How has the internet changed over the years in your experience?


Really Really Experienced
Jun 27, 2014
On lit, or otherwise.

I bring this topic up, after realizing that my first experiences here in 2014/2015 are vastly different from coming back in 2022. I mostly didn’t use this site in between those times.

I feel like, back then, people were nicer. People talked with me more, were more open to different ideas and fetishes … or maybe it’s just me. Maybe I wasn’t so jaded back then, and maybe I was more open minded to conversing with other people.

But regardless, I know the internet’s changed. The streamlining of most social media is enough to show that. What do you miss from the old times, what do you think is better now? If you could choose one kind of internet to hang out in forever, what kind would it be?
Lit hasn't changed. I've been in and out since 2011. There are different voices, but the song remains the same. Especially on the GB. There are people I still adore, and some, I really don't care about. Most I don't care about. Ive used this site to pass time, I've made a few really close friends, but mostly, I just lurk. My friends love me, but most, probably don't know I exist. And I'm sooo cool with that.
My first internet experience was with a 28.8 kbit/s (3200 baud) modem connected to my $4,000 Apple Power Mac 7100/66 in order to very slowly check out AOL Online. The worst part was it getting disconnected any time a family member picked up the house phone to make a call. It's crazy that the internet speed on my friggin' iPhone is orders of magnitude faster.
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My first internet experience was with a 28.8 kbit/s (3200 baud) modem connected to my $4,000 Apple Power Mac 7100/66 in order to very slowly checkout AOL Online. The worst part was it getting disconnected any time a family member picked up the house phone to make a call. It's crazy that the internet speed on my friggin' iPhone is orders of magnitude faster.
AOL! Dial up! Sighs nostalgically.
Personally, I didn't use the internet in the early days even though I worked in the field of computers.
They were expensive business tools that needed a special skill set to work properly.
When I was done dealing with clients, I was done with computers and
off to hobbies and entertainments much more physical.

It wasn't until I retired that I began to 'net...
On lit, or otherwise.

I bring this topic up, after realizing that my first experiences here in 2014/2015 are vastly different from coming back in 2022. I mostly didn’t use this site in between those times.

I feel like, back then, people were nicer. People talked with me more, were more open to different ideas and fetishes … or maybe it’s just me. Maybe I wasn’t so jaded back then, and maybe I was more open minded to conversing with other people.

But regardless, I know the internet’s changed. The streamlining of most social media is enough to show that. What do you miss from the old times, what do you think is better now? If you could choose one kind of internet to hang out in forever, what kind would it be?
People weren’t nicer here in the past, but there were lots more people and more original thought.

Why someone would spend their time repeating the news and weather eludes me, so I assume they’re vacant twats.
The more time that passes...the less and less I am on it.
I worked in .Com during the years it became available to the general public and became of interest to consumer advertisers/ business.

Initially it was about enhanced communications, access to information and the potential for greater equality through the democratization of information.

That agenda was replaced by commercial interests and the use of information as a sword instead of a shield.

Consequently, I dont have much time for the internet in general anymore.
People weren’t nicer here in the past, but there were lots more people and more original thought.

Why someone would spend their time repeating the news and weather eludes me, so I assume they’re vacant twats.
Idk though, I don’t remember people warring with each other in the threads and always calling each other names and idk that’s been occurring in almost every thread I’ve looked in. I really don’t recall that, but I do recall the “more original thought” part back then :(
People weren’t nicer here in the past, but there were lots more people and more original thought.

Why someone would spend their time repeating the news and weather eludes me, so I assume they’re vacant twats.
Oh wait, you’re one of the ones who did it. 🤨 but not just you. Maybe that’s why you don’t recall a change tbh because I certainly can promise I do. =\
More paywalls, more spam, more bots responding to bots, less forums, more twitter/twatter. The rising costs of maintaining sites and the infrastructure of the internet are squeezing out, consolidating, and monetizing many sites. More bloggers started paying for their own blog sites and substacks as the free blog sites became more difficult to use, or they reduced internet activity. The megasites became heavily censored. As the internet becomes more consolidated, censored, paywalled, spammy, etc., it becomes less interesting and useful to the public.
On lit, or otherwise.

I bring this topic up, after realizing that my first experiences here in 2014/2015 are vastly different from coming back in 2022. I mostly didn’t use this site in between those times.

