❓ Inquiring Minds Want To Know - Discussion Thread

#15 (Submitted)

Oral Mentality

When a PYL (Dom/Top) performs oral sex on the pyl (sub/bottom) - What is your mentality whilst doing so and how do you maintain your 'domliness/topliness'.

Conversely how the pyls think/feel when you're having something 'nice' done to you when you're the one that should be serving/submitting.

I'm REALLY low on questions and topics - PM me!!

I don't automatically associate receiving with having power and giving with submission. Performing oral sex on someone can be quite a powerful position (but doesn't have to be). I would also strongly object to the idea that D/s is all about the sub serving & pleasuring the Dom without getting anything back. I would not want to be involved with a Dom who refuses to perform oral sex on me.
#15 (Submitted)

Oral Mentality

When a PYL (Dom/Top) performs oral sex on the pyl (sub/bottom) - What is your mentality whilst doing so and how do you maintain your 'domliness/topliness'.

Conversely how the pyls think/feel when you're having something 'nice' done to you when you're the one that should be serving/submitting.

I'm REALLY low on questions and topics - PM me!!

I’ve seen subs say this. Or infer it. That they don’t feel worthy of Doms giving to them.
I think many of them are not seeing the picture. Of what the Dom gets out of it.
He’s not servicing you. He’s claiming you. He’s not submitting to you, he’s making you more his own. By loving you hard, he gains more and more of you.
I see it as the opposite.
#15 (Submitted)

Oral Mentality

When a PYL (Dom/Top) performs oral sex on the pyl (sub/bottom) - What is your mentality whilst doing so and how do you maintain your 'domliness/topliness'.

Conversely how the pyls think/feel when you're having something 'nice' done to you when you're the one that should be serving/submitting.

I'm REALLY low on questions and topics - PM me!!
Is giving oral sex inherently submissive? I’d say that for a man to receive it is an act of trust. If she has me in her mouth, I’m actually as vulnerable as any man can be.

Personally, I adore giving oral for lots of reasons. Am I submissive? Am I the one lying back and exposing her most vulnerable part for my mouth? Or am I the one who has the power to use just a tiny flick of my tongue to make her whimper? Or use my teeth - gently but making the point - that lips can be nibbled?

Now add handcuffs and a blindfold to your mental image of my partner lying back on the bed, and tell me how submissive you think I’m being.
I believe that any successful, healthy relationship involves both give and take. It can't be all one-sided with only one person's needs being met or one person's wants being met. There's got to be some back and forth, right? Also, I think that it is a very powerful thing to see what effect you have on another person - their body, mind and soul. When just the sound of his voice can make my cunt quiver. And the thought of his head between my thighs can drive me insane. There's a total lack of control there when the right person can totally turn your your mind to mush. To make all of your thoughts and feelings center around them. To have that kind of affect on someone, even if you are thousands of miles apart. That's incredibly intense and I can't imagine greater form of submission.
...and oh my... fans self
#15 (Submitted)

Oral Mentality

When a PYL (Dom/Top) performs oral sex on the pyl (sub/bottom) - What is your mentality whilst doing so and how do you maintain your 'domliness/topliness'.

Conversely how the pyls think/feel when you're having something 'nice' done to you when you're the one that should be serving/submitting.

I'm REALLY low on questions and topics - PM me!!

As far as what I should be doing, if he wants to devour me, I should be cumming, now shouldn’t I? That’s what he wants, that’s what he gets.
The Klingon delicacy is spelled “gagh”. Difficult to eat while being devoured, allowed or otherwise. Save a heavy meal like that post coitus.

I don’t do Klingon. I’m more of the Muggleish sort.
Ponyboy Frost.

#15 (Submitted)

Oral Mentality

When a PYL (Dom/Top) performs oral sex on the pyl (sub/bottom) - What is your mentality whilst doing so and how do you maintain your 'domliness/topliness'.

Conversely how the pyls think/feel when you're having something 'nice' done to you when you're the one that should be serving/submitting.

I'm REALLY low on questions and topics - PM me!!

Dogs and cats have a basic problem in their psychology. To a dog, once they flip the cat on it's back, the fight is over. They have won. The cat has submitted to their dominance. To the cat, though, the true fight has just begun. For a cat, they are at their most dangerous when they are on their back. Their front claws and teeth are dug in to hold while their back claws dig and rake at the tender, exposed belly from underneath.


For me, dominance is in the mind. 100%. And just because I am tongue lashing her clit instead of fucking her sweet throat does not mean I am any more submissive to her than when I have her laid across the bed, making her throat bulge with my cock while I slap her pussy.

