Texas Is Ready To Go "Hands-On" With Illegals Invading The State


Prof Triggernometry
Feb 7, 2017

Texas Counties Say The Border Crisis Is An ‘Invasion.’ They’re Not Wrong​

JULY 06, 2022

A handful of Texas counties on Tuesday declared the ongoing border crisis an “invasion” and called on Texas Gov. Greg Abbott to do the same, citing constitutional authority for states to act in self-defense in the face of federal inaction.

Speaking in rural Kinney County, which includes a stretch of the U.S.-Mexico border, officials from Kinney, Uvalde, and Goliad counties said the Biden administration has refused to secure the border and enforce the law, and that although Abbott has done much to support local communities in south Texas most affected by the crisis, he needs to do more. Namely, he needs to follow their lead and declare an invasion.

County officials of course can’t do anything about illegal immigration on their own, but their argument is that Abbott, as governor of Texas, can. They cite Article I, Section 10, Clause 3 of the Constitution, which says that states can’t do things like conduct foreign policy or engage in war, “unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit delay.”

Those three words, “unless actually invaded,” are the crux of the argument. The idea that states have the constitutional power to act on their own to enforce immigration law and police the border has been gaining ground for some time now. Former Trump administration officials such as Russ Vought and Ken Cuccinelli, both now at the Center for Renewing America, have made a case for unilateral state action on the border.

That is, declaring an “invasion” means that state law enforcement, at the direction of the Texas governor, would directly arrest and expel to Mexico illegal immigrants in much the same manner as Border Patrol and U.S. Customs and Border Protection does now under Title 42, the pandemic health order that allows federal authorities to expel illegal immigrants with minimal processing.

More here: https://thefederalist.com/2022/07/0...order-crisis-is-an-invasion-theyre-not-wrong/

Time for Texans to push these invaders back across the border themselves.
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The moron in the White House sure isnt doing anything except deny its there. Camel Toe is ignoring, Mayorki is in full denial, someone has to act.
The level of incompetence demonstrated by the Biden administration is enormous. Everything he does benefits our enemies. I challenge anyone to come up with something, a single thing, he has done that benefits the American people.
Go for it. See how that works out.
Indeed, let's see how that works out.

Abbot doesn't want to act on that................yet, and for good reason. However it is a card that he can play Constitutionally. And that would put the ball in Biden's court. And that brings up the BIG question, "How would Biden react?"
Indeed, let's see how that works out.

Abbot doesn't want to act on that................yet, and for good reason. However it is a card that he can play Constitutionally. And that would put the ball in Biden's court. And that brings up the BIG question, "How would Biden react?"
He can play it but it will get smacked down pretty hard because it doesn't make any sense. There is no invasion.
He can play it but it will get smacked down pretty hard because it doesn't make any sense. There is no invasion.
That is a personal opinion on your part, the people intimately involved in the border crisis seem to have a differing opinion.
That is a personal opinion on your part, the people intimately involved in the border crisis seem to have a differing opinion.
But you don't know those people so your uninformed opinion of someone else's opinion is dismissed.
What do you think Biden SHOULD do about the border situation? What would YOU do?
Send an army of armed vigilantes down there to face down the invading Mexicans?

Maybe that isn't a bad idea.
Go sign up for that if you feel that strongly about it then. Grab you guns you're so proud of, and get yourself down to Texas, stand there at the border and do something constructive about it yourself. Instead of wasting all your time being a keyboard warrior tough guy.
I forget what they were called but you know Conservatives tried that under Bush right?

That is a personal opinion on your part, the people intimately involved in the border crisis seem to have a differing opinion.

They don't get an opinion though. Show me which city has been occupied. Show me which territory is being claimed by MS13 on a quasi legal basis. Remember even the fucking Taliban barely qualified as enemy combatants in the legal sense of the word. If Bush lost that fight against foriegn terrorists there is no way this should play out.

Though I should NEVER underestimate racism in this country.
What do you think Biden SHOULD do about the border situation? What would YOU do?
Send an army of armed vigilantes down there to face down the invading Mexicans?

Maybe that isn't a bad idea.
Go sign up for that if you feel that strongly about it then. Grab you guns you're so proud of, and get yourself down to Texas, stand there at the border and do something constructive about it yourself. Instead of wasting all your time being a keyboard warrior tough guy.
Oh so rational. :rolleyes:

He can certainly seal the border. What's the odds on that?
What do you think Biden SHOULD do about the border situation? What would YOU do?
Send an army of armed vigilantes down there to face down the invading Mexicans?

