79 Bus Loads Of Illegals Delivered to DC


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Seventy-nine buses of migrants transported to Washington under Abbott-Ducey initiative​

by Anna Giaritelli, Homeland Security Reporter |
| June 15, 2022 06:00 AM

EXCLUSIVE — AUSTIN, Texas — The Republican-led states of Arizona and Texas have dispatched dozens of buses carrying migrants from border towns to Washington, D.C., state officials told the Washington Examiner.

More than 2,500 people who were released from Border Patrol custody after illegally crossing from Mexico have opted to take 79 free, state-provided buses to the nation’s capital under initiatives rolled out by governors of each state, spokespeople exclusively shared Tuesday.

"These people are wanting to go somewhere else. They’re not wanting to stay in Arizona," said Morgan Carr, spokeswoman for Gov. Doug Ducey (R-AZ). "From what we’re seeing, they’re all primarily [headed to] the East Coast."

More than 2,000 people on 65 buses have arrived in Washington since Gov. Greg Abbott (R-TX) began the operation in mid-April.

In Arizona, 14 buses carrying 523 people have departed since it began in mid-May.


They should send some to Delaware as well.
Congrats on completely solving the border "crisis".
Hopefully, we'll see gangs of begging illegals roaming the streets and knocking on doors and windows in Georgetown soon.:D
Hopefully, we'll see gangs of begging illegals roaming the streets and knocking on doors and windows in Georgetown soon.:D
I'm sure we will be a use "illegals" are all in gangs and knocking on doors and windows 👍

D.C. Mayor Complains About Being Flooded With Busses of Illegals From Arizona and Texas​

  • by: Matt Palumbo
  • July 18, 2022
District of Columbia Mayor Muriel Bowser isn't thrilled with the buses of illegal aliens being sent to her non-state from Arizona and Texas.

While she was happy to reaffirm D.C.'s status as a sanctuary city in the wake of Donald Trump's presidential victory back in 2016, her professed "tolerance" has officially been pushed to its limit by the Governors of Arizona and Texas, who have been routing bus loads of illegal aliens to the nation's capital.

On CBS' "Face the Nation" yesterday, host Margaret Brennen brought up that D.C.'s homeless shelters are now being overwhelmed by illegal aliens. In response, Bowser called the busing a "significant issue," and then, in an attempt to divert attention away from her own hypocrisy, framed her opposition to the busloads of illegals as being out of concern for their own wellbeing.

"Well, this is a very significant issue. We have for sure called on the federal government to work across state lines to prevent people from really being tricked into getting on buses. We think they’re largely asylum seekers who are going to final destinations that are not Washington, D.C. I worked with the White House to make sure that FEMA provided a grant to a local organization that is providing services to folks. I fear that they’re being tricked into nationwide bus trips when their final destinations are places all over the United States of America," Bowser said.


I guess Mayor Bowser doesn't like Illegals in her neighborhoods, she'd much rather that be happening in your neighborhood.
Washington, DC is a sanctuary city. Bus loads of illegals should be sent to other sanctuary cities. In Washington, DC the busses should dump their loads in the middle of Georgetown. That is where the rich liberals live. Rich liberals force middle class whites to pay the price for their ideals. Rich liberals should be forced to pay the total price themselves.
Washington, DC is a sanctuary city. Bus loads of illegals should be sent to other sanctuary cities. In Washington, DC the busses should dump their loads in the middle of Georgetown. That is where the rich liberals live. Rich liberals force middle class whites to pay the price for their ideals. Rich liberals should be forced to pay the total price themselves.
Absolutely, right in the middle of Georgetown, and in Biden's hometown in Delaware as well.
Who pays for all their benefits? If they all voted R, do you think they would be importing them? Sad, really, that they are so fucking desperate.
A FEMA grant will be made for the emergency situation created by Greg Abbott. That money should be subtracted from the allotment of funds for the next disaster in Texas.