

Do you really wanna know?
Jun 20, 2002
I am just looking at the general board here within the last 2-3 hours lets say and I was just thinking ...
What exactly does it take for someone to get banned?!
It's my guess that you've just seen it.

Then again, Laurel has the kind of patience that you normally only see in Biblical Characters, so it may not happen. She just may wait for him to get tired and take a couple or three more Prozac and start posting threads where he talks completely to himself. :)

One way or the other, though, I think our boy's tedious time here is nearing its end.
I think it requires knowledge of the secret handshake of the Brotherhood of the Water Buffalos.

But I could be wrong.
SweetInnocence said:
Gee how long do you wait?!
I think it is long enough...

My guess is that she's waiting until he's given himself ample rope on which to hang. There are more than one or two here who wil be more than happy to whine and pule about anything Laurel does. Were it me, I'd let this evening go just as it has then when I do bang him, I have a weighty body of crud with which to bury the Monday Morning Quarterbacks. :)
JazzManJim said:
My guess is that she's waiting until he's given himself ample rope on which to hang. There are more than one or two here who wil be more than happy to whine and pule about anything Laurel does. Were it me, I'd let this evening go just as it has then when I do bang him, I have a weighty body of crud with which to bury the Monday Morning Quarterbacks. :)


Jim, as the young lady asked at the beginning of the thread, what does it take?

I've lost track of the number of people he's threatened, even just tonight. Laurel doesn't need a reason, there isn't going to be an inquiry. Just *poof* him.

I'm finally convinced. This is ridiculous.
Problem Child said:

Jim, as the young lady asked at the beginning of the thread, what does it take?

I've lost track of the number of people he's threatened, even just tonight. Laurel doesn't need a reason, there isn't going to be an inquiry. Just *poof* him.

I'm finally convinced. This is ridiculous.

Hey, I'm with you. I would have banned him and his Thousand Personalities a long time ago. Then again, I'm not Laurel and I don't have a hundredth of her patience. Could be that she's not listening in right this moment.

My guess is that tonight's the straw that broke the kitten's back. :)

But I guarantee you here and now that I could name the four or five people who are going to complain in some way or another the second he gets banned. :D
Other personalities? I guess I don't visit here as often as I should.
And WHY would others complain!?! lol
SweetInnocence said:

And WHY would others complain!?! lol

Because they can. There are always going to be people that complain and bitch. The first thing they'll do is accuse Laurel of censorship and say she's a hypocrite for having the free speech banners.
JazzManJim said:

But I guarantee you here and now that I could name the four or five people who are going to complain in some way or another the second he gets banned. :D

Fuck them. This place is private property and Laurel can get rid of whom she wants with no explanation necessary.

Arguing over the banning of hanns as a past event must surely be preferable to this shit.
morninggirl5 said:
Because they can. There are always going to be people that complain and bitch. The first thing they'll do is accuse Laurel of censorship and say she's a hypocrite for having the free speech banners.

Np with the free speech issue - Go for it!
But being a pain in the ass!! - is another thing.
Problem Child said:
Fuck them. This place is private property and Laurel can get rid of whom she wants with no explanation necessary.

Arguing over the banning of hanns as a past event must surely be preferable to this shit.

I'm with you on that. Hell, I would have banned the whole shooting match a couple of months ago. But Laurel is dedicated to her principles and they have a different triggering mechanism than ours do.

And I am looking forward to the argument which will ensue. I'll get to sharpen my claws on a couple of old friends, I'm guessing. :)
I was against banning anyone until tonight.

I can ignore anyone, but now he's infringing on my privilege to use the board.

What's the point of coming here if you can't post and read what you want?
Problem Child said:
I was against banning anyone until tonight.

I can ignore anyone, but now he's infringing on my privilege to use the board.

What's the point of coming here if you can't post and read what you want?

Exactly. Most people aren't going to go back 5 pages to find a thread they posted 20 minutes ago.
Majority should rule on this one. I dont think many would have a problem with him being banned after the stuff he has pulled tonight. Who can actually get a word in with all the stuff he is throwing on these boards?
Problem Child said:
I was against banning anyone until tonight.

I would have banned him for his previous TOS violations.

Then again, I'm a conservative and as we all know that makes me a Fascist without the bad aim and Italian accent. ;)
JazzManJim said:
I would have banned him for his previous TOS violations.

Then again, I'm a conservative and as we all know that makes me a Fascist without the bad aim and Italian accent. ;)

Well, I wouldn't have complained if he had been banned previous to this.

On a side note, if you would like "entertainment" only slightly less obnoxious than this board tonight, there's an Anna Nicole Smith marathon on E! tonight, and it looks like she's been hitting the vicodin pretty hard.
What's the point? He'll just get a new name. It's obvious he has access to more than one computer.

Oh and Anna's cousin Shelly has class oozing out her pores. lmao.
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sunstruck said:
What's the point? He'll just get a new name. It's obvious he has access to more than one computer.

Oh and Anna's cousin Shelly has class oozing out her pores. lmao.

It's not the computer. It's the ISP addie. If hanns has the ability to "spoof" or fake IP addies then blocking that addie will do no good. I would rather know who Hanns is than having his account deleted. Yes he can open a new account and the reign of shit will start all over again. But would you rather dodge the same asshole with a new name and guess who it might actually be, or continue to dodge one?

Laurel has a tough job. I don't want it. Blocking a person with knowledge of the inner workings of the internet and basic skills of hacking is a very difficult one.
Banning Hanns is long overdue.
I doubt anyone would defend his right to stay.

The shit he pulled today was bad enough, but his threats and harrassment over the past few months was worse than this.

I can't think of one single post of his that was worth reading.
Anyone with a good knowledge of the net could get around a banning with no problem. There's no point.

Just don't let him win. Don't give him the board.