2014 Negro Hunting Season in Missouri

Lance, blacks being shot by police has more to do with culture than ethnicity although the culture has been PC condoned due to ethnicity...

They're all good boys.

Every last one of them.

The cops just don't look that closely, but then, they find tracking an elephant in the snow to be challenging.
Interestingly, there is no requirement in the USA to aggregate official data about police killings, so the data is gathered independently and subject to political agenda.

My thinking is the lack of data oversight is purposefully masking the race problem in the USA; your views my differ.


This past May, a study from the the Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, an anti-racist activist organization, found that police officers, security guards or self-appointed vigilantes killed at least 313 Black people in 2012 — meaning one Black person was killed in the U.S. by law enforcement roughly every 28 hours.

Not sure where you got your numbers, but it seems that most people shot by the police in the USA are either Black and/or mentally ill.


Here you go:


"Police kill white people, too"

"But you usually don't hear about it. I call this the Al Sharpton effect. There is no white version of Al Sharpton.

As the trial of the officers involved in the Sean Bell killing begins, I've been thinking more about police-involved shootings and race. Given media reports, it certainly seems like police only kill black people. But I know this isn't true.

I did a little research. According to the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reports from 2000 to 2004, police-involved “justifiable homicides” kill about 350 people a year, 99 percent by shooting. Virtually all police-involved killings, most for good reason, are categorized as justifiable. Of those killed by police, 32 percent are black and 64 percent are white. While the percentage of blacks killed is high compared with the black percentage in America (13%), it is low compared with other indicators of violence, such as the percentage of homicide victims and offenders believed to be African American (both 48%).

Perhaps it is more useful to compare police-involved shootings with those killed by non-police officers. Among “justifiable homicides” by regular citizens—about 210 a year—African-Americans are 40 percent of those who kill and 56 percent of those killed. Compared with these numbers, police seem restrained in their use of force toward the black community.

Of course the numbers do not tell us the race of innocent people killed. And numbers are no solace to the family of any victim of police bullets."
I find it interesting that cops usually shoot and kill about twice as many white men as black men in the US over a year's time, but you never have rioting and looting by white people over a white man being killed, even when the cops are clearly in the wrong, as they sometimes are.

I find it interesting that you are always wrong.
At the Bundy ranch, they pointed actual guns at the police and BLM, and no one reacted. It's good to be white.

There is a big difference between a well-armed mob and the kid who just robbed the local liquor store...


... especially when news cameras are rolling.
I find it interesting that cops usually shoot and kill about twice as many white men as black men in the US over a year's time, but <racist snip>

That's very interesting, considering blacks make up something like 12% of the population in Murica. Doin' the math here, that would tell us that a black man would be almost three times more likely than a white man to be shot to death.



That's very interesting, considering blacks make up something like 12% of the population in Murica. Doin' the math here, that would tell us that a black man would be almost three times more likely than a white man to be shot to death.

Actually, it's considerably higher than three times. Of course, well over 90% of the time the person shooting and killing the black man is also black.
Not sure where you got your numbers, but it seems that most people shot by the police in the USA are either Black and/or mentally ill.


Anecdotal data aggregation. But overall what is true is that police involved shootings of black and mentally ill are of a proportion far in excess of their representation of the population.

However taking those numbers at face value is of no use at all. How many of those shootings were truly 'righteous?'

Then there is the underlying fact that blacks commit crimes far in excess of their portion of the population. For example, blacks represent ~ 14% of the US population but in 2012 they committed 54% of ALL homicides where the race of the offender was known. (And 98% of their victims were also black. Source - FBI UCR) The same racial breakdowns hold true for all violent, property, and sexual assault crimes. Given those numbers it should come as no surprise that they are going to have more encounters with law enforcement.

The situation with the mentally ill is as a result of a series of SCOTUS decisions dating back to the late 1970's concerning suits files by the ACLU. The ability of society to remove the violent mentally ill from the streets for treatment and isolation has been severely diminished.


Edited to correct the 4% to 14%.
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Actually, it's considerably higher than three times. Of course, well over 90% of the time the person shooting and killing the black man is also black.

Toobad...You're having a hard time getting on board the idea of a socially sanctioned American Negro Hunt...and that's understandable.

Ish....yes, treating the mentally ill in society instead of behind bars is an unrelated issue that gets lumped in with the data, even the anecdotal data.

I think the fact that the data is anecdotal points to the reality of the problem...no matter how you slice it, being a young black man in America is dangerous.

If it was happening elsewhere, people would be saying "genocide".

Anecdotal data aggregation. But overall what is true is that police involved shootings of black and mentally ill are of a proportion far in excess of their representation of the population.

However taking those numbers at face value is of no use at all. How many of those shootings were truly 'righteous?'

Then there is the underlying fact that blacks commit crimes far in excess of their portion of the population. For example, blacks represent ~ 4% of the US population but in 2012 they committed 54% of ALL homicides where the race of the offender was known. (And 98% of their victims were also black. Source - FBI UCR) The same racial breakdowns hold true for all violent, property, and sexual assault crimes. Given those numbers it should come as no surprise that they are going to have more encounters with law enforcement.

The situation with the mentally ill is as a result of a series of SCOTUS decisions dating back to the late 1970's concerning suits files by the ACLU. The ability of society to remove the violent mentally ill from the streets for treatment and isolation has been severely diminished.

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You're having a hard time getting on board the idea of a socially sanctioned American Negro Hunt...and that's understandable.

They're hunting each other in great numbers and quite successfully.

You're having a hard time getting on board the idea of a socially sanctioned American Negro Hunt...and that's understandable.

I live in Missouri and I am familiar with all the hunting seasons and I know for a fact that there is no hunting season on blacks...


... not even the black bears unless they are trying to get through the front door.
You're having a hard time getting on board the idea of a socially sanctioned American Negro Hunt...and that's understandable.

Yes, I'm having a very hard time getting on board with that. Very hard. See absolutely no reason to get on board.