A "Mommy's" rant and questions.


Literotica Guru
May 14, 2002
My blood is boiling to the point that my head is pounding.
This will be lengthy because there is just no way to shorten it.

Granted, I am a softie, and granted, she is my baby and I'm sensitive to her, but still, I just don't get it. My daughter is a mere 5 years old and is in kindergarten. She purchases her lunch at school. What I am about to say next is admittedly an assumption, but it makes sense. When my son attended her school from grades 3-6, children were able to "charge" their lunch if they forgot to bring their money and/or had none in their account, but only to a certain dollar amount (I think one days worth) and then if their bill wasn't paid, they were given a plain peanut butter sandwich and milk. Thats cool for children at that age, I have no real problem with that. But this year, on the first day of school, I completely forgot to send money for her lunch because I was beside myself emotionally that she was starting school and I also had a ton of supplies to get packed that the school asked for that were "optional", and I was very distracted and upset. My fault, but it was not a problem, she was allowed to eat what everyone else had. Then, on the second day of school, I came back to school later in the day because I realized her envelope with her lunch money was still on the kitchen table, so I took it to her. Her teacher told me not to worry about it because they allow the children to "charge" their lunch. I was very relieved and determined the difference was that these were 5 and 6 year olds and they were being a bit easier on them which makes a hell of alot of sense to me. Why penalize young kindergartners for something out of their control?
Now, the problem. Two times prior to this morning, she has informed me that she has asked for juice, and was refused the juice. Juice does not cost extra, its an either/or thing, they get milk or they get juice. (I sent 8.00 last week, her lunch is $1.35 a day.) The first time, I let it slide. The second time, one week ago, when I sent her money for the week, I attached a note asking that they PLEASE allow her to have juice when she asks for it. I received no reply, but that afternoon she told me that she indeed had juice with her lunch.
This morning when I was packing her book bag, she said "I need money" and I asked her why, and she said because they won't let her have juice. I said "but why?" and she said she didn't know, that it must be because she needs to pay more money. Her little lip started quivering and then she started crying, saying "I don't know why, Mommy...I don't know!" I asked her exactly what happened and she told me that when she reached for the juice, it was TAKEN OUT OF HER HAND and she was told "no, you can't have that". OMG. I know how my child felt as she stood there, and I tell ya, I am hurt and I am pissed and I just don't get it. These are 5 and 6 year old children! First, regardless of their reasoning, don't these bitter pills come soon enough? I have tried as much as possible to keep "money issues" away from my children, they should not have those kinds of concerns and I don't feel it is the place of the school to shove it down her 5 year old throat.
Second, she had plenty of money in her account. Third, juice does not cost extra, so what the hell? I have tried and tried to understand, but regardless of anything I come up with...even if she somehow owed money, wouldn't her lunch yesterday have been a peanut butter sandwich and milk, which it was not? Further, as I said before, I feel 5 years old is too damn young to be forcing the "money lesson" on her, or any child. It's one thing for them to reinforce the "if you forget your lunch money, you suffer" lesson on older children, but 5 year olds are not responsible for this issue. We are supposed to put the money in an envelope and place it inside their daily communication folder that the teacher collects each morning, they are not supposed to ever have money on their person. The peer pressure they already feel in kindergarten is plenty enough because she wants to be like everyone else, and to stand there in that line and have that damn juice removed from her hands as they were saying "no, you can't have any" told her plain and simple that she isn't like everyone else. And no explanation was given, she was forced to "move along and deal with it."
Fuck with me over money, not my child.
This reminds me of when she hurt her wrist at home and the next day in PE, her teacher made her sit out because they were concerned that it was sprained, and didn't want her to injure it further. So, her PE teacher pulls her aside and says "you have to sit out today" and he walks off. That child sat there in tears the entire class thinking she had been bad and was in "time out".:( She spent the remainder of the day feeling she had been punished, and never understanding "why".

