███████████ Mueller Investigation Results Thread ███████████



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Don't forget the Flynn "Lock her UP!" chant
Or, Ivanka and her emails
Or, Trump talking shit about how much golf Obama plays
Or, the Colorado baker that now has a gay governor
Or, Pizzagate while Manafort was forcing his wife to have gangbangs
Or, Sarah Sanders saying she wants to be remembered for transparency and honesty
Or, Mike Pence and the Evangelical church shady ass donations led to him pushing Flynn on Trump
Or, the Russian link linked to the NRA link linked to Trump and the GOP
Or, the GOP emails hacked by the Russians that weren't released for some strange reason? (leverage)
Or, how the John Edwards' thing wasn't done through a LLC and how *Melanie wouldn't notice cash paid out by Cohen but the public and gov would
*Or, how that fucking idiot doesn't know how to spell his wife's name or the word 'smoking'
Or, the time he couldn't remember how to color a US flag
Or, the time(s) he disrespected fallen veterans because of the rain
Or, his draft deferments and the bone spurs
Or, how he sent his wife to an aircraft carrier to visit troops cause he's a pussy
Or, how a prosecutor can't accuse someone (named or unnamed) of committing a crime without actual evidence of said crime
Or, that Hannity hasn't/wasn't/only for a little bit connect with Micheal Cohen
Or, ... ... didn't AMI have a vault somewhere?

That's it, I quit. I could go on and on but I'm afraid of my login timing out and I don't want to type all this shit over again. It's almost like these idiots are casting all their own insecurities onto others (projecting).

And seriously, for all you guys nut hugging so much on these fucking morons two questions.

1.) At this point, what if Trump and Fox news just says there WAS a wall built, will you believe it? It's a much more likely and cheaper option. Congress should just pass a bill stating a wall was built and name in Trump's honor, say it is Alabama and everyone can call it a win. (Damn, I should be a politician)
2.) What's your limit? Seriously, is he actually going to have to shoot someone on 5th ave before you're need to "own libs" allows you to actually realize you've been taken advantage of? You don't have to agree with everything I've said (I'd be suspect if you did [there's a little crazy thrown in for good measure, though the Manafort thing is real, look up his daughter's released tweets *shocking]) but what is your breaking point?
Don't forget the Flynn "Lock her UP!" chant
Or, Ivanka and her emails
Or, Trump talking shit about how much golf Obama plays
Or, the Colorado baker that now has a gay governor
Or, Pizzagate while Manafort was forcing his wife to have gangbangs
Or, Sarah Sanders saying she wants to be remembered for transparency and honesty
Or, Mike Pence and the Evangelical church shady ass donations led to him pushing Flynn on Trump
Or, the Russian link linked to the NRA link linked to Trump and the GOP
Or, the GOP emails hacked by the Russians that weren't released for some strange reason? (leverage)
Or, how the John Edwards' thing wasn't done through a LLC and how *Melanie wouldn't notice cash paid out by Cohen but the public and gov would
*Or, how that fucking idiot doesn't know how to spell his wife's name or the word 'smoking'
Or, the time he couldn't remember how to color a US flag
Or, the time(s) he disrespected fallen veterans because of the rain
Or, his draft deferments and the bone spurs
Or, how he sent his wife to an aircraft carrier to visit troops cause he's a pussy
Or, how a prosecutor can't accuse someone (named or unnamed) of committing a crime without actual evidence of said crime
Or, that Hannity hasn't/wasn't/only for a little bit connect with Micheal Cohen
Or, ... ... didn't AMI have a vault somewhere?

That's it, I quit. I could go on and on but I'm afraid of my login timing out and I don't want to type all this shit over again. It's almost like these idiots are casting all their own insecurities onto others (projecting).

And seriously, for all you guys nut hugging so much on these fucking morons two questions.

1.) At this point, what if Trump and Fox news just says there WAS a wall built, will you believe it? It's a much more likely and cheaper option. Congress should just pass a bill stating a wall was built and name in Trump's honor, say it is Alabama and everyone can call it a win. (Damn, I should be a politician)
2.) What's your limit? Seriously, is he actually going to have to shoot someone on 5th ave before you're need to "own libs" allows you to actually realize you've been taken advantage of? You don't have to agree with everything I've said (I'd be suspect if you did [there's a little crazy thrown in for good measure, though the Manafort thing is real, look up his daughter's released tweets *shocking]) but what is your breaking point?

Deplorables can't deal with facts right now.

It's too tender of a time for them. :D

Uh huh. Sure.

Perhaps you failed to notice the long-winded twilight zone inspired rant from the swabbie?
Nothing to see here but deflection.

