Governor Abbott to bus illegals to DC


Literotica Guru
Mar 23, 2019
Greg Abbott to bus illegals to DC, fed up with Biden's open border policy. About time!! Up to 900 charter buses may be available with instructions to drop them off at the Capitol building. I hope he sends a bunch to the White House and also share the wealth with Delaware.
Greg Abbott to bus illegals to DC, fed up with Biden's open border policy. About time!! Up to 900 charter buses may be available with instructions to drop them off at the Capitol building. I hope he sends a bunch to the White House and also share the wealth with Delaware.


Gov. Greg Abbott says Texas will send migrants to Washington, D.C., on charter buses​

Abbott said he’s responding to the Biden administration announcement that it will lift a pandemic-era emergency health order that allowed immigration authorities to turn away migrants at the border, even those seeking asylum.

I saw Twitter trending on this one. Looks like the campaign work is paying off.
I'd rather live next door to your average Mexican immigrant than to deplorables any day of the week!
In a city the size of DC, they can probably find restaurants specializing not only in Mexican, but in Honduran or Guatemalan cuisine.
You’re right, it’s not policy, it’s a failure to enforce our immigration laws. No worry, Joe and Nancy can tend to their needs in DC.
Border laws and immigration laws are two different things.
An appropriate response. Not nearly enough buses though.
Ted Nugent and friends will supply the buses, that's not the problem.

The problem is that we don't have enough destinations...
Democrat born. Democrat bred. Libertarian led (by Democrats).
In a city the size of DC, they can probably find restaurants specializing not only in Mexican, but in Honduran or Guatemalan cuisine.
Because that's what they eat? Better pull down your hood, your racism is showing.
Their "best" friends are black.


Never LatinX or Native Americans...
Their turn is next week. Or is next week LBOUEWTEKL's turn? It's so hard to keep up anymore. Congress should pass a law that all calendar's should be printed with whose turn it is so we can plan ahead.
I just saw how John Stewart is claiming that blacks cannot get ahead in America...

We do that because their handlers on the Left are working against them,
keeping wages low and introducing cheap labor from the South
of the US to replace them in the workforce...

But John is silent on that.
I just saw how John Stewart is claiming that blacks cannot get ahead in America...

We do that because their handlers on the Left are working against them,
keeping wages low and introducing cheap labor from the South
of the US to replace them in the workforce...

But John is silent on that.
Gotta keep'em on the plantation. Where would the blacks be without white, liberal, overseer's to take care of them? The white liberal knows for a fact that blacks just can't make it on their own. :rolleyes:
You’re right, it’s not policy, it’s a failure to enforce our immigration laws. No worry, Joe and Nancy can tend to their needs in DC.
The immigration laws are being enforced which is why it's taking so long to process people through the system. I could also point out that the Republicans have only exacerbated the problem by rejecting the Biden's administration asking for more money to process people. But that's kind of common sense at this point.

It should also be mentioned that because the GOP can only shoot itself in the foot they're holding up COIVD relief measures because they're having a tantrum over immigration again.

Aren't we also still waiting for the "migrant caravan" from 3 years ago to show up by the way?