2014 Negro Hunting Season in Missouri

Ishmael, your name-calling doesn't change the facts.

Read and learn that i am right:


Fuck MJ Lance.


The only "real" verifiable numbers come from the CDC of all places. And those number indicate that police shootings of blacks were roughly in proportion to their percentage of the population and WAY below their proportional numbers of felonies (the only real metric to be measured against, after all the more crimes a group commits the higher the likelihood of a deadly encounter with the police) across the population. When the commission of felonies is factored in the ratio of blacks to whites being shot by police should be 1:1. Its' not, you're full of shit.

Although the Mother Jones article is well-researched and uses multiple public reports from municipal, state and federal sources....

....I am not surprised by your response, Ishmael.

Facts have never sat well with you in any real discussion.

However, your cyber-bullying doesn't work on me.

How about the American Journal of Public Health?

"a 2002 study found that the death rate due to legal intervention was more than 3 times higher for blacks than whites in the period from 1988-1997."

In Atlanta on March 10th, a naked unarmed black Air Force Vet who was crawling on the ground and in obvious distress....was shot by police.


Another difficult week to be black in the USA:

What do Madison, WI, Aurora, CO, and Chamblee, GA have in common? They are three cities in which three unarmed black men were killed over a period of four days.

Though the details surrounding these cases remain murky, research suggests that bias may inform officers’ split-second decisions to use lethal force.

Furthermore, officers associate black faces with criminal behavior and are more likely to view African Americans as threatening.

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So Bovine Fucker wants to play "last word," fine.

You cannot be taken seriously at all.


You offer your opinions based on a deep seeded hatred of black people instead of facts, and wish to be taken seriously?

Did you even bother to read the DOJ report of what went on in Ferguson?

btw, you are skipping 1SB in that other thread, why is that? You had a lot to say before he called you out on your crap.


Two things:
1)Domestic spending is not the issue of the discussion you and I are having. Nice try at tossing in a red herring, but no.
2)You've not made any convincing case for using military force (again) as the least shitty method for dealing with the Levant & Mesopotamia.

If you want to make that case, let's start at the top:
What are the strategic objectives?
By what metric is said military action considered to be over & the military withdrawn?
Or, are you arguing for a permanent occupation?

Answer those three questions, if you please.
Hunting is hell when the Texans come to the beautiful state of Colorado and fuck up a good thing.

Same with skiing.

Same when they come to the beautiful state of New Mexico to hunt. Maybe both states should declare an open season.

Same when they come to the beautiful state of New Mexico to hunt. Maybe both states should declare an open season.


The last time I went elk hunting the Texans set up a camp below us. Camp is an understatement. Horses, 4 wheelers, and diesel pickups. They were better outfitted than most armies.

The afternoon before opening day they broke out the guns to sight them in. There was not an elk within twenty miles after all of that.
The last time I went elk hunting the Texans set up a camp below us. Camp is an understatement. Horses, 4 wheelers, and diesel pickups. They were better outfitted than most armies.

The afternoon before opening day they broke out the guns to sight them in. There was not an elk within twenty miles after all of that.

No shit. An old hunting buddy of mine an I were talking about a very similar experience just this past Wed. We were hunting on the back edge of the Valles Grande and early in the morning before shooting light I was outside the camper listening to the Elk bugle. (We had a late rut hunting date.) This crew cab P/U full of Texans pulls up to the back fence about 300 yd. off and one gets out and takes a piss..............................then fires his rifle in celebration. Of course you know what sort of a day we had after that.