Poor poor 'zumi. It must be so alarming to be right on the edge of flunking out of the Pumpkinspiced school of insults. Excuse me, school of vile insults.

You should try harder. I'm quite sure that it you just tried a little bit harder you could achieve total failure.

You know you can. Try.
Deplorables can't deal with facts right now.

It's too tender of a time for them. :D

Extremely tender time, because campaign finance violations to cover up the Genius's wandering little weenie are just the appetizer.

The main course in this legal meal will be how he also attempted to influence the outcome of the election through his Russian contacts and dealings.

Altogether, this investigation is way bigger than Watergate. There is no way the pathetic remaining Lit deplorables will admit to their denial of facts at this late stage in the most corrupt presidential administration of the past century.

These Lit deplorables have been dutifully and robotically trained to double-down with their denials at every challenge to their fantasy utopia of a world totally dominated by rich and corrupt oligarchs.
The main course in this legal meal will be how he also attempted to influence the outcome of the election through his Russian contacts and dealings.

, , , ,

These Lit deplorables have been dutifully and robotically trained to double-down with their denials at every challenge to their fantasy utopia of a world totally dominated by rich and corrupt oligarchs.

Yep, and yep. It's coming and all they can continue to do is deny/distract/deflect. Won't stop it coming, though.
Butina at the behest of the Kremlin used the NRA because they have “influence over the Republicans”.

Good times!
Poor poor 'zumi. It must be so alarming to be right on the edge of flunking out of the Pumpkinspiced school of insults. Excuse me, school of vile insults.

You should try harder. I'm quite sure that it you just tried a little bit harder you could achieve total failure.

You know you can. Try.

Nothing to see here but deflection.

Butina at the behest of the Kremlin used the NRA because they have “influence over the Republicans”.

Good times!

Well, yes, I suppose they do have influence over the Republicans. As in, the NRA holds the whip and the chair.
George Stephanopoulos sits down with Michael Cohen tomorrow morning on Good Morning America. :D
Cant forget him whining about his crowd size like it was a national emergency in front of the Gold Star wall and the entire CIA.

Throwing American Intel under the bus in Helsinki.

Don't forget the Flynn "Lock her UP!" chant
Or, Ivanka and her emails
Or, Trump talking shit about how much golf Obama plays
Or, the Colorado baker that now has a gay governor
Or, Pizzagate while Manafort was forcing his wife to have gangbangs
Or, Sarah Sanders saying she wants to be remembered for transparency and honesty
Or, Mike Pence and the Evangelical church shady ass donations led to him pushing Flynn on Trump
Or, the Russian link linked to the NRA link linked to Trump and the GOP
Or, the GOP emails hacked by the Russians that weren't released for some strange reason? (leverage)
Or, how the John Edwards' thing wasn't done through a LLC and how *Melanie wouldn't notice cash paid out by Cohen but the public and gov would
*Or, how that fucking idiot doesn't know how to spell his wife's name or the word 'smoking'
Or, the time he couldn't remember how to color a US flag
Or, the time(s) he disrespected fallen veterans because of the rain
Or, his draft deferments and the bone spurs
Or, how he sent his wife to an aircraft carrier to visit troops cause he's a pussy
Or, how a prosecutor can't accuse someone (named or unnamed) of committing a crime without actual evidence of said crime
Or, that Hannity hasn't/wasn't/only for a little bit connect with Micheal Cohen
Or, ... ... didn't AMI have a vault somewhere?

That's it, I quit. I could go on and on but I'm afraid of my login timing out and I don't want to type all this shit over again. It's almost like these idiots are casting all their own insecurities onto others (projecting).

And seriously, for all you guys nut hugging so much on these fucking morons two questions.

1.) At this point, what if Trump and Fox news just says there WAS a wall built, will you believe it? It's a much more likely and cheaper option. Congress should just pass a bill stating a wall was built and name in Trump's honor, say it is Alabama and everyone can call it a win. (Damn, I should be a politician)
2.) What's your limit? Seriously, is he actually going to have to shoot someone on 5th ave before you're need to "own libs" allows you to actually realize you've been taken advantage of? You don't have to agree with everything I've said (I'd be suspect if you did [there's a little crazy thrown in for good measure, though the Manafort thing is real, look up his daughter's released tweets *shocking]) but what is your breaking point?
yes, she was a LOBBYIST





wait:eek:she was, in SOLITARY for 4 months!

A, she is a foreign spy, and, B, lobbyists for foreign governments have to register as such and she didn't (neither did Flynn). You don't know much about government, do you?