Yes, the rich really do pay their “fair share” of income taxes

No, close to 25% of those rich people got their money by inheritance.
Just curious where does that land people in the Gates sort of crew where he wasn't born RICH RICH but his dad could afford a private tutor for computer programming rich.
I live in a society which used to value and reward hard work instead of stealing from the rich to keep for themselves. A society which then blames the rich for not being more generous.

I’m not blaming the rich for not being more generous, I’m recognizing that selfishness and greed impact society.

Those who do not seek wealth over all else get priced out of many things simply because they don’t keep up with those for whom greed is their primary motivation.

Social service workers, teachers, in home care providers, stay at home mothers are losers in your world unless they have family or a supportive spouse. Society relies on these services but they don’t reward them in a way that is sustainable.

Concentrated wealth allows wealthy individuals to control resources and to push the markets above what many in society can bear - creating a need for public investment, requiring more in taxes or debt.

The the dollar has been in a state of constant long-term inflation for over 100 years. What is you explaination?

In previous threads don’t even recognize charitable works as being a good thing. 🖕
Raising taxes on "the rich" will only increase the estimated cost of the goods or services to the customer. But stupid people who follow memes instead of logic will always believe what they're told as long as what they're told has a catchy slogan like "Tax The Rich" and it's aimed at someone else instead of them.
During the 1950's the top tax rate was usually 91%. The average house cost twice the average salary. Now the average home costs about four times the average salary. In parts of the United States it costs much more.
Just curious where does that land people in the Gates sort of crew where he wasn't born RICH RICH but his dad could afford a private tutor for computer programming rich.
Bill Gates' family was rich enough to send him to private school and Harvard.
With extensive carveouts and other gimmicks to make sure that no one with money ever paid 91%

That has been cited so often out of context over the years that it has assumed the status of urban myth.
With extensive carveouts and other gimmicks to make sure that no one with money ever paid 91%

That has been cited so often out of context over the years that it has assumed the status of urban myth.
Too numerous and complex to describe here but you are exactly right. No one ever paid 91%. Some on this thread cannot grasp the difference between tax table rates and taxes actually paid.
Too numerous and complex to describe here but you are exactly right. No one ever paid 91%. Some on this thread cannot grasp the difference between tax table rates and taxes actually paid.
They have an even greater difficulty understanding that corporations only collect taxes and then pass them on to the consumer, i.e. those clamoring the loudest for higher taxes on Corporations (not to mention how it handicaps them in a global market oftentimes resorting to outsourcing the jobs of people who clamor about about "fairness" and corporate "greed.")
They have an even greater difficulty understanding that corporations only collect taxes and then pass them on to the consumer, i.e. those clamoring the loudest for higher taxes on Corporations (not to mention how it handicaps them in a global market oftentimes resorting to outsourcing the jobs of people who clamor about about "fairness" and corporate "greed.")
What makes you think I have difficulty understanding that corporations try to pass on taxes to consumers? Of course they do. They also employ perfectly legal strategies to avoid taxes altogether. These include taking advantage of numerous provisions in the tax code that incentivize tax avoidance and locating operations in more tax friendly places.
I wasn't direct my comments to you, so much as the economically illiterate amount us. I was just playing off of and reenforcing what you were saying.

Those provisions are generally put in the tax code for the benefit of the title guy, i.e., job creation which generally goes straight over the little guy's head whose economic purview is dominated by wealth envy.
I’m not blaming the rich for not being more generous, I’m recognizing that selfishness and greed impact society.

Those who do not seek wealth over all else get priced out of many things simply because they don’t keep up with those for whom greed is their primary motivation.

Social service workers, teachers, in home care providers, stay at home mothers are losers in your world unless they have family or a supportive spouse. Society relies on these services but they don’t reward them in a way that is sustainable.

Concentrated wealth allows wealthy individuals to control resources and to push the markets above what many in society can bear - creating a need for public investment, requiring more in taxes or debt.

The the dollar has been in a state of constant long-term inflation for over 100 years. What is you explaination?

In previous threads don’t even recognize charitable works as being a good thing. 🖕

Those who don't seek riches are doomed to not achieve them. Blaming the rich for that lack of desire/motivation points at the wrong source. Attempting to rob the rich to rectify a social issue brought on by those who aren't capable of creating or of desiring wealth isn't the answer/ Further the playing field isn't level BECAUSE the poor don't want it to be level. If the field was indeed level, the poor would have to get off the couch and PRODUCE something of value.

Which they refuse to do because theft is easier. It's even easier when the mob rallies behind the theft out of wealth envy and a lack of understanding on how money works.
They have an even greater difficulty understanding that corporations only collect taxes and then pass them on to the consumer, i.e. those clamoring the loudest for higher taxes on Corporations (not to mention how it handicaps them in a global market oftentimes resorting to outsourcing the jobs of people who clamor about about "fairness" and corporate "greed.")