Maybe that isn't a bad idea.
Go sign up for that if you feel that strongly about it then. Grab you guns you're so proud of, and get yourself down to Texas, stand there at the border and do something constructive about it yourself. Instead of wasting all your time being a keyboard warrior tough guy.
Dude, I asked you. Let's see what ya got.
Off course he can. 100%? No, but enough to stop the inundation. But you and I know he's not going to do that so why bother?

A second point, it's not "Mexican's" crossing the border. Damn near every other nation is represented but not Mexico. Why not Mexico? Yet another question for you.
To be fair, I do not live anywhere near the Texas-Mexico border, so I cannot speak with any authority on the severity of what is going on down there. If I did, perhaps I might have a stronger opinion.

IS there, in fact, a large-scale incursion of heavily armed foreign nationals crossing the border, or is that merely an exaggeration created to stir up white-nationalist sentiment? Considering the original post and who created it, I am inclined to suspect the latter is the case, and most of those attempting the border crossing are in fact poor, unarmed peaceful migrants, many of them women and children.

Which is not to say that these crossings are not still illegal, and problematic, for a community that is not prepared to absorb such an influx of unskilled foreigners with little prospects for becoming self sufficient.

But if we want Biden to send the National Guard or the military to seal the Mexican border at Texas, who are we sealing it against? Armed violent paramilitary units, armed violent MS-18 drug dealers, or just poor and desperate people? Because it would look just as bad for Biden to send military units down to haul women and children off to prison camps as it did for Trump.
That IS a mouthful of nothing. Have you bothered to research the numbers? I somehow doubt it.

It really doesn't matter what you think, what Biden thinks, or anyone else for that matter. What does matter is what those most effected think.

BTW, it wasn't Trump that hauled them off to "prison camps", it was Obama.

But all this bullshit is merely avoiding the basic question, "What can Biden do if Texas decides to act?"
The numbers will only tell you how many people are crossing that border. Not their intentions. That is what I am inquiring about.

If Texans believe they are that negatively impacted by the mass border crossings, then the state of Texas should handle it, not Biden.

If the border crossings pose a threat to the rest of the country, in terms of being an armed invasion force, then of course Biden would be dutifully compelled to respond. The fact that he has done nothing, indicates that he does not see the immegrants to be a big enough threat that justifies a response. In which case I think he prefers to leave it to the state government of Texas to handle it.
Off course he can. 100%? No, but enough to stop the inundation. But you and I know he's not going to do that so why bother?

A second point, it's not "Mexican's" crossing the border. Damn near every other nation is represented but not Mexico. Why not Mexico? Yet another question for you.

Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick reveals GOP’s intent behind racist 'invasion' talk

We know, Ishtard, you drunk old racist fuck.

Texas Republican Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick’s latest attempt to gin up anti-immigrant fervor borrows from a familiar playbook.

On Tuesday, Patrick appeared on Fox News to fearmonger over migrants who’ve been apprehended at the border. Despite border apprehensions being a sign that U.S. immigration enforcement is working — at least on some level — Patrick used data on apprehensions to suggest America is facing an “invasion.” He then used that exaggerated, wartime language to justify violence against immigrants (in his words, “putting hands on people”) and compares migrants seeking refuge and a better life in the United States to Pearl Harbor, one of the deadliest terrorist attacks in the nation’s history.

Listen to his lunacy here:

Off course he can. 100%? No, but enough to stop the inundation. But you and I know he's not going to do that so why bother?

A second point, it's not "Mexican's" crossing the border. Damn near every other nation is represented but not Mexico. Why not Mexico? Yet another question for you.
Most of those Mexicans wishing to leave Mexico are probably already here. Most of those coming across now are from Central America and 160 other countries. It is an invasion designed to disenfranchise the American voting majority.
Long after the fall of the USA, Mejico will eventually retake Tejas. They may want a wall to keep illegals out.
Most of those Mexicans wishing to leave Mexico are probably already here. Most of those coming across now are from Central America and 160 other countries. It is an invasion designed to disenfranchise the American voting majority.
Biden won both the electoral and popular vote and your retarded theory is that Biden is importing illegals to disenfranchise the Patriots who voted for him.

I honestly hate how stupid you are.