To top all this off, on the way to school, some unbelievably insane isiot that apparently thinks he is *special* two cars back decides to pass the two cars ahead of him just about a mile away from school, with oncoming traffic that he proceeded to run off the road in just the nick of time. I saw what was coming as I was the second car he passed and I went off the road. THEN, the idiot, after leaving us in his dust, passes a third car, going up a damn hill, unable to see what is coming over the hill and surely he was doing 75 in a 55.:mad: Just as I guessed, he pulls into the school like a bat outta hell, flys around the circle and drops his precious cargo off, with 10 minutes to spare before the FIRST bell rings.


They're children. Our children.

I just don't get it. Any of it.
perky_baby said:
so, why haven't you gone down there?

I wrote a letter to the school and I want to see what they have to say FIRST. I also wrote down the tag number of the idiot driver, and I am calling the highway department to report him. I don't know what good it will do...but I'm doing it.
intrigued said:
I wrote a letter to the school and I want to see what they have to say FIRST.

Letters do nothing. Well the majority of the time anyway. I have been 'at war' with my daughter's school for a year and a half over several issues...and I was nice at first and sent letters. They were never responded to, and most of the time they didn't even read them.

I suggest you go up to the school...and talk to them yourself. Then if there is a repeat performance...go to the board.
perky_baby said:
so, why haven't you gone down there?

Exactly. Go talk to the people at the school in person and find out what is up with the juice issue. It doesn't sound like it is money related to me, but you won't know until you ask.
intrigued said:
I wrote a letter to the school and I want to see what they have to say FIRST. I also wrote down the tag number of the idiot driver, and I am calling the highway department to report him. I don't know what good it will do...but I'm doing it.

dude, letter schmetter.

If I had a five year old being traumatized by a cunt that wouldn't let her have juice, I'd go down there and light up her ass.

Don't fuck with my kid.
perky_baby said:
dude, letter schmetter.

If I had a five year old being traumatized by a cunt that wouldn't let her have juice, I'd go down there and light up her ass.

Don't fuck with my kid.

jadedpast said:
Letters do nothing. Well the majority of the time anyway. I have been 'at war' with my daughter's school for a year and a half over several issues...and I was nice at first and sent letters. They were never responded to, and most of the time they didn't even read them.

I suggest you go up to the school...and talk to them yourself. Then if there is a repeat performance...go to the board.

The letter is a good idea; that way she has a paper trail to document her efforts. With that, they can not say that she hasn't tried. Unless, of course, they "lose" the letter. Anyway, if you have not heard back from them within one week, call or go up there and find out why.

I don't blame you for being pissed, Intrigued. I'd be mad, also. My son's school is pretty good about it all. I'm very absentminded and it is not uncommon for me to forget when it is time to send in more money. They can charge for a couple of days, but they always either call or send a note home with him.

As for the driver, what an idiot! I'm glad you got the license number. But that driver sounds like a lot of the drivers here in SA.

I'm with the others. Skip the letter writing phase and go to the school.

My oldest is in kindergarten also, and we've never had issues with lunch money. She eats both breakfast and lunch at school, takes in a check when I remember to send one, and gets an account summary every friday. Sometimes, she's several meals in the hole on her account, and she's never been refused the meal that's on the menu. (Which includes milk, juice or chocolate milk)

On a related tangent... what are other schools serving in the way of meals? The school that my daughter attends serves breakfasts like biscuits and gravy, waffles, french toast, etc. My neice's school serves poptarts. Doesn't it seem odd that there's that much of a disparity?
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You know, you're all exactly right. I fought schools for years with my son over this same silly ass stuff, and it did little good when I did it in writing. I truly wanted things to be different with her, and I wanted to handle myself differently as well, because I know that all things from "upset Mommy's" are taken with a grain of salt.
I had hoped to calm myself down a bit and wait to see their response before I went any further, but I think I will atleast call, and then take it from there.
I'm wondering, who exactly do I ask to speak to? The principal, or her teacher? (Thats who I sent the note to.)