The thing for me is that... well, I don't know how to say it without coming off all "badass" and "creepy vibe," but, I'm a reasonably tough son of a bitch. And if I can bench press you from a dead start, then lift you into a clean/press with your back against the wall, without ever stopping eating your pussy, then you aren't dominant to me, even if I place you over my face, the better to eat you. And since I've carried a one-eighty pound woman in a basket carry for a quarter mile... **shrug**

Also, for me, bringing my partner to orgasm, particularly when they don't think they can, is a mark of my dominance. I do understand the psychology of orgasm denial (quite well, actually), but my particular brand of Dominance, my particular belief system, is that the more, and more frequent orgasms I can wring from her, are much more of a mark of her submission to me.

And yes, consent is "A Thing" for me. Some might even say too big a thing... right up until I am sucking her clit into my mouth, teasing it with my tongue, with three fingers in her sweet pussy and two in her ass, driving her to one more orgasm than she thinks she can stand to have. After all, she consented to me touching her there, to letting me put my mouth there... She consented to the first five, six, fifteen, or however many orgasms I drove her through. It is only the last one, as she is panting for me to stop just before the last orgasm grips her body unawares and wrings the last of her nectar from her.

At which point I may fuck her, if she asks nicely, and I'm in the mood to grant her that. Or, I may put my shirt back on and walk away, for her to never see me again as I did in one circumstance. ( *shrug* She should have been honest with me that I was her private bachelor party rather than letting me find out through the grapevine she was married the next day.)

I don't know. Maybe much of it is because I have in the past desired it and she (whichever "she" was in the moment) was unwilling for whatever reason to give it to me. In some cases, she was self-conscious that she "wasn't fresh." In others,... Well, frankly, I don't remember all the reasons I have faced down over the years.

But, I think the root of it is that I see her orgasm as the badge of her surrender to me. It is, for me, her true submission to my desires, placing herself wholly under my control.

Even... or perhaps especially... when we are locked in a loving embrace with her mouth on my cock and mine on her pussy and I can drive her mind away from what she is supposed to be doing for me as her sweet, delectable nectar flows into my mouth as she quivers and shudders with my cock against her cheek, panting for breath.

My own orgasm... Well, she can see if she can earn that, if I decide her efforts are worthy of it. Otherwise, nah. I'll smile and settle her under her blankets and we can see if she is a little better next time.

And, as usual, I don't insist that my interpretation is viable for every dynamic. It's just how I see and interpret things.

Any road, however you work things, even if you think I'm full of shit and it's submissive work to orally coax an orgams (or seven) from the Dominant, then power to you. The world can always use more fucking and less fucking over.

***wandering off whistling to look for something else to Puck up***

Dogs and cats have a basic problem in their psychology. To a dog, once they flip the cat on it's back, the fight is over. They have won. The cat has submitted to their dominance. To the cat, though, the true fight has just begun. For a cat, they are at their most dangerous when they are on their back. Their front claws and teeth are dug in to hold while their back claws dig and rake at the tender, exposed belly from underneath.


For me, dominance is in the mind. 100%. And just because I am tongue lashing her clit instead of fucking her sweet throat does not mean I am any more submissive to her than when I have her laid across the bed, making her throat bulge with my cock while I slap her pussy.

The thing for me is that... well, I don't know how to say it without coming off all "badass" and "creepy vibe," but, I'm a reasonably tough son of a bitch. And if I can bench press you from a dead start, then lift you into a clean/press with your back against the wall, without ever stopping eating your pussy, then you aren't dominant to me, even if I place you over my face, the better to eat you. And since I've carried a one-eighty pound woman in a basket carry for a quarter mile... **shrug**

Also, for me, bringing my partner to orgasm, particularly when they don't think they can, is a mark of my dominance. I do understand the psychology of orgasm denial (quite well, actually), but my particular brand of Dominance, my particular belief system, is that the more, and more frequent orgasms I can wring from her, are much more of a mark of her submission to me.

And yes, consent is "A Thing" for me. Some might even say too big a thing... right up until I am sucking her clit into my mouth, teasing it with my tongue, with three fingers in her sweet pussy and two in her ass, driving her to one more orgasm than she thinks she can stand to have. After all, she consented to me touching her there, to letting me put my mouth there... She consented to the first five, six, fifteen, or however many orgasms I drove her through. It is only the last one, as she is panting for me to stop just before the last orgasm grips her body unawares and wrings the last of her nectar from her.

