A booth in the middle of nowhere


Muse Herding Lynx
Jun 28, 2006
Lynx's booth in the middle of nowhere

I spend my nights pretty much trapped in a small booth with all of 3 feet by five feet to move around in...It's all good, because I have a power outlet to plug in my computer and let the words flow...every once in a while I'll open the half door (very reminiscent of a horse's stall) and wander into the darkness to watch the stars and moon, surrounded by trees...It's a quiet place...A great place...come visit ;)
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You scored as Chains/Handcuffs. Your turn on is handcuffs and chains. You like being cuffed/chained to the bed, or cuffing/chaining your partner down. You love the pure ectasy of being in complete control... or letting someone else have complete control over you. Sex isn't sex without control.

What's Your Kinky Turn On?
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored asChains & Handcuffs.

Your turn on is handcuffs and chains. You like being cuffed/chained to the bed. You love the pure ectasy of letting someone else have complete control over you. Sex isn't sex without control.





Blind Folds


:devil: :nana: :devil:
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Well, the responce to my story Gifting Night has been so great that I've written a number of chapters for it...The Dhase will have their say! :devil:

I should be posting the first of those chapters at some point in the next few days so never fear...I'm in the booth all this week and have plenty of time to finish writing Chapter 4...However I'll only submit each chapter as the previous one posts so as to slow things down a little ;)

Thanks to everyone who really made my days with their great feedback to a story I never expected to take off...
deathlynx said:
Well, the responce to my story Gifting Night has been so great that I've written a number of chapters for it...The Dhase will have their say! :devil:

I should be posting the first of those chapters at some point in the next few days so never fear...I'm in the booth all this week and have plenty of time to finish writing Chapter 4...However I'll only submit each chapter as the previous one posts so as to slow things down a little ;)

Thanks to everyone who really made my days with their great feedback to a story I never expected to take off...

You HAVE to post an announcement when it's done!!! I've seen plenty of good, well written vampire stories in my life but what you did with yours was above awesome and I can't wait to read the other chapters you have.
deathlynx said:
Well, the responce to my story Gifting Night has been so great that I've written a number of chapters for it...The Dhase will have their say! :devil:

I should be posting the first of those chapters at some point in the next few days so never fear...I'm in the booth all this week and have plenty of time to finish writing Chapter 4...However I'll only submit each chapter as the previous one posts so as to slow things down a little ;)

Thanks to everyone who really made my days with their great feedback to a story I never expected to take off...
This is a very obscure thread, man.
What the hell?

You scored as Whips.

Your turn on is the "good ol'" whip. You either like to feel in charge during sex, or you like to feel pain. Sex isn't sex unless it's rough.

Whips 58%

Blind Folds 58%

Chains/Handcuffs 33%

Which is funny as hell since I can't bring myself to write a BDSM piece. :rolleyes:
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I wrote a BDSM farce. I probably have a lot in common with you. Authority means nothing to me. I am not interested in power games. Sex should be mutuality. Trust. A revel in one another beyond the reach of power or authority.
You scored as Chains/Handcuffs.

Your turn on is handcuffs and chains. You like being cuffed/chained to the bed, or cuffing/chaining your partner down. You love the pure ectasy of being in complete control... or letting someone else have complete control over you. Sex isn't sex without control.

Chains/Handcuffs 100%
Bondage 67%
Biting 42%
Whips 25%
Blind Folds 25%
Blood 8%


Now, cut the bs and write! I want to read the next chapter.

:mad: ;) :D
You scored as Bondage.

Your turn on is bondage... all out. You don't have a specific part of kinky sex that turns you on more than any other... everything working together turns you on. And why shouldn't it? Sex isn't sex without all the trimmings.

Bondage 58%
Whips 50%
Biting 42%
Blind Folds 33%
Chains/Handcuffs 17%
Blood 0%

I'm soooo vanilla. ;)
deathlynx said:
Well, the responce to my story Gifting Night has been so great that I've written a number of chapters for it...The Dhase will have their say! :devil:

I should be posting the first of those chapters at some point in the next few days so never fear...I'm in the booth all this week and have plenty of time to finish writing Chapter 4...However I'll only submit each chapter as the previous one posts so as to slow things down a little ;)

Thanks to everyone who really made my days with their great feedback to a story I never expected to take off...