I feel like, back then, people were nicer. People talked with me more, were more open to different ideas and fetishes … or maybe it’s just me. Maybe I wasn’t so jaded back then, and maybe I was more open minded to conversing with other people.

But regardless, I know the internet’s changed. The streamlining of most social media is enough to show that. What do you miss from the old times, what do you think is better now? If you could choose one kind of internet to hang out in forever, what kind would it be?
I think it’s just you. Meanness has always run rampant on the GB. There was also your daily dose of drama back in the day.

People developed their own cliques and moved to social media.

Far less sharing these days, due to the village stalkers.
I think it’s just you. Meanness has always run rampant on the GB. There was also your daily dose of drama back in the day.

People developed their own cliques and moved to social media.

Far less sharing these days, due to the village stalkers.

I always liked it when husbands signed up to look for their cheating wives ….

…. And the faked LitDeaths by women to get rid of LitBoyfriends….

… and Ken catfishing Luk.

Now we have to settle for shite like The Longest “Engagement” in recorded history.
Compared to when I started using the internet (late '90's), it is orders of magnitude more pervasive now. So much so that I pretty much take it for granted. I buy things I need online instead of going into stores for example. Facebook (carefully guarded) is how I keep up with my family. Online forums including Literotica are part of my daily interactions. Medical patient portals are very helpful to me. Banking! Music! News feeds. Downloading books to read.
Wordle :rolleyes:

And erotica by the billions...

If my internet is interrupted/down for some reason, I am kind of lost.
I always liked it when husbands signed up to look for their cheating wives ….

…. And the faked LitDeaths by women to get rid of LitBoyfriends….

… and Ken catfishing Luk.

Now we have to settle for shite like The Longest “Engagement” in recorded history.
Tbh this site (back then anyway) had a real nasty amount of cheating on both ends if I remember right. It’s gross - maybe part of it is that I realize that more than ever now. Definitely does not seem like the good old fashioned monogamy is panning out well on the whole of things. Not that I mind, I gave up on the concept ages ago, but … hm. These many threads speak to the denial of it all …
I have never been caught cheating, which is more fun than not cheating and way more fun than getting caught.
I have never been caught cheating, which is more fun than not cheating and way more fun than getting caught.
How old r u? That sounds like mid-20-year-old-guy talk.

It’s gross, wait til you get older, you’ll see. I didn’t think much of that kinda shit when I was younger either, but one day you start to see that it’s not all about you, and it’s not a game, and we only get one life and choosing to lead a narcissistic shitty one just isn’t worth it in the end. You’ll learn.

Unless you’re older, in which case, lol, have you really wasted it? I guess it’s never too late to change.
How old r u? That sounds like mid-20-year-old-guy talk.

It’s gross, wait til you get older, you’ll see. I didn’t think much of that kinda shit when I was younger either, but one day you start to see that it’s not all about you, and it’s not a game, and we only get one life and choosing to lead a narcissistic shitty one just isn’t worth it in the end. You’ll learn.

Unless you’re older, in which case, lol, have you really wasted it? I guess it’s never too late to change.
Little Lance is a congenital liar. The last time he was near a woman's vagina was the day his mother dropped him in the abortion bucket.
Little Lance is a congenital liar. The last time he was near a woman's vagina was the day his mother dropped him in the abortion bucket.
Well, a genital liar. (Ha!)

Your abortion bucket retort is my fave; it’s almost retired now like Brown Sugar at a Stones concert, so I’m flattered of behalf of all the poasters you address as Lance that you dust it off for us.
I worked in .Com during the years it became available to the general public and became of interest to consumer advertisers/ business.

Initially it was about enhanced communications, access to information and the potential for greater equality through the democratization of information.

That agenda was replaced by commercial interests and the use of information as a sword instead of a shield.

Consequently, I dont have much time for the internet in general anymore.
The sword instead of the shield, great comment. I work in the auto industry and the way we manipulate your data should be criminal. Without background checks I've worked with some of the best ex cons that people disclose the world to. It's that magic curtain from Oz so watch out what's behind it. I enjoy Lit as a relatively safe site and if you don't like a post, simply go to the next. No pop up's or advertising or service contract calls.

I grew up on punch cards, 8" floppys and 17 sided disks in a Unigraphics, my first mobile phone I could call in an air strike and I sold minivans with phones in the visor, try putting that in your pocket. And the dream of a forty gig hard drive. Now if I could stop video conferencing.

pardon my rant