At which point I may fuck her, if she asks nicely, and I'm in the mood to grant her that. Or, I may put my shirt back on and walk away, for her to never see me again as I did in one circumstance. ( *shrug* She should have been honest with me that I was her private bachelor party rather than letting me find out through the grapevine she was married the next day.)

I don't know. Maybe much of it is because I have in the past desired it and she (whichever "she" was in the moment) was unwilling for whatever reason to give it to me. In some cases, she was self-conscious that she "wasn't fresh." In others,... Well, frankly, I don't remember all the reasons I have faced down over the years.

But, I think the root of it is that I see her orgasm as the badge of her surrender to me. It is, for me, her true submission to my desires, placing herself wholly under my control.

Even... or perhaps especially... when we are locked in a loving embrace with her mouth on my cock and mine on her pussy and I can drive her mind away from what she is supposed to be doing for me as her sweet, delectable nectar flows into my mouth as she quivers and shudders with my cock against her cheek, panting for breath.

My own orgasm... Well, she can see if she can earn that, if I decide her efforts are worthy of it. Otherwise, nah. I'll smile and settle her under her blankets and we can see if she is a little better next time.

And, as usual, I don't insist that my interpretation is viable for every dynamic. It's just how I see and interpret things.

Any road, however you work things, even if you think I'm full of shit and it's submissive work to orally coax an orgams (or seven) from the Dominant, then power to you. The world can always use more fucking and less fucking over.

***wandering off whistling to look for something else to Puck up***


This is fucking hot.
For me, dominance is not something that has to be expressed in every action, dominance just is. Dominance can be extremely tender and caring. Dominance is providing for your partner, which includes sexual acts. I would forward for consideration if dominance is only expressed to the sexual arena, it’s not actual dominance, it’s role-playing.

The dominant partner in a relationship has an obligation to care for the submissive partner – provide for them, protect them, and meet their needs as well as their own. The flipside of that holds true for the submissive partner as well. Sometimes we get caught up in the whole force them to do this, make them do that, which to me misses the mark, or is at best a pale imitation of the art.

I always come back to the biological alpha. In the animal kingdom the alpha is successful at all things necessary. The others submit to them because of that very fact. Combined, the pair bond or the poly bond (among pack animals) make them all more successful. Once the dominant/submissive bond is achieved, it’s not necessary to continually reinforce it in every moment, so they can and do express extreme tenderness, when that is with the moment calls for. They don’t have to be on their game every moment – only in the moments that matter. Sexually speaking, in humans, if the submissive partner in a relationship requires tenderness, needs tenderness, in any given moment, that is with the dominant partner provides.
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#15 (Submitted)

Oral Mentality

When a PYL (Dom/Top) performs oral sex on the pyl (sub/bottom) - What is your mentality whilst doing so and how do you maintain your 'domliness/topliness'.

Conversely how the pyls think/feel when you're having something 'nice' done to you when you're the one that should be serving/submitting.

I'm REALLY low on questions and topics - PM me!!

Ok, so....Maybe this is due to my lack of labels, or my being more of a masochist than a "sub" but I'm not sure why one would negate the other. If that were the case, any "pleasure" would be a bad thing if you're supposed to always be subservient?

The "topiness" (new word!) comes when you control what the person feels, when they get to cum, etc. The bit of switch I have in me fucking LOVES using oral play as control, and I always have. Seems like they like this too much, I should stop for a moment. He's sensitive? So I should lick just a little.

Being into pain or denial for me is giving up the control of WHEN I can experience pleasure. Or giving pleasure to the point of pain, and keeping going. If I think it's too much, they'll manage one more - I believe "pushing past the pain for the sake of pleasure" is what a good sadist can muster, and it's likely powerful for them.

Not sure that answers your question but...there it is.
Or giving pleasure to the point of pain, and keeping going. If I think it's too much, they'll manage one more - I believe "pushing past the pain for the sake of pleasure" is what a good sadist can muster, and it's likely powerful for them.

Powerful is an understatement. Reducing your partner to an incoherent puddle of physical, emotional, mental and sexual overstimulation is..****.

Fun is also an understatement.
Powerful is an understatement. Reducing your partner to an incoherent puddle of physical, emotional, mental and sexual overstimulation is..****.

Fun is also an understatement.

Very much this!

This can be achieved in person or through a LDR, in my opinion. But... there's this one guy I'll never forget who is very tactile, which goes very well with my sensual needs. He loved to watch making me that incoherent puddle of fun...he controlled it, he would test and tweak and adjust things to see my reaction, to hear my reaction. Just the thought of what he did is still quite powerful, and I don't think anyone has captured my mind quite like this before.
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