A booth in the middle of nowhere

I try! Don't always succeed but at least I try...Not looking forward to this week though...

Oh, and WHOOHOO!!! Chapter 4 of Gifting Night has a vote again...someone must have gone through and read it recently...

Oh, and in Dhase news...I was writing Chapter 4 a few nights ago when all of the sudden my muse let me in on the plot for the rest of the series...I ended up staring dumbly at the screen for about a minute...Well, I know there are nine chapters and Alicia and Laslie are characters in the second book of my non-erotica novels...Still dumbfounded and I'm already on to chapter 6...
deathlynx said:
I try! Don't always succeed but at least I try...Not looking forward to this week though...

Oh, and WHOOHOO!!! Chapter 4 of Gifting Night has a vote again...someone must have gone through and read it recently...

Oh, and in Dhase news...I was writing Chapter 4 a few nights ago when all of the sudden my muse let me in on the plot for the rest of the series...I ended up staring dumbly at the screen for about a minute...Well, I know there are nine chapters and Alicia and Laslie are characters in the second book of my non-erotica novels...Still dumbfounded and I'm already on to chapter 6...

It's good when your muse speaks to you.
Skip1934a said:
It's good when your muse speaks to you.
No kidding...often my muse just works through me rather than bothering to tell me what's going on ;)
deathlynx said:
No kidding...often my muse just works through me rather than bothering to tell me what's going on ;)

Well, at least she's working. :D
Mixed Blessings Ch. 3 posted today! Chapter 4 should be submitted next...I'm currently writing Chapter 7 with two more after that...

In other news, Mrs is now headed for Maine so I'll be on the computer a lot and really bored...
deathlynx said:
Mixed Blessings Ch. 3 posted today! Chapter 4 should be submitted next...I'm currently writing Chapter 7 with two more after that...

In other news, Mrs is now headed for Maine so I'll be on the computer a lot and really bored...

Loved it. Good work, DL.

What's wrong with her dad?
Skip1934a said:
Loved it. Good work, DL.
Thank you very much! I hope you continue to love the series...Ch 4 is submitted and I might speed up the submission as I'm working on 7 right now...The sereies does take a turn though...

What's wrong with her dad?
He's got surgery on Wednessday for a deteriorating spine...Not sure exactly what but I believe it's related to the agent orange...She knows better than I do...
deathlynx said:
Thank you very much! I hope you continue to love the series...Ch 4 is submitted and I might speed up the submission as I'm working on 7 right now...The sereies does take a turn though...

He's got surgery on Wednessday for a deteriorating spine...Not sure exactly what but I believe it's related to the agent orange...She knows better than I do...

I hope the surgery goes well. Tell Daisy I'm standing with her, in spirit at least.
Ok, so Chapter 4 hasn't been approved yet, but I figured that since I'm done writing Chapter 7 I might as well submit Chapter 5...Enough numbers to confuse you yet? ;)

At least this means the story will post faster for people anxious to read it (well, there is you at least Skip :eek:)
deathlynx said:
Ok, so Chapter 4 hasn't been approved yet, but I figured that since I'm done writing Chapter 7 I might as well submit Chapter 5...Enough numbers to confuse you yet? ;)

At least this means the story will post faster for people anxious to read it (well, there is you at least Skip :eek:)

I haven't seen 4 yet. Is it up?
Not so far as I know, I'm just posting them as I get a couple chapters ahead...this way they'll speed to post faster...I'm probably posting Chapter 6 tomorrow as I finished chapter 8 last night...
deathlynx said:
Not so far as I know, I'm just posting them as I get a couple chapters ahead...this way they'll speed to post faster...I'm probably posting Chapter 6 tomorrow as I finished chapter 8 last night...

Sounds good. Let me know when they're up. I don't look at new posts every day.
I need to remember to check my subs page more often...when I was in Laresa I usually found out my latest was posted from the thread rather than my own page :eek:
Chapter 6 is now officially submitted...Wow, between the three chapters of Mixed Blessings and the Virtual Reality story, this is the most number of stories I've ever had pending approval at the same time...Hopefully some will start posting soon...I'm expecting tomorrow, but we'll see...
deathlynx said:
Chapter 6 is now officially submitted...Wow, between the three chapters of Mixed Blessings and the Virtual Reality story, this is the most number of stories I've ever had pending approval at the same time...Hopefully some will start posting soon...I'm expecting tomorrow, but we'll see...

I'll be looking for the first one.
harv069 said:
Been kinda busy with R/L today. Hope I can read it tonight.
No rush...And Xeno posted as well...strange since they were submitted a day apart...
Well, I'm already a day behind on posting every other day, but I should be able to make it back up by posting Ch 8 tomorrow anyway...

On the plus side I've actually goten more written on chapter 9, even though I've had a few days off from work...Of course I'd have gotten much more done if Mrs hadn't become addicted to Guitar Heros II...man that's a hard game not to watch someone play!