2014 Negro Hunting Season in Missouri

Then there is the underlying fact that blacks commit crimes far in excess of their portion of the population. For example, blacks represent ~ 4% of the US population but in 2012 they committed 54% of ALL homicides where the race of the offender was known. (And 98% of their victims were also black. Source - FBI UCR) The same racial breakdowns hold true for all violent, property, and sexual assault crimes. Given those numbers it should come as no surprise that they are going to have more encounters with law enforcement.

Along the same lines is the underlying fact that black men play major league baseball and hockey far less often than white men. This "proves" that white men are superior to black men at playing baseball and hockey.
Anecdotal data aggregation. But overall what is true is that police involved shootings of black and mentally ill are of a proportion far in excess of their representation of the population.

However taking those numbers at face value is of no use at all. How many of those shootings were truly 'righteous?'

Then there is the underlying fact that blacks commit crimes far in excess of their portion of the population. For example, blacks represent ~ 4% of the US population but in 2012 they committed 54% of ALL homicides where the race of the offender was known. (And 98% of their victims were also black. Source - FBI UCR) The same racial breakdowns hold true for all violent, property, and sexual assault crimes. Given those numbers it should come as no surprise that they are going to have more encounters with law enforcement.

The situation with the mentally ill is as a result of a series of SCOTUS decisions dating back to the late 1970's concerning suits files by the ACLU. The ability of society to remove the violent mentally ill from the streets for treatment and isolation has been severely diminished.


No need to bring inconvenient facts into the discussion. :)
Your characterization that the Bundy standoff proves that white people do not get shot.

You took apples and oranges and said they were like peas inna pod...

It's nice to be white, you get to point a gun at a cop and not be shot.
No need to bring inconvenient facts into the discussion. :)

You know blacks are 12% of the population, so that "study" may have flaws. And no matter what the rate of crime is by one group, it doesn't justify shooting an unarmed kid in the back.
You know blacks are 12% of the population, so that "study" may have flaws. And no matter what the rate of crime is by one group, it doesn't justify shooting an unarmed kid in the back.

Not to mention the original post referred to government shooting of blacks, and Ishmael, desperate to deflect, tries to shift the discussion to non-govenment shootings, which is fine by toubab.
Toobad...You're having a hard time getting on board the idea of a socially sanctioned American Negro Hunt...and that's understandable.

Ish....yes, treating the mentally ill in society instead of behind bars is an unrelated issue that gets lumped in with the data, even the anecdotal data.

I think the fact that the data is anecdotal points to the reality of the problem...no matter how you slice it, being a young black man in America is dangerous.

If it was happening elsewhere, people would be saying "genocide".

Self inflicted genocide Lance. When the outrage of the black community is turned towards the wholesale carnage taking place on their streets perpetrated by their own community members I might become motivated to become a tad more concerned about the situation. But as things stand today I see their outrage as a case of mass delusion and denial. An outpouring of outrage focused on a problem that is an understandable consequence of the real problem that they studiously seem to be ignoring.

You know blacks are 12% of the population, so that "study" may have flaws. And no matter what the rate of crime is by one group, it doesn't justify shooting an unarmed kid in the back.

They are approx. 14%, the 4% was a typo that I have since corrected.

You know blacks are 12% of the population, so that "study" may have flaws. And no matter what the rate of crime is by one group, it doesn't justify shooting an unarmed kid in the back.

Every year well over 90% of blacks killed in the US are killed by other blacks. Every year. By any measure. And are you under the impression I think shooting an unarmed black kid in the back is justified? I see no way you could be.
Self inflicted genocide Lance. When the outrage of the black community is turned towards the wholesale carnage taking place on their streets perpetrated by their own community members I might become motivated to become a tad more concerned about the situation. But as things stand today I see their outrage as a case of mass delusion and denial. An outpouring of outrage focused on a problem that is an understandable consequence of the real problem that they studiously seem to be ignoring.


There he goes again, folks. The White folks in Murica can enjoy their rugged bootstrappy individualism, but them Coloreds are all responsible for the actions of each other.
Self inflicted genocide Lance. When the outrage of the black community is turned towards the wholesale carnage taking place on their streets perpetrated by their own community members I might become motivated to become a tad more concerned about the situation. But as things stand today I see their outrage as a case of mass delusion and denial. An outpouring of outrage focused on a problem that is an understandable consequence of the real problem that they studiously seem to be ignoring.


It must be pointed out that this is shared with a lot of white people too as this thread bears witness...


Can I get a witness?
Not to mention the original post referred to government shooting of blacks, and Ishmael, desperate to deflect, tries to shift the discussion to non-govenment shootings, which is fine by toubab.

Government shoots more whites than blacks, by any measure. Facts are facts. If you want to get into why more than 14% of those shot by government are black, that's another discussion.
It must be pointed out that this is shared with a lot of white people too as this thread bears witness...


Can I get a witness?

A lot of white people are stupid and/or ignorant about a lot things, including this. A lot.
Government shoots more whites than blacks, by any measure. Facts are facts. If you want to get into why more than 14% of those shot by government are black, that's another discussion.

They shoot more blacks as a percentage of the American population.
A lot of white people are stupid and/or ignorant about a lot things, including this. A lot.

I think they are neither. I think they are wound up by a sense of outrage driven by altruistic drive to right the wrongs of the world in the name of Social Justice and that there is a huge segment of the ruling class dedicated to keeping them outraged by presenting them with images and language that makes them feel justified in their collective consensual purview of a nation perpetually unjust. Any push back on their need to make things right puts people immediately into the "enemy" camp and because the motives of the True Believer is pure and founded in good, the enemy must of necessity be evil, if not an outright perpetrator of injustice. I think, looking at history, that it is actually part of the human condition.

A_J's corollary #7, “To the New Age Liberal, the past is an indictment, the present is unjust, and the future will be perfect if and only if they establish the rules and cultural norms for current society.”
Every year well over 90% of blacks killed in the US are killed by other blacks. Every year. By any measure. And are you under the impression I think shooting an unarmed black kid in the back is justified? I see no way you could be.

Because I couldn't think of another reason to deflect with a red herring.

Remember, the altruist thinks in stark black and white terms and this means in all things, equal outcome.


If the outcomes are not equal, it is prejudice, pure and simple.

(And prejudice is merely a polite way of saying, "White Privilege.")

So, we see the claims that white people can point guns without getting shot, cops target black people, and there is actually a hunting season complete with cop quotas, probably to make sure more whites get promoted.

;) ;)
Because I couldn't think of another reason to deflect with a red herring.

That's no red herring. Nor is it a deflection. There is no hunting season on black men in the US. By government or by the general population of the country. The very idea is absurd.
Your hero Bundy and his nutters weren't shot.

Bundy is not my hero. The reason those people were not shot was that they had the authorities outnumbered and the administration taken off guard and terrified of setting the people in motion and creating a Western bloodbath that would kill their party in the Midterms. It wasn't suddenly coming up on a lone individual armed and displaying a weapon. This is why your comparison really sucks. If what you wanted to be true was true, then every single night in Fergeson, the cops have ample opportunity to bag their limit.

The government is not my shining knight either.

There will be no medieval magic when one turns to government to be their champion. Government is not a shining knight on a strong horse; it is a night mare.
A_J, the Stupid