Thanks for your thoughts.
try the teacher first.
lol found out the hard way that teachers don't appreciate going over their head without talking to them first ;)

...Give 'em hell, pretty lady...they do not know who they're fucking with...
intrigued said:
You know, you're all exactly right. I fought schools for years with my son over this same silly ass stuff, and it did little good when I did it in writing. I truly wanted things to be different with her, and I wanted to handle myself differently as well, because I know that all things from "upset Mommy's" are taken with a grain of salt.
I had hoped to calm myself down a bit and wait to see their response before I went any further, but I think I will atleast call, and then take it from there.
I'm wondering, who exactly do I ask to speak to? The principal, or her teacher? (Thats who I sent the note to.)

Thanks for your thoughts.

you go in with her, take her by the hand and have her point out the person who refuses her juice.

Then you confront that person in front of your kid, so do it calmly but with pointed clarity, so that person knows if they don't do what your kid wants you will have their hide. If they have been instructed by someone else, then you have them go with you to that other person.

You get this right, or else your kid and you will be push overs for the rest of their scholastic career.

This is up to you, and a letter isn't going to cut it.
perky_baby said:
dude, letter schmetter.

If I had a five year old being traumatized by a cunt that wouldn't let her have juice, I'd go down there and light up her ass.

Don't fuck with my kid.

Have I told you lately how much I heart you?

These things ALWAYS need to be dealt with IN PERSON. It isn't as tho you have to go to the next state to get to the school.
I dont have kids

So I dont feel like I can offer advice. But if it was my child I would be going down there and I feel certain that one trip would suffice to get thier attention. I can be quite nasty when I need to. Hard to believe I know...
By the way, you are wonderful intrigued!:kiss: :rose:
intrigued said:
You know, you're all exactly right. I fought schools for years with my son over this same silly ass stuff, and it did little good when I did it in writing. I truly wanted things to be different with her, and I wanted to handle myself differently as well, because I know that all things from "upset Mommy's" are taken with a grain of salt.
I had hoped to calm myself down a bit and wait to see their response before I went any further, but I think I will atleast call, and then take it from there.
I'm wondering, who exactly do I ask to speak to? The principal, or her teacher? (Thats who I sent the note to.)

Thanks for your thoughts.

You should definintely be calm before you go up there. Screaming and yelling and ranting isn't going to help. But DO go up there.

First, I'd read the school handbook, and see if it says anything in there about lunch policy. Just to be on the safe side, so you don't get a "If you had only read the rules" kind of response. Then, I'd speak with the teacher, in manner that lets her know you're concerned, and need to know who to talk to. If all else fails, go to the principal/school board.

Are there any issues besides whether or not she gets juice?
I am thinking perhaps your child and my kids attend the same school system...they have the EXACT same policy here. Nobody ever goes hungry, the ones that forget their lunches can charge and/or get the peanut butter and milk,etc.

But the school system here regards juice (as well as the occasional ice cream) as "luxury items" for all grades (Kindergarten through fifth grade), and as such are cash only.

Good luck in any event!
Nothing will piss me off faster than to have someone screw around with my kid. I'm a big ole mamma bear at heart.

The last day of school, last year, my son's principal phoned me to tell me that they hadn't gotten his lunch bill payment and would be holding his report card until they did. (He forgot to bring home the bill) I asked how much was owed and almost laughed out loud when she said, Three dollars. I've volunteered at this school, my mother was a substitute teacher there for years, they know me for goodness sakes! Not to mention that amount was so minimal. She finally agreed that I could mail it in and he'd get his report card.

Probably best that you rant and get the temper pretty much over before you go talk with them. Being calm is the best way to try and handle a situation like this. I wish you all the best.
pagancowgirl said:
I'm with the others. Skip the letter writing phase and go to the school.

My oldest is in kindergarten also, and we've never had issues with lunch money. She eats both breakfast and lunch at school, takes in a check when I remember to send one, and gets an account summary every friday. Sometimes, she's several meals in the hole on her account, and she's never been refused the meal that's on the menu. (Which includes milk, juice or chocolate milk)

On a related tangent... what are other schools serving in the way of meals? The school that my daughter attends serves breakfasts like biscuits and gravy, waffles, french toast, etc. My neice's school serves poptarts. Doesn't it seem odd that there's that much of a disparity?

