Confused performance by Mueller raises questions about handling of investigation


Loves Spam
May 23, 2019
It took just minutes for Robert Mueller's testimony before the House Judiciary Committee to turn into a painful exercise when it became clear the 74 year-old special counsel had difficulty handling the questions posed to him about his long, complex investigation into the Trump-Russia affair.

Mueller was slow to react to questions. He frequently asked for questions to be repeated. He sometimes appeared confused. He did not appear to be conversant with some issues in the investigation. He did not, or could not, put together detailed answers even to those questions he agreed to address.

Mueller's performance raised questions that reached far beyond one appearance before one committee. It called into doubt the degree to which Mueller was in charge of the entire special counsel investigation.

If Mueller was not fully in charge, that would direct attention to the staff he assembled for the investigation — staff that President Trump has often derided as "17 angry Democrats." Some of Mueller's aides were Democratic donors, and a key aide, Andrew Weissmann, famously attended Hillary Clinton's 2016 election night event that was planned as a victory party. It seems likely that Republicans will direct new attention to them in light of Mueller's appearance.

he wasnt familiar with whats in there

thats why last night has asked to have his 2nd in command be sowrn is as well

Beating this dead horse is going to backfire on Dems.
2020 Dems: From desperate to delusional

As former special counsel Robert Mueller testified in the House about his report on Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign, Democratic presidential candidates used his report Wednesday to call for impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump.
"ah... um... i'm not gonna get into that", " ah... once again, ah... i... um... not gonna answer that" Robert Mueller is a disgrace to the FBI and a TRAITOR to the Nation.

Kubuki Theater.

If there was no reason when the report was released there's no reason to get all loaded to announce your support for impeachment after Mueller does his dramatic reading. Especially when he didn't cooperate and do the dramatic reading that they were then going to piece together the way they had envisioned it using his words out of context.
Really, in the eyes of the world, this is just further evidence of usa's descent into shithole status.
Before the conclusion of trump's second term people will be clammering to get out of the place.
This thread is an excellent example of

Mark Twain's observation...... "ignorance of one's ignorance is a malady of the ignorant."