime family, and to spend the rest of his life in prison, along with them.

Yep. This is the ultimate proof that no one is above the law in the United States. He and his associates must be pinned down for their egregious behavior or that is yet another "given" that bites the dust.

And so far Trump remains above the law. It won't be settled if he pops off before the law and decency catch up to him.
I doubt that many people want Trump dead. I want him to live long enough to be ruined financially, along with his crime family, and to spend the rest of his life in prison, along with them.

I'd rather see him die of exposure in an alley.
Yep. This is the ultimate proof that no one is above the law in the United States. He and his associates must be pinned down for their egregious behavior or that is yet another "given" that bites the dust.

And so far Trump remains above the law. It won't be settled if he pops off before the law and decency catch up to him.

documents will be what get him in the end

which is why he and his legal teams have fought so hard and so long to stymie and delay the release of his tax records and all other relevant material

AG James is doing a thorough job of shaking the document tree, getting access to more and more from broader sources previously untapped:
But all that may soon change. The greatest value of James’ investigation may not be civil charges — which, because it’s a civil case, would at most entail a financial penalty — but the documents that James’ attorneys are persistently shaking out of the Trump tree. Her office is methodically pressing the investigation’s targets — which include not only Trump and his companies but also a well-regarded national law firm, a large accounting firm and Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr. — into producing hundreds of thousands of documents that apparently haven’t been produced in other investigations.

Thus, despite no charges (yet), the attorney general’s office is doing a lot of things right. It has cross-referenced documents produced by other subpoenaed parties to show the court that Trump himself has failed to produce documents that are clearly in his possession. In contrast to the more than 900,000 documents James’ office has received so far from the Trump Organization, Trump has produced only three of his own documents.

The attorney general’s office has also kept the pressure on, negotiating an agreement with the Trump Organization to “toll,” or pause, the civil statute of limitations for eight months, giving James additional time to investigate. She has obtained voicemails from Trump’s tax attorney preserved on a real estate company’s server — a potential source of evidence often overlooked by investigators. And, pursuant to an agreement with James’ office, the Trump Organization in December hired a firm with expertise in electronic discovery, ensuring a higher quality search and production of computer records. Now that the attorney general’s office is getting these documents, it’s likely the evidence will eventually find its way into the hands of criminal prosecutors.
he was a con-artist long before he was a president... he just managed to convince enough that he was some fabulously successful from-the-ground-up-sweat-and-tears businessman when all he ever was was a snake-oil salesman, a liar, a cheat, a bully, a grifter.

No he didn't. When people were angry at the establishment, he said he was the outsider and would go to DC and be a disrupter. That's what a lot of people wanted.
Once again The CUbaNTripod gives a moronic response to a completely true post.