That is how her school does it as well, we get a letter on Friday if she owes money. Sometimes she does because she'll get ice cream, which does (from what she said) cost extra. I have no idea why. (sometimes they refuse her that, too.) With my son, a dessert was always included in the meal. And then sometimes she'll sneak into the cafeteria and get breakfast, too, after having eaten it at home, the little sneak!:D Never once has she had to have the plain peanut butter sandwich and milk, so I am at a loss.

The breakfast menu here is much the same as yours. I don't understand why they have such differing menus, but then, theres little I understand.

jadedpast, I agree. I think there is a proper chain of command to go through, and God knows, I sure don't want my child to suffer if I manage to mess up and do it all wrong.

kid...yep, once they get me to a certain point. I don't make scenes and yell or get ugly, but I do choose my words to the utmost. This stuff angers me to no end because it is senseless. Children have enough crap on them, without this.

perky...my, you are a fiesty one, but what you're saying would be extremely effective. Here again, I'm scared to put more attention on her, and make things worse for her. I'll have to think on this one.

Thanks again.
I would send that exact letter minus the part about the driving fool to the local newspaper editor.

Then I would go to the superintendant of Schools.....go right the hell over everyones head at the school.

Piss on the handbook.

Send your daughter to school everyday for the next month with a gallon of juice to share with the other kids at lunch.

Dont be too upset at the lunch line workers. You may or not be surprised at what they have to put up with on a day to day basis. Rude, sure, but cut them slack. Has anyone here ever been to the elementary school lunchroom at lunch....yikes, Id go nuts if I had to deal with that every day.

:rose: <<<<<<Intrigued...It's noy a bunch of Daisies.....but I hope it makes you smile.
His_kitty said:
Nothing will piss me off faster than to have someone screw around with my kid. I'm a big ole mamma bear at heart.

The last day of school, last year, my son's principal phoned me to tell me that they hadn't gotten his lunch bill payment and would be holding his report card until they did. (He forgot to bring home the bill) I asked how much was owed and almost laughed out loud when she said, Three dollars. I've volunteered at this school, my mother was a substitute teacher there for years, they know me for goodness sakes! Not to mention that amount was so minimal. She finally agreed that I could mail it in and he'd get his report card.

Probably best that you rant and get the temper pretty much over before you go talk with them. Being calm is the best way to try and handle a situation like this. I wish you all the best.

Thats me! I have given my time to that school and all of my son's school in the past. I would volunteer at parties, I would volunteer to read to the class, and I have sent a great many "optional" supplies to the school at my expense, and it irks me to have my child treated like this. I can't really address that with them because I made the choice to do so, and I understand that they have policies and that they need them, but I don't see where this situation falls in those policies.

Killswitch...dammit, you're gonna get me all teary eyed with those daisies.:rose: (Maybe I'll take her a bunch and set them at her table, at lunch???)
Thank you...if things don't change, that would be a very good option.
Jucie for breakfast or lunch? They don't do juice for our lunches for free it cost an additional 30 cents. It's been like this since pre-school.. but at breakfast they get both juice and milk.. I would prefer my child to getr the milk though at lunch because it is bigger than the juice.

They are also allowed to charge 2 lunch and 2 breakfast on their accounts.

Ice Cream cost an extra 50 cents because... well its a normal sized Ice Cream like you would get at the convient store.

Gatoraid can be bought for an extra 50 cents also.

Another thing.. How was she told she couldn't have it? In a really mean nasty way? Was there a reason she was told and maybe forgot? My 7 year old still forgets to tell me things she was told at school but remebers half of it. Did the person snatch it out of her hand rudely?

Get on the phone now and call them if you can't go down there.
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ThrobDownSouth said:
I am thinking perhaps your child and my kids attend the same school system...they have the EXACT same policy here. Nobody ever goes hungry, the ones that forget their lunches can charge and/or get the peanut butter and milk,etc.

But the school system here regards juice (as well as the occasional ice cream) as "luxury items" for all grades (Kindergarten through fifth grade), and as such are cash only.

Good luck in any event!
Well, I'm in the south, so that is highly likely.

Even if her school does charge extra, and I'm certain they do not, she had money in her account.:confused:

Just curious...how did you draw that line through the words in your siggie?