4th Republican presidential candidates debate tonight 11/10/15

Sounds like a pain in the ass.

From what I've seen Trump doesn't sidestep like HRC does....he says crazy things because it gets people riled up then gets on a soapbox about them. He uses confrontation to get people excited then toss's them a 'simple' 'reasoned' solution to the frenzy and they go wild. HRC doesn't do that....she deflects, disarms and tells us everything will be unicorn farts and rivers of chocolate if we just trust her.

And currently that's the only act that has a hope of taking HRC out, because so many are already sold on HRC's unicorn farts even though we know damn well she's full of shit and looking to pimp M'uricuhs peachy ass out the highest bidders just like all the other establishment pols. None of the others stand a fucking chance using traditional political combat methods. The Bush name is ruined, Carson is a religious nut job and Rubio is 'to young' to win especially as a conservative and the left is too scared to vote Sanders.

As it stands now I think it's going to be Trump vs Clinton.

In other words, you really aren't willing to back up your words with data. Got it. Next.
I'm beginning to think Ben Carson's autobiography should be classified as a work of fiction.
Those usual lines of bullshit are far, far better and wiser than Trump's new ones. Heck, even Marxism would be.

Pushing Marxism as the superior alternative to EVERYTHING...another shocking assessment form KO. :rolleyes:

In other words, you really aren't willing to back up your words with data. Got it. Next.

What data do you suppose I should use to back up my opinion on his appeal to those tired of the usual politician lies and double speak? :confused:

Go get some evidence that he's liked for some other reason other than his loud mouthed antics. That shit better have some quantifiable, empirical, proof too.

Right...that's what I thought, you fucking twat.
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Any time Carson is forced to give an answer to any substantive question on public policy, it reminds me of Reagan's famous drive down the Pacific Coast Highway (yes, I'm old enough to remember the 1984 campaign). There's literally not a single issue where he's persuaded me he knows what he's talking about.

And that's "fewer philosophers," Marco. Not that coming across as someone who hates book learnin' has ever hurt anyone in a Republican nominating contest.
What data do you suppose I should use to back up my opinion on his appeal to those tired of the usual politician lies and double speak? :confused:

Go get some evidence that he's liked for some other reason other than his loud mouthed antics. That shit better have some quantifiable, empirical, proof too.

Right...that's what I thought, you fucking twat.

Nice try at moving the goalposts.

Trump's popularity had nothing to do with my challenge. In response to King Orfeo's claim that HRC would kick Trump's ass in a debate, you suggested that it wouldn't happen because she never says anything of substance. So my challenge was to ask you to demonstrate that Trump would do any different and/or better on the same metric with some data: a simple count of substantive statements actually made during an actual debate by Trump. But that's too much like work.

You know, back when you and I engaged on gun control and I made the effort to understand your views and actually listen, and it seemed like you did the same, you seemed like a reasonable person. This exchange voids that completely.
I don't agree with Bot on this but his stance is that HRC is a political machine. She knows the game and everything she says has been triple vetted to piss of the lowest amount of people. She's got a few flip flops (fewer than I think she gets credit for but still) under her as well that reflect when the public has shifted it's opinion on this or that.

Trump just says what he wants and keeps saying it until the rest of us agree. The American people (some anyway) feel that politicians are professional liars and are tired of it. Trump being wrong isn't nearly as important to these people as Trump being honest. It's dangerous but that's their belief.
I don't agree with Bot on this but his stance is that HRC is a political machine. She knows the game and everything she says has been triple vetted to piss of the lowest amount of people. She's got a few flip flops (fewer than I think she gets credit for but still) under her as well that reflect when the public has shifted it's opinion on this or that.

Trump just says what he wants and keeps saying it until the rest of us agree. The American people (some anyway) feel that politicians are professional liars and are tired of it. Trump being wrong isn't nearly as important to these people as Trump being honest. It's dangerous but that's their belief.

Yeah, well, Trump's way plays well enough when he's playing to a Pub-base audience. But if he has to match it against HRC's way before an all-American audience, she's gonna hand him his gonads.
GOP candidates get a smoother ride in fourth debate

Republican presidential hopefuls John Kasich, Mike Huckabee, Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, Donald Trump, and Ben Carson in the CNBC Republican Presidential Debate, October 28, 2015 at the University of Colorado
(Carly didn't even show in the picture, that's sexist!)

So if they cut two from the prior debate which two ought do move down the Kids Show after this one?

I vote Huck and JEB as worst losers.