Glad to hear it, man. Drop in over at FTF's and have some coffee.
LadyCibelle said:
You HAVE to post an announcement when it's done!!! I've seen plenty of good, well written vampire stories in my life but what you did with yours was above awesome and I can't wait to read the other chapters you have.
Never fear...I plan on submitting the first tonight after I finish checking the boards...Actually that's the biggest reason I decided to resurect this thread was as a means to let people know ;)

Skip1934a said:
Glad to hear it, man. Drop in over at FTF's and have some coffee.
Well, it's Diet Coke for my caffine fix, but I'll be sure to set the timer on the pot before I head off to work :p

cantdog said:
This is a very obscure thread, man.
Yes, yes it is...I was inspired by FtF's thread as a place to simply be myself and mention things that are going on...And I especially felt it a good place to mention stuff about my Dhase stories since there seems to be enough interest...

As for the test, I tend towards being a submissive sexually...Not really hard-core but certainly I preffer to let others drive things...And yes, I do enjoy being tied/chained up... :D
A slight *bump* and an announcement that Gifting Night Ch.2: Second Awakenings has been submitted...now it's in the hands of the arbitors! :nana:
deathlynx said:
A slight *bump* and an announcement that Gifting Night Ch.2: Second Awakenings has been submitted...now it's in the hands of the arbitors! :nana:

I'll be looking for it, my friend.
Nobody's been here today, so I'll just bump it to the top and see what happens. Hope all of you are having a great day.
*Wanders in to his minescule booth and looks around*
Hmmm, probably too small...That's why no one wanders around here...a three foot by five foot space might be great for a small orgy but what if we want to invite friends?
*begins to mumble to himself about costs and permits as he straightens up the place*

Let's just get this to the top of the list for a moment. :devil:

You doin' alright today, lynx?
Skip1934a said:
Let's just get this to the top of the list for a moment. :devil:
Which mioght mean it stays on the first page without another bump for about an hour ;)

You doin' alright today, lynx?
Pretty good...didn't sleep much as I have to go to bed early tonight...I gotta get up early for a Ren Faire I'm part of this weekend...Hmmm, can anyone picture me as a big lout of a viking enthralled by a dryad?
Never fear pictures will come ;)
deathlynx said:
*Wanders in to his minescule booth and looks around*
Hmmm, probably too small...That's why no one wanders around here...a three foot by five foot space might be great for a small orgy but what if we want to invite friends?
*begins to mumble to himself about costs and permits as he straightens up the place*

Orgy? Did I hear orgy?

Hm, I have no clue what a Ren Faire is, but I caught the word "Viking".

That's a juicy step in the right direction.

Black Tulip said:
Hm, I have no clue what a Ren Faire is, but I caught the word "Viking".
That's a juicy step in the right direction.
The viking would be me...The only genes I didn't get from my norse side involve the shiny head :p

Ren Faire is short for Rennaissance Faire...think of a small town fair with a medieval/fantasy theme...Here's a link to the one I'm going to be in...There are some pictures from last year, but hopefully there will be some for this year up within a few weeks...
Black Tulip said:
Hm, I have no clue what a Ren Faire is, but I caught the word "Viking".

That's a juicy step in the right direction.


Hello BT. Haven't talked to you in a while. Hope you're doing well. :rose:
please excuse a modest threadjacking, but I find it amusing that there are two recent threads on the AH with titles that refer to the "middle of nowhere". In 2002, my first day on the forums, I started a Personals thread entitled Playful in the middle of nowhere which tried to express the frustration wanting discrete playmates in an isolated town where everyone knows your name.

Four years later, its all the same....

......we now return you to your regularly scheduled thread....
Feel free to threadjack Sirhugs...that is kinda fun...

well, the Faire was called on account of rain today, and what with my fur bandana (to keep my head from freezing in the rain) and not being able to go shirtless (no one really needs to see that anyway) I realized I had more of a Gypsie look than Viking going on...I'll try to get pics tomorrow when there isn't so much water ;)