90 Percent of Americans Have a Lower Income Tax Rate than Romney


~Watch the Birdie~
Jan 19, 2009

At least 90 Percent of Americans Have a Lower Income Tax Rate than Romney
By: William McBride
Scott Hodge mentioned something earlier today that might seem hard to believe, especially for readers of the Washington Post: “about 96 percent of all taxpayers have a lower average tax rate than Romney”. More precisely, in 2010, somewhere between 90 and 95 percent of Americans had a lower effective income tax rate than Romney’s 13.9 percent. In 2011, somewhere between 95 and 97 percent of Americans had a lower effective income tax rate than Romney’s 15.4 percent, at least according to the latest IRS data from 2010.
Of course, not all "taxes" are the federal income tax, and I'm sure you know this.

But leaving that aside: why won't Romney tell us what he paid in 2009?