It's not just corporations (actually all businesses) which merely collect taxes and pass them on to the gov, investment values are calculated to include a percentage of estimated taxes as part of the ROI.
No they didn't. Most of them were born at least halfway up the totem pole if not farther than that. They didn't create the wealth, the rest of us did.

Lol, someone had to make that money in the first place.
What makes you think I have difficulty understanding that corporations try to pass on taxes to consumers? Of course they do. They also employ perfectly legal strategies to avoid taxes altogether. These include taking advantage of numerous provisions in the tax code that incentivize tax avoidance and locating operations in more tax friendly places.


There are other corporate business models beside the CEO and excecs who pocket the lion’s share and pay employees as little as possible while and hiding profits overseas.

Corporations whose business model is purely greed should have the fuck taxed out of them, after all they leave the carnage of low wages, no health insurance, low investment in infrastructure, tax haven status, public expenses of environmental destruction and anything else they can get away with while claiming they are responsible by providing lower costs to consumers.

It doesn’t have to be that way and the tax code should discourage it.

Look at Costco’s business model for an example of a responsible and very competitive corporation. They provide good wages, good deals on health insurance, low prices, overtime for Sunday shifts and holiday pay, vacation pay…

Compare Costco to Walmart or Sam’s Club. :ROFLMAO: And don’t forget to compare the subsidies and public assistance needed by their respective employees.

Tax the fuck out of corporate greed while providing breaks and incentives to those who do well by their employees and who clean up their own messes. Let the taxes and incentives carry over so the customer sees a fair and real cost at the register.
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“Wealth envy” hmmm I guess that’s better than labeling us all communists

What was wrong with getting paid 100 times your lowest workers wage? What’s enough?

Granted it’s not 1 to 1! That would be pure communism

But what percentage of America pays 1 percent or more on property we don’t even own?
Don’t let those people write off that tax or even all of their income tax and don’t let them write off all the interest they pay on the property they don’t own!! That’ll be completely fair!!

But, no!

Let’s defend those who really own just about everything and then? Give them public properties to use!!

Hell! Let’s go after the government workers!! Cuz? They are obviously all communists.

Laws?? Those don’t apply to those who “run” (own) the economy ! We need more jails for the lawless!!
Don’t let those people write off that tax or even all of their income tax and don’t let them write off all the interest they pay on the property they don’t own!! That’ll be completely fair!!
I agree. The SALT cap provision of the Tax Cut and Jobs Act is great.
What is the alternative to “tax and spend”?

Actually, while the GOP literally makes a joke out of things like “infrastructure week” the Democrats are left to find ways to fund the country’s needs.

Since the GOP won’t approve any taxes to spend on the country’s needs it has to be borrowed, but even then the GOP won’t lift a finger to help pay the debt, so we go along paying interest - the same way as if you only make payments to cover interest on credit card debt.

“Tax and spend” is how it should be, but the GOP refuses.
FUNNY . . . Where are the Build Back Better Hats?

I see LOTS of these HATS.
Irony. Society doesn't reward hard work anymore - just the rich in a snowball scheme. Insert shocked pikachu face when those who aren't born into the right zip code say "fuck this".
Lol, someone had to make that money in the first place.

No, some did not.

Do you really think all the bankers who profit from fractional reserve lending ‘earn’ all of their profits?

Do you honestly believe our financial system doesn’t favor the wealthy?

Do the ‘bankers’ at the Federal Reserve ‘earn’ the full 10% of every US dollar that comes into circulation?

And those banking CEOs ruined their investors who required bailouts before going on vacation to Hawaii.

Those are some of the billionaires- some of the richest people in the world that you think are being robbed if they’re asked to pay a larger percent in taxes than school teachers do.

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A nugget of truth and wisdom for the RWCJ.

“Labor is prior to, and independent of, capital. Capital is only the fruit of labor, and could never have existed if labor had not first existed. Labor is the superior of capital, and deserves much the higher consideration”

👉 RWCJ 🤣

No, some did not.

Do you really think all the bankers who profit from fractional reserve lending ‘earn’ all of their profits?

Do you honestly believe our financial system doesn’t favor the wealthy?

Do the ‘bankers’ at the Federal Reserve ‘earn’ the full 10% of every US dollar that comes into circulation?

And those banking CEOs ruined their investors who required bailouts before going on vacation to Hawaii.

Those are some of the billionaires- some of the richest people in the world that you think are being robbed if they’re asked to pay a larger percent in taxes than school teachers do.


Why yes I do believe that they "earn" their profits. Just as the plumber "earns" his profits. So too does the gas station owner, the pizza joint owner, the used car salesman, and EVERYONE ELSE who doesn't get his income at the government trough or point of a gun.

That they make big bux while you scrounge for pennies and can barely figure out how to pay your taxes is irrelevant to the issue of whether they "earned" that money or not.