

Really Experienced
Oct 17, 2002
I am just listening to the Titans, Patriots game on Titans Radio.... dayum you guys have great accents :D
i'm a bit of an irish fan myself.

if i ever go there, i am sure i would ask every woman to speak, to marry me
4laterer said:
I hate the australian accent

they come from the british, squinting in the sun, did you know this?

I like northern (eng) accents

Ehh, some English accents are ok - I have no idea which ones or where they're from. But most I don't like much. I do like the Irish too, and Scottish.
I've spoken with quite a few from other countries.

Once I got the Irishman to slow down so I could understand him, I loved his accent. Beautiful lilt to it.

Another who is a bit of a mutt when it comes to his accent, he grew up in two different countries and speaks five languages. Very sexy.

And the English, Yum. So refined and sophisticated when they speak, especially when they say something like, "You have the sexiest giggle I've ever heard." :D
hmm so what is being said here, is that I only have to say something, and women swoon?

hmmmm *contemplates the evil* ;)
pretty_lil_stranger said:
You already knew that though, didn't you?

Does it work the same way on Aussie women? ;)
until recently, i never thought so.

Since my ex married an american as did someone else i know... i think i need to re-examine my thoughts :)
QuickDuck said:
hmm so what is being said here, is that I only have to say something, and women swoon?

hmmmm *contemplates the evil* ;)

Say something to me baby. *swoon*

Just not aqua or bouy, those make me giggle.
heh you want an accent, you ought to hear me, i've been called so many nationalities its funny
My accent only comes out when i say something that ends in Y, or a long I...sometimes it makes me self concious, but nothing i can do about it.
I used to think that I didn't have an accent, but recently people have pointed out to me that I have a very thick southern accent. I like accents, they give people character:)